Authors Note: these terms will help people new to video games to better understand the terms that will be thrown at them.
Gamer - term used to refer to someone who plays video games
1337 SP34K (leet speak) - originally used as a means of communication between hackors this term has evolved into a type of language used between gamers during online play, usually seen by replacing letters with numbers or symbols
1337; L33T; L337 (leet)- term used to define a gamer with god-like tallent and skills
N00B (noob) - term refering to someone whos is cheap, has no respect for the honor system, and usually has no respect for fellow players as well
N3WBIE (newbie) - not to be confused with "noob" this term refers to someone who is new at the game
Rules - the guidlines set forth by the games creators that allow u to do what you can and cant do
honor system - the certain set of guidlines used by most gamers if you dont abide by these rules then u ruin the game for others the honor system usually refers to not using cheap tactics
Hacker - someone who "breaks" the boundaries of the gaming world he manipulates the game/ gameplay most likely to use in his favor most hackers dont really care about the "honor system"
glitching - exploiting an error in the games core data to do things thought to be outside of the games "rules"
cheapness/lameness - usually resortin to "noob" tactics such as glitching, hacking, camping, spawn killing, etc.
camping - staying in one spot or area over a long period of time and waiting for the enemies to come to you.
spawn killing - as your enemies respawn you attack them relentlessly without giving them time to react
teamkilling/ tking- shooting a fellow teammate. this can happen for many reasons and sometimes can get you kicked from the match
icheese231 · Sun May 22, 2005 @ 05:39am · 6 Comments |