zabuza~what is it that you wanted from kakashi? and what the hell is in that bag?
ann~he just owes me a talk. and this bag just has his books
zabuza smacked his face as she went upstairs
ann~zabuza you really need to get out more, atleast five hours
zabuza~five hours in the hot sun? and no a/c?hell no...
ann~fine, no food for you
zabuza~there's take out....
ann~i can tell them not to give you any. they know me as a great deliverer but just plain stupid with coffee and candy
ann~hehehehe...this is gonna be fun....
zabuza~something about fun?
she put away the books in her closet then went back down and made two cups of coffee
ann~i got a few hours anyway...ay zabuza coffee?
zabuza~bring it here
ann~just get your lazy a** off the bed and get over here. i'm you neice not your servant
zabuza got up grumbling. he took the first sip
zabuza~why don't you drink yours?
ann~i will. then you'll see why they don't like me with candy or coffee
while he was drinking ann took a sip of hers
five minutes later haku was back
haku~zabuza....what happened?
zabuza~don't give the brat coffee
haku~she had coffee?
zabuza~yeah she did...pounded me for five minutes for more...
haku sighed
haku~then she passed out?
zabuza~yes. and candy is the same result
haku sighed. zabuza cut ann from the net on the ceiling
haku~how'd she get there?
zabuza~tied her up, put her in the hammok, and stuck it up there
haku~oh...i hope her friends know this...
zabuza laid ann on the bed then sat back down
zabuza~so how was your day?
haku~like any other time i go out. we should get rid of the coffee...
zabuza~remind me after ann's out again. she knows we got rid of it it'll be on me
haku~why you?
zabuza~i shouldn't even asnwer that...
haku nodded and sheepishly leaned against him
haku~a little...just want to...uh...
zabuza~quit being so shy. not like i'll hurt you...
he rubbed his cheek making him blush
zabuza~yeah haku? don't forget we can thought speak. if you want me to stop ok
he took his arm from haku and stretched
zabuza~upstairs? it will be a while before ann comes to...but only if you want me to
haku nodded slightly and he picked him up
zabuza~have to stay quiet just in case
haku blushed more as he was being carried upstairs
after a few hours ann woke. she looked around for the clock
ann~crap!!! i only got ten minutes!
she ran upstairs taking off her shirt. she found zabuza ontop of haku, both belly down wihtout a blanket on their exposed bodies. ann stood there and stared at them, then went to her closet and changed. after she came out with a the blanket in her arms and laid it on top of them
zabuza~we bad ann...get it later...
ann~ok...just make sure you go out tomorrow and you can stay up here with haku
zabuza nodded as he scootched off of haku
ann~i'll be out, don't worry
zabuza~be back by lunch
she nodded and left by the window to kakashi's
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annaliesalayoshi and zabuza momochi
i'm a super fananic of naruto. i even made my own naruto character, annaliesalayoshi (or ann), and i made her zabuza's niece (that is if he ever had one). later in the story i mix it with final fantasyX
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