somethimes we have dreams that r really reallistic thats because its might be owr own past life... or just some crazy dream. some ppl have dreams that r a week, a day, & a month in to the futur i had them a coulp of times.
if we can contor owr mind then we can have dreams that we might want or do stuff(like walking on water or float in the air)that some ppl can't do owr brain is a little hard to understand then the world owr brain is like a locked door and when u open that locked door u fined that there is more doors to unlock and every door u unlock u fine the true about something that u didn't know.
but what i'm geting at is that when we r alseep we r more connected to the other world.
We let life and our emotion controls us, but I say to you, do not let such things dictate your life, take control of you emotion and over your life. Realize that there are people out there who can help you. And some things that you are facing aren't really that big, and could actually be considerably small. Be Strong and Courageous for you are worthy.
Community Member
well yeah the thing you talked about having dreams where you get marks... that happed to me when i was little...i have the mark on my back still.... its like a stamp....its round and yeah its a circle outlined as a white scar...probably a pipe went through my back i dont know lol
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