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Day three! ^_^
Song of the Day...Life Is Like A Boat, by Rie Fu heart heart heart heart heart
Status: biggrin
Song of the Day...Life Is Like A Boat, by Rie Fu heart heart heart heart heart
Status: biggrin
Well, today wasn't the best birthday ever, but then again what birthday is? Anyway, Buffy dropped us off again, so I didn't really have much time to talk to Sharmela or Oladoyin in the morning. So, I had the usual boring period of homeroom. I mean, 1 hour??? That's too long. And I don't have anyone to talk to in homeroom. We did get to elect class senators and grade counselors. Javier got Senator with his "Hi," speech. Sitara got 2nd, though I thought she deserved first, but I don't think anyone really cared that much since they didn't even tell us what the people who get those jobs do. And Yibin got first for Senator. Go Yibin lol. He had a pretty good speech, I put him down only cuz I didn't pay attention to the others, and I know him. xD
Anyway, after that I had free period, which of course I spent outside jsut talking with Sharmela and Oladoyin. =)
After that, I had Research Literacy. It was ok,t he usual I guess. Well, as usual as the first 3 days can get that is. xD We jsut continued on the classmate biography thing, and how to do an outline.
Next...was what I now see as my worst subjuect: MATH. Yes....I thought a math test was hard! I got like 2 multiple choice on it, and forget the rest. xP
I didn't see Linda at lunch today, so that was boring since no one else I know is in my lunch period.
Latin was kool. I like my teacher. =) And we learned a little more about grammar and pronunciation from English to Latin. I wonder if Nick thinks I'm annoying or something? For someone who claims to talk too much, he barely talks to me unless it's for the work. And he wouldn't do a British accent for me, lol. xD
Anyway, after Latin was biology. We took an assesment test there too, which I screwed up big, but whatever, even my teacher told us that it didn't matter how we did. =D I'm glad I have lab tomorrow for biology. I wanna do some dissecting, and I wanna observe bacteria and bugs. =)
After Biology, I had Gym. So I was just talking to Michelle again. =) We both went for Weight training and gymnastics for the choice of which teacher you want. So we should have Ms./Mr. Simon if we got our first choices.
And after Gym, I had History. History, for once in my entire life, is actually my favirite life, but we haven't studied anything about history yet. xD Mr. Mcmanamon is jsut my koolest teacher. ^_^
After that, I had English. I jsut finished my English hw right now too, to do an autobigraphy on myself, so the teacher can get to know the students. =) Ms. MxGuigan is my second koolest teacher. She has the second elast corniest jokes to Mr. Mcmanamon. xD And she's jsut kool in her own way. Today we jsut did a little ativity in English where we go around the room and everyone says what quality they value most and what it is to them, so that was okay. =)
And thank god for the end of 9th period. I got Michael's number, since he's rarely on AIM, and English is our only class together. Haha, then he borrowed a dollar from me. xD I'm gonna assume he'sreliable to pay me back, since he said that if I nag him whenever I see him, I'll get it back. ^_^
So then I went to the nus stop with Oladoyin and Sharmela, and we waited for Emran. If only Sharmela would take the 26 with us, but she took the 28. xP So I went home and here I am. xD
I also just got back from getting supplies for skool. Just a bunch of notebooks, and a couple of binders. And then I had my birthday pizza.
Oh I also forgot to mention, my bestest buddy came by today! And she got me a GIANT TEDDY BEAR! ^_^ I named him Pepe, with the accent mark above the last e. xD Thanx mi bestest budday!!!
Oh my mom also got me this cute journal I wanted from Barnes and Nobles where we went tog et Emran stuff 'n' stuff for his classes and whatnot.
So now I gotta go check my myspace, I got a lot of comments today. xD
