random blogging again ... dont sue me. LOL but yeah anyways I had a rough night last night. I couldn't fall asleep at all and I Was really upset about alot of stuff in my life right now. I feel tired of life right now. Being 17 and cooped up in a house for two months is horrible. I Start school tomorrow which is good I miss the structure it offers to me 10 months out of the year, and the time away from home. I crave structure but if it's forced on my I hate it .... I have to chose it or I will hate it totaly. rolleyes like my step mom she likes to structure things at home but i hate it because I have no say so in the matter. but yeah that is one situation I dont want to get into because I wont stop typing for another thirty minutes. LOL I have a few new drawwings and I will post one every so offten and I have a new poem coiming up too. anyways laterz!
Oh and please dont steal my art or writing
Oh and please dont steal my art or writing