I hope no one is getting sick of all these questions razz
what would you do if...
[1] I committed suicide?
[2] I said I liked you?
[3] I kissed you?
[4] I lived next door to you?
[5] I started smoking?
[6] I stole something?
[7] I was hospitalized?
[8] I ran away from home?
[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there?
[10] I only had 1 day to live confused
[11] You won $10000.00?
[12] You lost the thing that meant the most to you?(What is it?)
[13] The world was going to blow up in the year 2008?
[14] You put on a clown wig and it got glued to your head?
[15] A litte kid started beating you up?
[16] You woke up and the whole house was pained bright pink?
[17] You had the powers to fly?
[18] You had the powers to breathe under water?
[19] You had the powers to turn invisible?
[20] You had the powers to read minds?
[21] I walked all the way to your house?
[22] I got hit by a car?
[23] You had all the chocolate you could eat?
[24] You were running and your pants fell down?
[25] I squirted you with a water gun?
[26] I shot you with a real gun?
[27] Godzilla came and attacked you?
[28] Your life was a video game?
[29] Everything you touched died?
[30] You went swimming and a big sea creature thing started coming after you?
[31] I threw a milkshake in your face?
[32] I was stalking you?
[33] Everything I ever told you was a lie?
[34] Elmo came and tried to murder you?
[35] That guy from over there came here and did that thing he does?
[36] I had 40 pieces of gum in my mouth and blew a really really really big bubble and it popped all over you?
[37] You went to jail?
[38] You got locked in a very small room and it was very dark and all you could could hear was very loud music playing the same annoying song over and over again?
[39] You could go back in time?
K.... Here comes ALOT of questions!! I'm not joking!! Oh... these were the qestions I answered a while ago in my journal... so, I had to delete all my answers to put this on here razz Sorry if I forgot to delete any of my answers. Oh and some of the questions repeat later on....
How much gold do you have now?
How much do you want?
Are you a boy or a girl?
How old are you?
Do you like Gaia?
Who told you about it?
Do you have pets?
Whats your favorite animal?
How many friends do you have?
Who is your best friend on Gaia?
If you could pick one superpower, what would it be?
Do you bump often?
How many people do you think own a Gaia account?
Yes or no? You can trust people who lied for a good cause.
Do you like school?
Why did you join Gaia Online?
Have you donated anything?
Where do you live?
Do you like pizza?
Yes or no? Love is non-existant, it's all about sex.
Which Forum do you visit most?
Do you cry often?
What's your favourite type of weather?
Do you own a house?
What do you think of the upcoming Battle System?
Did you ever take a day off just to play Gaia Online?
Who's your favourite actor/actress?
What are you looking forward to?
What kind of music do you hate?
Are you a good or an evil person?
Can you burp the alphabet?
If not, would you like to?
Yes or no? It's okay to be a nudist. .
What's your favourite donation item/Monthly collectible?
Do you have that item?
What is your avi wearing?
What do you fear most?
What's your favourite type of music?
Yes or no? You would beat someone to smithereens if s/he said bad things about you.
What's your favourite emotion?
Do you have a role model?
Do you believe in the supernatural?
Which sport(s) do you like most?
What's the first letter of your first name?
Do you have a Dream Avi?
What would you do if you saw a dead (wo)man lying on the floor?
Would you laugh at somebody if s/he was made fun of?
What are your hobbies?
What's your favourite movie?
Who's your favourite artist?
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
Which emoticon have you probably used most since you joined?
Would you want to fall from a height of 10000 feet?
Ever seen a school play?
Ever been in a school play?
Can you remember the last time you ate a cookie?
Was it today?
Did you modify your profile since you got here?
Do you like to dance?
Blizzard or thunderstorm?
Hurricane or earthquake?
Tidal wave or eruption?
Can you think of any other disasters?
Can you still feel your fingers?
How many posts have you posted since you joined?
Do you know what kawai means?
Do you like to scare others?
How about teasing others?
When was the last time you got angry with someone?
Was it about something important?
Can you pull up a pokerface?
How good of a kisser do you consider yourself to be?
Do you have any prized possesions?
Would you kill someone if they'd try to take one of those away?
If you see a deer, do you think of Christmas?
If you see yourself, do you think of yourself?
Have you ever been on tv?
Would you like to be famous?
How about being famous by committing the worst crime in human history?
Is there a tv in your eye of sight?
Do you have a big room?
Thanksgiving... What are you grateful for?
Donuts or pie?
Cheesecake or Strawberry shortcake?
Sun or the moon?
Sound or silence?
Joy or grief?
Is there anyone in your live you'll never forget?
Is that person still alive?
Can you write in newbie language?
cn u red wot m sain?
Can you talk like you're illiterate?
Imagine... You wake up, but your behind is still 'asleep', does the thought of something happening to you while you were asleep cross your mind?
What's more romantic to you, chocolate or strawberries?
Would you say sorry even if you knew you were right?
Are you hungry?
What do you think of the idea that there are hundreds of thousand of billions of microscopic little creatures running over your body right now?
Do you read comics?
Collect them?
Do you think being a millionaire is great?
Do you have long nails?
When was the last time you had a shower?
A bath?
When you laugh, are other people scared of you?
Do you look a lot like your parents?
What's your favourite snack?
Ever felt like screaming your heart out?
Does your avi have any Monthly collectible equipped right now?
Do you think avi's can only be good when they're equipped with Monthly collectibles?
Do you randomly add people as your friends you don't even know?
Would you vote a 10 in one of the Arena's if someone gave you 10g for it?
Do you think it's okay to PM someone asking for donations?
Do you like water?
How about a whirlpool?
Are you more of a hero or a villain?
Did you ever scare yourself?
Are your parents married or divorced?
For how long?
Did you ever say "I love you" to someone and actually meant it?
Have you ever said "I love you" to someone and didn't mean it?
Have you ever seen lightning?
A woman with a beard?
A pixie?
Two pixies?!
Did you seriously answer the questions above so far?
Are you greedy by the way?
Always hungry?
Are you a trouble-maker?
Are you a nice person?
Have you ever done something you didn't want to?
What do you think of the games of Gaia?
How evil can you laugh?
Did you try it out just to answer the previous question?
Did you ever get hypnotized?
You see a spider's web in the corner of the room, what do you do?
When you look more closely, the spider's web turns out to be made of a billion gaian gold, would you steal that poor spider's web?
The spider notices you glancing at HIS precious web and attacks! How big is the spider?
Are you scared?
Are you afraid of clowns?
How much time a day do you spend watching tv?
On the computer?
Are you happy with that?
Ever made someone laugh?
Can you look angry?
Do people think you're cute?
Yes or no? It's better to hurt someone than to get hurt yourself ?
Do you like carrots?
Who do you think of when I say "Eh... What's up doc?"
Are you greedy?
Would you date someone for money?
Are you a talkative person?
Do you have any scars?
Do you use hairgel?
Stuff to clean your skin?
If you got 100 billion gaian gold, would you share/donate some?
What if it was real cash?
Yes or no? You get what you give.
Have you ever licked someone's eyeball?
Given someone a lovebite?
Is there anyone you'd like to kiss?
What time is it now?
Are you an artistic person?
Are you right or left handed?
Do you prefer writing with pen or pencil?
Do you like to write?
Ever lost your keys?
Do you have a lot of shoes?
Do you like to party?
Have you ever been jealous at someone?
What's your favourite number?
Are you hungry?
Would you kill someone for food if you were?
Do you like looking up at the stars?
Imagine, you're looking up to the sky at night, you see a red dot that keeps getting bigger and bigger, what do you do?
Suddenly you hear the sound of an alarm, warning everyone in town, would you panic?
It turns out to be a false alarm, do you believe it?
Are you an uncle/aunt?
Would you like to be?
How many brothers and sisters do you have anyway?
Do you think having brothers and sisters is annoying?
Would you panic if you saw 10 people who look exactly the same?
Are you looking forward to your birthday?
Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else?
Have you ever mistaken anyone for someone else?
Do you hate someone?
Have you ever moved?
Do you clean your own room?
Are you afraid to clean your own room?
Do you like oranges?
Do you think someone who sneezes is dirty?
Ever ate squid?
Dog food?
Did you ever walk right into a door?
Would you laugh if you did it (again)?
Imagine, you were alone, upstairs in your house. It's night, suddenly, you hear a scratching sound, as if it was scratching a blackboard. What would you do?
Shortly after you hear someone walking up the stairs quite aggressively, would you go out there to face him/her or hide?
The sounds are suddenly gone and it's been silent for 5 minutes now, how would you feel?
An unexplainably strong feeling simply wants you to go downstairs... When you enter the door of the living room you hear one word echoing through the room... SURPRISE! How do you react?
Are you physically stronger than you are mentally?
Do you lose your concentration easily?
If you had a tail, would you chase it?
Are you good with children?
Have you ever been to a wedding?
Do you believe in people who can read minds, contact ghosts or any of that sort?
Tea or coffee?
Life or death?
Punch or kick?
Do you wash your own laundry?
To you, what/who's the cutest thing in the world?
Do you like laughing?
Yes or no? Crying makes you look weak and vulnerable.
Do you often find yourself understimating others?
Imagine, you heard a big bang while you were innocently reading this question, would you go check out what it was?
Regardless of whether you looked or not, the person closest to you claims it to have come from inside the house, what do you think it was?
How many push ups can you do in a row?
Did you go actually go and try out how many push ups you can do in a row to answer the question above?
Did you answer all questions honestly so far?
When was the last time you got physically hurt?
Were you yourself the cause of it?
Would you cuss if you hurt yourself?
Do you like The Simpsons?
How about Family Guy?
You have to take care of your own lunch, what's in it?
Do you eat healthy?
Did you ever have a day where everything seemed to be going wrong?
Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
What was your last halloween outfit?
Can you stay calm in a stressful situation?
Do you like going out at night?
Ever ate camel?
Coca Cola or Dr. Pepper?
Could you fall in love with someone's personality?
Do you love your family?
Cut your own hair?
Made a parent cry?
Cried over someone?
Owned more than 5 sharpies?
Dated someone more than once?
Had/Have a dog?
Smoked a cigarette?
Been in a band?
Drank 25 sodas in a day?
Broken a CD?
Shot a gun?
What is your age?
What is your gender?
What is your Location?
What is your Eye color?
Do / Did you like school?
What grade are you in?
Are you in college?
Will you be honest about this question, and ALL of the questions?
What is your favorite TV show?
Would you download porn?
Would you download music?
Would you hack someone?
Do you hack?
Do you know where you are?
Do you like The Sims or The Sims 2?
Sneakers or Sandals?
Are you a vegetarian?
Are you a healthy person?
Do you excercise often?
When did you last look at the sky?
When did you last go outside?
When did you last eat a banana?
Are you a daredevil?
Do you hate the south?
Do you hate the North?
Are you fat?
Would it be all over if you get fat?
Is it all about American Idol?
Do you like American Idol?
Do you want to kill your neighbor?
When did you last run around?
Do you cry often?
When did you last prank your neighbors?
Would you rather party, or be alone?
Are you friendly and have friends?
Or all alone and misunderstood?
Or just hate people?
Are you racist?
Do you hate the above?
Do you just lick the filling off of Oreos?
Do you dress or act certain way to fit in?
Have you ever been chased by the police?
Do you have a friend named Kelly?
Are you addicted to any drugs?
Are you addicted to caffeiene?
Do you consider yourself good looking?
When did you last eat an apple?
What color was it?
What are you doing?
Whats on your mind?
Do you watch south park?
Do you know any wEirD people?
Are you weird?
Do you have any pets?
Have you ever been to a karaoke bar?
Do you know Martial Arts?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you believe in miracles?
Would you kill someone?
Are you home alone?
Would you love someone?
Are you in love?
Is it going to work out?
Are you married?
Are you a virgin?
Do you like food?
Can you sing?
What color are the walls of the room you are in?
Is someone mad at you?
Do you ever get mad at someone often that is your friend?
Have you ever dyed your hair?
Do you highly care about what those who aren't your friend's care about you?
Do you remember the last time you had jelly beans?
Have you ever been on a game show?
Ever been on TV?
Ever been out of your house?
Ever met a celebrity?
Name someone you love.
What’s your favorite color?
what color do you hate the most?
whats your favorite quote?
do you go to school?
do you have a job?
have you ever been in a fight?
gone to a concert?
seen someone die?
cried for no reason?
scream at someone you don’t even know?
done the worm?
stayed up over 24 hours?
sing in front of crowd?
what color eyes do you have?
ever broken a bone ?
ever got a black eye?
ever hated yourself at a time?
start screaming in the middle of store?
slapped someone?
would die for someone?
have you ever kicked someone?
kissed someone in the rain?
met someone in a famous band?
have a scar?
been on the internet more than 5 hours?
do you have pets?
if so what kind?
have you ever prank call someone?
what’s the first letter of your first name?
what color is your room?
are you a boy or a girl?
Do you like Wal-Mart?
Do you have long or short hair?
How many cousins do you have?
What kind of toothpaste do you use?
Do you remember your dreams?
ever wrote a poem?
What time is it where you are?
are you a vegetarian?
Do you have a job?
What about a car?
Are your parents divorced?
Have any sibilings?
Mario or Luigi?
Did you or have you ever liked Pokemon?
Do you talk on the phone a lot with friends and family?
Are you a shy type of person?
What are you feeling?
Who are you talking to online?
On the phone?
What room of the house are you in?
Are you cold?
Do you look nice?
Are you eating anything?
Drinking anything?
Can You...
Kiss your elbow?
Touch your nose with your tongue?
Stick your fist in your mouth?
Touch your toes?
Stay up all night?
Stay up for five nights?
Draw well?
Sing well?
Write well?
Eat a box of chocolates in an hour?
Eat an entire package of Oreos in a half an hour?
Without milk?
Predict the future?
Would you Ever...
Sacrifice everything for a friend?
A lover?
Give your life for a friend?
A lover?
Sell yourself?
Lie to a friend?
Lie to a lover?
Steal from your parents?
Blow up your house?
Abuse someone?
Use someone?
Would you ever Be...
A fireman?
Serial killer?
Playboy model?
Darth Vader?
Forensic scientist?
Store clerk?
Professional wrestler?
Tennis player?
Country singer?
Pop star?
Plastic surgeon?
Tell me about your Family...
How many people live in your house?
How many brothers do you have?
Do your mom and dad live with you?
Or are they divorced?
You live on your own?
How many uncles?
How many aunts?
Do you have any second-cousins?
Were you adopted?
Were any siblings of yours adopted?
Do you live in a house?
Do you have an apartment?
Or do you live in a box?
How many rooms are in your house?
How many bathrooms?
Light switches?
Light bulbs?
Do you have a coat hanger?
Do you eat in the kitchen?
Do you have your own room?
Do you share your room with a sibling?
Is your bed twin size, king, queen, or a bunk bed?
Do you have a lot of pillows?
Do you have your own bathroom?
Have you seen these movies? (yes/no)
Ice Age.
Ice Age: The Melt Down.
The Da Vinci Code.
Mission: Impossible III.
X-Men: The Last Stand.
Inside Man.
The Pink Panther.
Scary Movie.
Scary Movie 2.
Scary Movie 3.
Scary Movie 4.
Failure to Launch.
Last Holiday.
Underworld: Evolution.
Nanny McPhee.
Curious George.
Final Destination 3.
Eight Below.
Thank You for Smoking.
The Sentinel.
Over the Hedge.
The Omen.
Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Star Wars Episode III.
The Chronicles of Narnia.
War of the Worlds.
King Kong.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Batman Begins.
Son of the Mask.
Alone in the Dark.
Are We There Yet?.
The Pacifier.
Ice Princess.
Miss Congeniality.
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
The Amityville Horror.
Kung Fu Hustle.
Sin City.
House of Wax.
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
Cinderella Man.
Herbie: Fully Loaded.
Land of the Dead.
Fantastic Four.
The Dukes of Hazzard.
The Skeleton Key.
The Exorcism of Emily.
Corpse Bride.
Cry Wolf .
Into the Blue.
The Gospel.
Two for the Money.
Saw II.
The Weather Man.
Yours, Mine and Ours.
Brokeback Mountain.
Memoirs of a Geisha.
Cheaper by the Dozen.
Cheaper by the Dozen 2.
Shrek 2.
Spider-Man 2.
The Incredibles.
The Day After Tomorrow.
Shark Tale.
Finding Nemo.
Napoleon Dynomite.
Around the World in 80 Days.
Fahrenheit 9/11.
Alien vs. Predator.
The Grudge.
The Polar Express.
Finding Neverland.
National Treasure.
Bruce Almighty.
The Last Samurai.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
Gods and Generals.
Phone Booth.
Daddy Day Care.
Pirates of the Caribbean.
Are you...
Someone who loves animals?
Someone who sits around all day?
Someone who has a cell phone?
Someone who believes everything happens for a reason?
Someone who believes in life after death?
Someone who is prejudice against races, religions, etc?
Someone who is fun!
Someone who wants to have a good time?
Do you drink Orange Juice?
Are you a sibling?
Are you the younger / older / same age?
Are you a twin?
Would you watch a horror movie?
Does your ear itch?
Does your head ache?
Are you wearing socks?
Do you have braces?
Do you wear contacts?
Do you wear glasses?
When did you last go to school?
When did you last hug someone?
Who was it?
Do you realize that at least one person loves you?
Do you love someone so much you would die for them?
What time is it?
If you looked to your left, what would you see?
When did you last write something with a pen?
Have you ever been on stage?
Are you married?
Do you ever want to get married?
Do you like the rain?
Ever streak?
Ever Skinny dip?
Do you take showers, baths, or jump in the creek?
On the weekend?
When did you last brush your teeth?
What time is it now?
Have you ever killed someone?
Are you pissed off?
When did you last cough?
When were you last sick?
When did you last listen to music?
Are you a thief, a whore, or a liar?
Day or Night?
Have you ever broken a bone?
Do you own an Ipod?
What is your parents name?
Have you ever been to Disney World / Land?
What is your favorite color?
Are / Do your parents..
Baby you?
Misunderstand you?
Judge you?
Give you everything?
Are they Married?
On good terms?
Make dinner every night?
Make you order pizza?
This or That
Pie or cake?
Pie or 3.14159...?
Chocolate or vanilla?
Ceiling or floor?
Couch or bed?
Cough or sneeze?
Wet or dry?
Under or over?
Top or bottom?
Fly or fall?
Smile or frown?
Tears of joy or tears of sorrow?
Hot or cold?
Warm or cool?
Rough or smooth?
Cat or dog?
Snake or bird?
Shark or T-Rex?
Past or present?
Science fiction or fantasy?
Dull or sharp?
Books or television?
Jump or skip?
Fast or slow?
Run or walk?
Colors or black and white?
Cute or pretty?
Good or evil?
Fruits or vegetables?
Milk or juice?
Movies or cartoons?
Pillow or blanket?
Moon or stars?
Sky or sea?
Explode or implode?
Odd Questions
Do you secretly fantasize about George W. Bush?
Do you chew on your homework?
Do you read the dictionary?
Road map?
Do you memorize random facts?
Do you stalk anyone?
Does anyone stalk you?
Do you cut the grass with a pair of scissors?
Do you dust your lawn?
Do you collect dust?
Baby teeth?
Have you ever thought of becoming a prostitute?
Do you use lotion on your feet?
Do you have problems with Canadians?
The French?
The English?
Have you ever played a kazoo?
Have you ever shot someone?
How many pairs of underwear do you own?
What ring size are you?
Belt size?
Have you ever gotten anything amputated?
Do you have a calendar from 2001 hanging in your room?
Do you eat a lot?
Do you have a strange obsession with pickles?
Bald people?
Scrawny African children?
Corny jokes?
Do you tie string to your teeth?
Do you bite yourself?
Cut yourself?
Do you get cold sores often?
Do you have a cold right now?
Do you suffer from chronic migraines?
Do you like to touch sharp objects?
Do you have a twitching problem?
Are you homicidal?
How big is the universe?
Do you fall for Internet advertisements?
Do you have AIM?
A Neopets account?
A Vampirefreaks account?
A Quizilla account?
Do you watch bugs crawl on the floor?
Do you follow the bugs that crawl on the floor?
Do you get attacked by ladybugs?
Are you scared of everything that breathes?
Doesn't breathe?
Do you have a webcam on your computer?
A scanner?
A printer?
A cordless mouse?
Does your mouse light up?
Do you wish you were a fish?
A cat?
A dog?
Do your teachers like you?
Do your parents like you?
Do your siblings like you?
Do you sleep under or over the covers?
Do you sleep in a bed?
Are you attracted to shiney things?
Do you smash guitars or any other type of instrument?
Do you label other people?
Do you wet the bed?
Do you lie a lot?
Do you forget to brush your teeth frequently?
Do you use deoderant?
Are you an alcoholic?
A druggie?
Do you drink illegally?
Do you wear underwear?
Are you a bad friend?
Are you untrustworthy?
Do you pick your nose?
Do you tell people you love them just to get want you want?
Do you have any important talents?
Do you burp often?
Are you impolite?
Do you have buck teeth?
Mental illnesses?
Are you fake?
Does your breath smell?
Do you have a strong body odor?
Do you have bad teeth?
Do you have a bull ring through your nose?
Are you overweight?
Do you have a piercing in an inappropriate spot on your body?
A tattoo?
Are you too nice for your own good?
Do you have a lot of friends?
Do you give in easily?
Are you stubborn?
Are you annoying?
Do you enjoy talking about gross, disturbing things?
Is your room messy?
Are you unique?
Are your hands clammy?
Are you short?
Are you freakishly tall?
Tell me about you...
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair length:
Have you ever dyed your hair?
What color?
Do you dye your hair frequently?
Are your fingers long and slender, short and fat, or somewhere in between?
Thin or full lips?
Thin hair, thick hair, or somewhere in between?
Happy with them?
Middle name?
Were you named after anyone?
Happy with it?
Do you have any siblings?
How old are they?
What are their names?
Do you get along with your family?
Were you ever abused by any member of your family?
Did your family ever disown any other member of your family?
Movie genre:
Book genre:
Play genre:
Brand of cereal:
Candy bar:
Computer game:
Board game:
Word game:
Clothing style:
Lol, are you alive??? You're done!!! WOOH!! Lol, I wonder who will actually answer these razz Maybe only two people razz
View User's Journal
My Journal
![]() |
Life is short
Break the rules
Forgive quickly
Kiss slowly
Love truly
Laugh uncontrollably
And never regret anything that made you smile.
Break the rules
Forgive quickly
Kiss slowly
Love truly
Laugh uncontrollably
And never regret anything that made you smile.
User Comments: [3] [add]
![]() njiokm Community Member ![]() |
Randomly Gone Insane
Community Member ![]() |
User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
[1] I committed suicide? Cry and never know the feeling of happyness again
[2] I said I liked you? As A Friend: Not really be surprised because I know you do. As A Lez: Tell you I'm straight, not lez/bi, but still talk to you because nothing would have changed
[3] I kissed you? Slap you and ask what that was for
[4] I lived next door to you? Feel like a total idiot for not noticing, then come over and annoy EVERY day
[5] I started smoking? Slap you so ******** silly you'd go in a coma
[6] I stole something? Slap you and tell you it was wrong and to put it back
[7] I was hospitalized? Sit by your bed every second of every minute of every day
[8] I ran away from home? Cry and pray that you're alright until you come home
[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there? Pop out of no where and kick that mother ******** a** for fighting you
[10] I only had 1 day to live confused Give you the best day of your life
[11] You won $10000.00? Give it to John so he could see you (but I'd buy a webcam first and new computer, then give him the money)
[12] You lost the thing that meant the most to you?(What is it?) (all of my friends) "Happy" would be just another word to me...
[13] The world was going to blow up in the year 2008? Do everything I ever wanted to do
[14] You put on a clown wig and it got glued to your head? Shave it off
[15] A litte kid started beating you up? Slap his mother ******** a** until he stopped
[16] You woke up and the whole house was painted bright pink? Scream until I woke up from the living nightmare
[17] You had the powers to fly? I'd fly over to John, pick him up, fly over to you, and then hang out with you FOREVER
[18] You had the powers to breathe under water? Go swimming a lot more
[19] You had the powers to turn invisible? *hides in the boys locker room* -giggle-
[20] You had the powers to read minds? *reads your mind* Why are you imaging John naked O.o
[21] I walked all the way to your house? Scream like a little girl and muggle you so hard (like I do with all my friends) your poor little ribs might break
[22] I got hit by a car? Cry and pray for my dear life that you'll pull through
[23] You had all the chocolate you could eat? I'd so ******** spaz out *twitchs*
[24] You were running and your pants fell down? Say "Um.. Uh.. Nothing to see here.." pull them up, and run away while holding them up
[25] I squirted you with a water gun? Steal it and squirt you back while screaming "Run b***h, run!!!"
[26] I shot you with a real gun? Cry to my self and whisper to you "Why..."
[27] Godzilla came and attacked you? ******** shot his godzilla a**
[28] Your life was a video game? Be the best player in the entire game LOL
[29] Everything you touched died? Lock my self in the closet until I died
[30] You went swimming and a big sea creature thing started coming after you? Scream like a little girl and swim for my life (maybe ride on it's back to safety XD)
[31] I threw a milkshake in your face? Eat it
[32] I was stalking you? Hahaha, little do you know it is I who's stalking you!
[33] Everything I ever told you was a lie? I don't know... I'd rather not think about that... I've put so much trust and faith in to you I'd...
[34] Elmo came and tried to murder you? ******** shot his little mother ******** red a**
[35] That guy from over there came here and did that thing he does? Huh?
[36] I had 40 pieces of gum in my mouth and blew a really really really big bubble and it popped all over you? Laugh my ******** a** off until I died
[37] You went to jail? Sit there next to you saying "Damn... We screwed up... But that was ******** fun, eh?"
[38] You got locked in a very small room and it was very dark and all you could could hear was very loud music playing the same annoying song over and over again? Scream and cry for help until the day I got out (or died)
[39] You could go back in time? Fix all my mistakes
K.... Here comes ALOT of questions!! I'm not joking!! Oh... these were the qestions I answered a while ago in my journal... so, I had to delete all my answers to put this on here razz Sorry if I forgot to delete any of my answers. Oh and some of the questions repeat later on....
How much gold do you have now? I don't know
How much do you want? I don't know
Are you a boy or a girl? Girl
How old are you? 14
Do you like Gaia? Meh... After Blue got hacked........
Who told you about it? My friend
Do you have pets? In real yes
Whats your favorite animal? Horse
How many friends do you have? I don't know
Who is your best friend on Gaia? To many to choose from
If you could pick one superpower, what would it be? Flying
Do you bump often? Nope
How many people do you think own a Gaia account? I don't know or care
Yes or no? You can trust people who lied for a good cause. Yes
Do you like school? No. Everyone hates me and I hate them too!
Why did you join Gaia Online? I don't know
Have you donated anything? Yea. I gave John a flame sword
Where do you live? Selah, Washington. 9911.. Nah I should't give you my address yet =P
Do you like pizza? Yea
Yes or no? Love is non-existant, it's all about sex. No
Which Forum do you visit most? None
Do you cry often? Yes
What's your favourite type of weather? Rain
Do you own a house? I don't know
What do you think of the upcoming Battle System? I don't
Did you ever take a day off just to play Gaia Online? Nope
Who's your favourite actor/actress? Orlando Bloom -drools-
What are you looking forward to? Meeting the love of my life
What kind of music do you hate? Rap/Hip-Hop
Are you a good or an evil person? Both
Can you burp the alphabet? Nope
If not, would you like to? Yea. It would fit my odd ball personality
Yes or no? It's okay to be a nudist. . ******** yea *is nude* What?
What's your favourite donation item/Monthly collectible? Shadow Spirits
Do you have that item? No
What is your avi wearing? I dont know
What do you fear most? THE DARK!!! O_O
What's your favourite type of music? Rock ../
Yes or no? You would beat someone to smithereens if s/he said bad things about you. Yes but... After an accident long ago... I buried my violence deep within my self... I haven't been 100% violent since then... I'm stil violent now, but not enough to do that
What's your favourite emotion? burning_eyes This is just funny as hell
Do you have a role model? No. No one's path fits my life, and no one is like me
Do you believe in the supernatural? Yes
Which sport(s) do you like most? Football
What's the first letter of your first name? M
Do you have a Dream Avi? Yes
What would you do if you saw a dead (wo)man lying on the floor? Scream and call for help
Would you laugh at somebody if s/he was made fun of? Depends. If I like them, no. I'd help them. If I hate them and wish they'd go to hell, I'd laugh my a** off
What are your hobbies? I don't know
What's your favourite movie? I don't know
Who's your favourite artist? Linkin Park
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? My weight -_-
Which emoticon have you probably used most since you joined? twisted
Would you want to fall from a height of 10000 feet? Nope
Ever seen a school play? Nope
Ever been in a school play? Nope
Can you remember the last time you ate a cookie? To long ago...
Was it today? I wish
Did you modify your profile since you got here? Nope
Do you like to dance? I dance like an idiot.... Yes
Blizzard or thunderstorm? THUNDERSTORM -boom- -clang- *power goes out* s**t...
Hurricane or earthquake? Earthquake
Tidal wave or eruption? Eruption
Can you think of any other disasters? TORNADO
Can you still feel your fingers? NO!!! OH MY GOD NO!!! Lol yes
How many posts have you posted since you joined? I don't know
Do you know what kawai means? Nope
Konnichiwa? Yup
Do you like to scare others? Maybe. Depends on who I'm scaring twisted
How about teasing others? No. Unless it's my friends because I'm only joking
When was the last time you got angry with someone? Today - My mom
Was it about something important? Nope. She was just being a ******** moron like always
Can you pull up a pokerface? Yea. I pull faces all the time ninja
How good of a kisser do you consider yourself to be? I don't know... I've never been kissed...
Do you have any prized possesions? To many
Would you kill someone if they'd try to take one of those away? Huh?
If you see a deer, do you think of Christmas? Nope. I think "DINNER!!!"
If you see yourself, do you think of yourself? Nope
Have you ever been on tv? Nope
Would you like to be famous? No. I can't stand always being watched
How about being famous by committing the worst crime in human history? Hmm.. You is talking my language now rofl!!! JUST KIDDING!!!
Is there a tv in your eye of sight? Nope
Do you have a big room? I guess
Thanksgiving... What are you grateful for? My friends
Donuts or pie? PIE
Cheesecake or Strawberry shortcake? STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE
Sun or the moon? Moon
Sound or silence? Sound
Joy or grief? Joy
Is there anyone in your life you'll never forget? Yes, many people
Is that person still alive? Yes, glady
Can you write in newbie language? Um.. Nope
Ok that is ******** it I'm done. I'll answer the rest later!!!!!!! GOD!!!
cn u red wot m sain? Wha?
Can you talk like you're illiterate? You fancy? ******** yea I do it all the time to scare people!
Imagine... You wake up, but your behind is still 'asleep', does the thought of something happening to you while you were asleep cross your mind? Wait so you man some raped me in my sleep... BOBBY!!! YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!
What's more romantic to you, chocolate or strawberries? STRAWBERRIES DUH!!! The sex fruit roflmao
Would you say sorry even if you knew you were right? Yes
Are you hungry? Nope
Thirsty? Nope
What do you think of the idea that there are hundreds of thousand of billions of microscopic little creatures running over your body right now? I don't care. They're everywhere so I gotta learn to live with them.
Do you read comics? Online Comics - Yes. Normal Comic - No. That's what movies and tv is for =P
Collect them? Nope
Do you think being a millionaire is great? ******** yea. Get EVERYTHING you want
Do you have long nails? Nah
When was the last time you had a shower? Friday. Need to shower today *sniffs armpit and dies*
A bath? Wow.. I only take baths when I'm stressed, depressed, or sick... So it's been a while.
When you laugh, are other people scared of you? Depends. If I'm hyper, of ******** yes. If it's a normal laugh, nope
Do you look a lot like your parents? Um.. No I don't think so. My band teacher says I look like my sister -_- ALTHOUGH!!! MY siblings and I share a lot of genic traits from my dad, so even though our face doesn't look like him, we were kind of like direct desendits of him.
What's your favourite snack? Hmmmmmm... I don't know. Don't really snack
Ever felt like screaming your heart out? YES!!! *emo cry*
Does your avi have any Monthly collectible equipped right now? Yea, sort of. She got hacked so I don't know
Do you think avi's can only be good when they're equipped with Monthly collectibles? Nope. Before I got collectibles, Blue rocked everyone socks even with her collectibles
Do you randomly add people as your friends you don't even know? If they send friend requests
Would you vote a 10 in one of the Arena's if someone gave you 10g for it? ******** now. I want 10k!!!
Do you think it's okay to PM someone asking for donations? NOPE
Do you like water? Yea I guess
How about a whirlpool? Ooooooo. Those are fun!!!
Are you more of a hero or a villain? I'm both. I cause trouble, then clean it up. Like that one guy from Drawn Together on Comdey Central XO
Did you ever scare yourself? Yes
Are your parents married or divorced? Married
For how long? 26 years O_O
Did you ever say "I love you" to someone and actually meant it? Yes
Have you ever said "I love you" to someone and didn't mean it? Hard to say, but I think so... Few times...
Have you ever seen lightning? Yup
A woman with a beard? Nope, but I saw a bald woman, does that count?
A pixie? Nope
Two pixies?! Maybe *shifty eyes* *pulls out a bottle with two pixies* SEE!!!
Did you seriously answer the questions above so far? Yes. Some I was being stupid on, but we all know pixies aren't real! *sees a pixie fly by my window* ... O_O!!!!!!!
Are you greedy by the way? No. Like.. I hate getting gifts. Like don't get me wrong I like getting them and what I get it, but I get this weird feeling everytime I get one and I hate the the feeling and BLEH!!!
Lazy? Oh ******** yes. People say I suffer from lazyness. They're wrong. I ENJOY EVERY SECOND OF IT!!!
Always hungry? Yes. I'm ******** fat. Fat people are constantly hungry.
Are you a trouble-maker? Try not to be. I wanna keep my never been grouned streak. But if it's little trouble amongst my friends. You know the little problems you can control and easily fix. Hehehehe... Then yes. I do that ALL the time =P
Are you a nice person? I'd say so
Have you ever done something you didn't want to? So many times...
What do you think of the games of Gaia? LAME!!! Need to give out more money
How evil can you laugh? I do the classic MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! or BUWHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Did you try it out just to answer the previous question? Mope.. Maybe ROFL I did a little to see if it sounded evil, but I do sometimes laugh with the MUWAHAHAHA and BUWHAHAHA
Did you ever get hypnotized? No but that'd be ******** awesome!
You see a spider's web in the corner of the room, what do you do? Hope the spider moves out because my room sucks
When you look more closely, the spider's web turns out to be made of a billion gaian gold, would you steal that poor spider's web? YES!!!
The spider notices you glancing at HIS precious web and attacks! How big is the spider? Like normal spider size. A shoe should take care of the little b*****d MUWHAHAHA
Are you scared? Wee bit, but it's money dude!!!!!
Are you afraid of clowns? Never been near one so I don't know
How much time a day do you spend watching tv? Hardly any. I'm always online
On the computer? ALL DAY O_O
Outside? Maybe an hour a day between chores and stuff
Are you happy with that? Yea
Ever made someone laugh? All the time. I is a funny person to my friends
Can you look angry? Oh ******** yes
Do people think you're cute? Nope. I is a ugly beast. No one thinks I'm cute
Yes or no? It's better to hurt someone than to get hurt yourself ? Nope. If that person is the one you love or a friend, it's better you get hurt than that person.
Do you like carrots? ******** no
Who do you think of when I say "Eh... What's up doc?" BUGS BUNNY!!! OH MY GOD!!! HE ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!
Are you greedy? No you already asked that ********
Would you date someone for money? No
Are you a talkative person? When I'm hyper and or around friends. Otherwise I'm the quiet emo in the corner >.>
Do you have any scars? To many
Do you use hairgel? Nope
Stuff to clean your skin? Yes
Make-up? Nope. I'm not a make up lady. Make up can't help. I is so ugly, it's beyond help
If you got 100 billion gaian gold, would you share/donate some? After I got my dream avis, yes
What if it was real cash? Then it'd be my parents and they're greedy. They said "Maddi, if we ever get rich.. We got two words for you: TRUST FUND. (where you can only spend so much in one week)" Me: "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Yes or no? You get what you give. Yes
Have you ever licked someone's eyeball? Nope *licks your eyeball* Now I have
Given someone a lovebite? You mean a hicky? ********, guys don't even talk to me in school, why would one of them randomly walk up to me and say "Give me a hicky b***h!"
Is there anyone you'd like to kiss? Yes...
What time is it now? 7:32 *GASP* Jason should be on!!!
Are you an artistic person? Used to be. But I didn't like my art, so I stopped so I couldn't be made fun of anymore.
Are you right or left handed? Right
Do you prefer writing with pen or pencil? Pencil
Do you like to write? Nope
Ever lost your keys? Don't have any
Do you have a lot of shoes? Nope
Do you like to party? No. They give me headaches and no one bothers talking to me. No point in going if I'm only going to be alone
Have you ever been jealous at someone? Yes
What's your favourite number? 24!!!
Are you hungry? Nope
Would you kill someone for food if you were? Nope
Do you like looking up at the stars? Yes. I look at them like.. Ok listen to this cheesy line I said once. "You know what I think of during the night.. I think, that nighttime is like when all hope and faith has been lost. Everything is gone and there's no point in fighting. But if you look hard enough you can still see bits of light. The stars. And those stars represent the hope and faith that still lays in many people, even in total darkness when everything is lost." Something along those lines!
Imagine, you're looking up to the sky at night, you see a red dot that keeps getting bigger and bigger, what do you do? Scream and call someone
Suddenly you hear the sound of an alarm, warning everyone in town, would you panic? YES!!!
It turns out to be a false alarm, do you believe it? NO!!!
Are you an uncle/aunt? Yes
Would you like to be? I am one. It sucks!!!
How many brothers and sisters do you have anyway? 1 brother, 2 sisters, 1 brother-in-law
Do you think having brothers and sisters is annoying? ******** yes. Even though they're older than me, I do all the work and clean up AFTER them
Would you panic if you saw 10 people who look exactly the same? Nah
Are you looking forward to your birthday? Nope. No one ever remembers or even bothers to vist or call or anything.
Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else? Yes
Have you ever mistaken anyone for someone else? Yes
Do you hate someone? Lots
Have you ever moved? Nope
Do you clean your own room? Yes. VERY rarely do I clean it though
Are you afraid to clean your own room? Yes. Never know if I might open the secert car for spiders and get jumped for finding it
Do you like oranges? YES
Do you think someone who sneezes is dirty? No
Ever ate squid? Nope
Oisters? Nope
Dog food? Yes. I WAS 5 AND PRETENDING TO BE A DOG!!! >.>
Did you ever walk right into a door? Yes
Would you laugh if you did it (again)? Yes
Imagine, you were alone, upstairs in your house. It's night, suddenly, you hear a scratching sound, as if it was scratching a blackboard. What would you do? Freak out and slowly make way around the house finding the source
Shortly after you hear someone walking up the stairs quite aggressively, would you go out there to face him/her or hide? HIDE!!!
The sounds are suddenly gone and it's been silent for 5 minutes now, how would you feel? I feel kind of freaked out, but relaxed again
An unexplainably strong feeling simply wants you to go downstairs... When you enter the door of the living room you hear one word echoing through the room... SURPRISE! How do you react? SCREAM!!! and then keep going in to the living room
Are you physically stronger than you are mentally? I think so
Do you lose your concentration easily? YES
If you had a tail, would you chase it? Oh ******** yes *grows a tail* O_O *chases it*
Are you good with children? I think so
Have you ever been to a wedding? Yes. I was the flower girl!!! -_-
Do you believe in people who can read minds, contact ghosts or any of that sort? Some
Tea or coffee? Coffee *twitchs*
Life or death? LIFE
Punch or kick? PUNCH
Do you wash your own laundry? No
To you, what/who's the cutest thing in the world? Do I have to answer? >.>
Do you like laughing? Yes
Yes or no? Crying makes you look weak and vulnerable. No
Do you often find yourself understimating others? Yes
Imagine, you heard a big bang while you were innocently reading this question, would you go check out what it was? Yes
Regardless of whether you looked or not, the person closest to you claims it to have come from inside the house, what do you think it was? Probably the cat touching something
How many push ups can you do in a row? Not many
Did you go actually go and try out how many push ups you can do in a row to answer the question above? Nope
Did you answer all questions honestly so far? Yes. Yes I answered some dorky but you know me XD
When was the last time you got physically hurt? I don't know
Were you yourself the cause of it? No. Some jocks from football shoved me in to a locker so my shoulder got hurt so I couldn't play and yea
Would you cuss if you hurt yourself? Yes
Do you like The Simpsons? YES
How about Family Guy? Meh
You have to take care of your own lunch, what's in it? Sandwich, chips, soda, whatever else I can find
Do you eat healthy? I don't know
Did you ever have a day where everything seemed to be going wrong? Yes
Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf? WEREWOLF!!!
What was your last halloween outfit? I don't remember
Can you stay calm in a stressful situation? NO!!!
Do you like going out at night? I never get to go out -_-
Ever ate camel? Wha?
Coca Cola or Dr. Pepper? Coca Cola
Could you fall in love with someone's personality? Already have, but I'm to late -_-
Do you love your family? No. I don't think I', accepted by any of them
Cut your own hair? Nope
Made a parent cry? Nope
Cried over someone? Yes
Owned more than 5 sharpies? I wish
Dated someone more than once? Yes
Had/Have a dog? Yes
Smoked a cigarette? Nope
Been in a band? Nop
Drank 25 sodas in a day? Nope
Broken a CD? Yup
Shot a gun? Yes
What is your age? 14
What is your gender? Girl
What is your Location? Selah Washington, 98942. 9911... Nah I won't tell you my address just yet
What is your Eye color? GREEN
Do / Did you like school? Nope
What grade are you in? 9th
Are you in college? No. I is to dumb
Will you be honest about this question, and ALL of the questions? YES!!!
What is your favorite TV show? Kappa Mikey
Would you download porn? No. Unless it's of the guy I like >.>
Would you download music? Yea
Would you hack someone? If it's Blue, ******** yes! I WANT HER BACK!!!
Do you hack? Nope
Do you know where you are? My house
Do you like The Sims or The Sims 2? Nope. Never played them
Sneakers or Sandals? Sandals
Are you a vegetarian? ******** no
Are you a healthy person? I don't know
Do you excercise often? Nope
When did you last look at the sky? Just now roflmao
When did you last go outside? Yesterday
When did you last eat a banana? I don't know
Are you a daredevil? Nope
Do you hate the south? Nope
Do you hate the North? Nope
Are you fat? Yes. I weigh 200lbs damn it
Would it be all over if you get fat?
Is it all about American Idol? NO
Do you like American Idol? NO
Do you want to kill your neighbor? Yes
When did you last run around? I don't know
Do you cry often? To often
When did you last prank your neighbors? Never
Would you rather party, or be alone? Party. I might know at least one person
Are you friendly and have friends? Yes
Or all alone and misunderstood? Yes
Or just hate people? Yes. I'm all three!!!
Are you racist? No
Homophobic? Huh?
Stereotypical? Huh?
Do you hate the above? Nope
Do you just lick the filling off of Oreos? Nope. I eat the entire ********
Do you dress or act certain way to fit in? Nope
Have you ever been chased by the police? Nope
Do you have a friend named Kelly? YES!! =D
Are you addicted to any drugs? Nope
Are you addicted to caffeiene? Maybe. I really don't know
Do you consider yourself good looking? No.
When did you last eat an apple? The other day
What color was it? Red
What are you doing? Doing this
Whats on your mind? Boredom
Do you watch south park? No
Do you know any wEirD people? YES
Are you weird? Yea
Do you have any pets? Yea
Have you ever been to a karaoke bar? No
Do you know Martial Arts? I wish
Do you believe in love at first sight? Yea
Do you believe in miracles? Yea
Would you kill someone? If they killed a friend, ******** yes
Are you home alone? Sadly.. Yes..
Would you love someone? Yes
Are you in love? Yes
Is it going to work out? I don't know
Are you married? No
Are you a virgin? Yes
Do you like food? Yes
Can you sing? Kind of
What color are the walls of the room you are in? White
Is someone mad at you? I don't think so
Do you ever get mad at someone often that is your friend? I don't get mad at my friends
Have you ever dyed your hair? Nope
Do you highly care about what those who aren't your friend's care about you? No.
Do you remember the last time you had jelly beans? Nope
Have you ever been on a game show? Nope
Ever been on TV? Nope
Ever been out of your house? Yes
Ever met a celebrity? I wish
Name someone you love. Um... I don't want to...
What’s your favorite color? Black
what color do you hate the most? Pink!!!!
whats your favorite quote? "To often in life we let the little things let us down. REMEMBER: It takes 42 muscles to frown, but it only takes 4 muscles to reach out and b***h slap that mother ******** upside the head!"
do you go to school? Yes
do you have a job? Nope
have you ever been in a fight? Almost, but I'm not as violent as I used to be so I backed out
gone to a concert? Like a rock on or something, no. I play in the school ones though =P
seen someone die? I've seen animals die. I even held one once... *emo sob*
cried for no reason? Yes
scream at someone you don’t even know? Yea
done the worm? Nope
stayed up over 24 hours? I'd die
sing in front of crowd? Nope
what color eyes do you have? Green
ever broken a bone ? No
ever got a black eye? Yes
ever hated yourself at a time? Yes
start screaming in the middle of store? Kind of >.>
slapped someone? Yes
would die for someone? Yes
have you ever kicked someone? Yes
kissed someone in the rain? No. No one in the right mind would kiss me -_-
met someone in a famous band? I wish!
have a scar? Lots
been on the internet more than 5 hours? All the time
do you have pets? Yes
if so what kind? Dogs, cats, horse, chickens, sheep
have you ever prank call someone? Nope
what’s the first letter of your first name? M
what color is your room? Blue
are you a boy or a girl? Girl
Do you like Wal-Mart? No
Do you have long or short hair? Long
How many cousins do you have? To many
What kind of toothpaste do you use? I don't know
Do you remember your dreams? Yes
ever wrote a poem? To many
What time is it where you are? 10:56
are you a vegetarian? No
Do you have a job? No
What about a car? No
Are your parents divorced? No
Have any sibilings? Yes
Mario or Luigi? MARIO!!!
Did you or have you ever liked Pokemon? Nope
Do you talk on the phone a lot with friends and family? No one ever calls for me...
Are you a shy type of person? VERY
What are you feeling? Boredom
Smelling? Nothing
Seeing? The computer
Hearing? Music
Doing? This thing and talking to Jason
Who are you talking to online? Marina, Orlando, Jason, and Carmen
On the phone? No one
What room of the house are you in? Kitchen
Are you cold? Wee bit
Bored? VERY
Warm? No
Hot? No
Do you look nice? I never look nice -_-
Are you eating anything? No
Drinking anything? no
Can You...
Kiss your elbow? Nope
Touch your nose with your tongue? I don't think so
Stick your fist in your mouth? Nope
Touch your toes? Yea
Stay up all night? If I try really hard with lots of sugar
Stay up for five nights? I'd die
Swim? Sure
Draw well? I don't know
Sing well? I don't know
Write well? Nope
Eat a box of chocolates in an hour? Oh god... So hyper...
Eat an entire package of Oreos in a half an hour? O_O ******** yea I'll try that =P
Without milk? Sure
Predict the future? I have dreams about the future
Would you Ever...
Sacrifice everything for a friend? Yes
A lover? ******** yes
Give your life for a friend? Yes
A lover? Without a second thought
Sell yourself? If it was for a friends life/safety/sake
Lie to a friend? Never, no matter what!
Lie to a lover? NEVER!!!
Steal from your parents? Nope
Blow up your house? Maybe ^^
Abuse someone? Nope
Use someone? NEVER!!!
Would you ever Be...
A fireman? I don't know
Policeman? I don't know
Serial killer? I don't know
Doctor? I don't know
Surgeon? I don't know
Prostitute? I don't know
Playboy model? I don't know
Writer? I don't know
Artist? I don't know
Musician? I don't know
Assassin? I don't know
Ninja? I don't know
Soldier? I don't know
President? I don't know
Darth Vader? I don't know
Pilot? I don't know
Mortician? I don't know
Forensic scientist? I don't know
Detective? I don't know
Lawyer? I don't know
Drug-dealer? I don't know
Pirate? I don't know
Box-carrier? I don't know
Store clerk? I don't know
Banker? I don't know
Criminal? I don't know
Target? I don't know
Professional wrestler? I don't know
Tennis player? I don't know
Rapper? I don't know
Country singer? I don't know
Pop star? I don't know
Actor? I don't know
Plastic surgeon? I don't know
Tell me about your Family...
How many people live in your house? 3
How many brothers do you have? 1
Sisters? 2
Do your mom and dad live with you? Yes
Or are they divorced? No
You live on your own? Nope
How many uncles? I don't know
How many aunts? I don't know
Do you have any second-cousins? I don't know
Were you adopted? I hope so. My parents are to embarassing to be real
Were any siblings of yours adopted? I don't think so
Do you live in a house? Yes
Do you have an apartment? No
Or do you live in a box? ROFL! No
How many rooms are in your house? I don't know
How many bathrooms? 1
Closets? I don't know
Sinks? 2
Light switches? I don't know
Light bulbs? I don't know
Do you have a coat hanger? Yes
Do you eat in the kitchen? No
Do you have your own room? Yes
Do you share your room with a sibling? No
Is your bed twin size, king, queen, or a bunk bed? I don't know
Do you have a lot of pillows? Kind of
Do you have your own bathroom? No
Have you seen these movies? (yes/no)
Ice Age. Yes
Ice Age: The Melt Down. Yes
The Da Vinci Code. No
Mission: Impossible III. No
X-Men: The Last Stand. No
Inside Man. No
The Pink Panther. No
Scary Movie. No
Scary Movie 2. No
Scary Movie 3. No
Scary Movie 4. No
Failure to Launch. No
BloodRayne. No
Hostel. No
Last Holiday. No
Underworld: Evolution. No
Annapolis. No
Nanny McPhee. No
Curious George. No
Final Destination 3.
Firewall. No
Eight Below. No
Doogal. No
Thank You for Smoking. No
The Sentinel. No
Hoot. No
Over the Hedge. Yes
The Omen. No
Cars. Yes
Revolver. No
Typhoon. No
Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Yes
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Yes
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Yes
Star Wars Episode III. No
The Chronicles of Narnia. Yes
War of the Worlds. No
King Kong. No
Madagascar. Yes
Mr. & Mrs. Smith. No
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. No but funny fact. I know a guy who was in it!!!
Batman Begins. No
Hitch. No
Constantine. No
Son of the Mask. No
Cursed. No
Alone in the Dark. No
Are We There Yet?. No
The Pacifier. Yes
Robots. Yes
Ice Princess. No
Miss Congeniality. Yes
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous. No
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. No
The Amityville Horror. No
Kung Fu Hustle. No
Sin City. No
House of Wax. No
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. No
Cinderella Man. No
Herbie: Fully Loaded. No
Bewitched. No
Land of the Dead. No
Fantastic Four. No
The Dukes of Hazzard. No
The Skeleton Key. No
The Exorcism of Emily. No
Corpse Bride. No
Cry Wolf . No
Into the Blue. No
The Gospel. No
Two for the Money. No
Doom. No
Saw. No
Saw II.
The Weather ManNo. No
Jarhead. No
Zathura. Yes
Yours, Mine and Ours. No
Brokeback Mountain. No
Memoirs of a Geisha. No
Hoodwinked. No
Cheaper by the Dozen. No
Cheaper by the Dozen 2. No
Shrek. No
Shrek 2. No
Spider-Man. Yes
Spider-Man 2. Yes
The Incredibles. Yes
The Day After Tomorrow. No
Troy. No
Shark Tale. Yes
Finding Nemo. Yes
Napoleon Dynomite. No
Around the World in 80 Days. No
Fahrenheit 9/11. No
Catwoman. No
Alien vs. Predator. No
The Grudge. No
The Polar Express. No
Finding Neverland. No
National Treasure. No
Bruce Almighty. Yes
The Last Samurai. No
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Yes
Gods and Generals. No
Phone Booth. Yes
Holes. Yes
Daddy Day Care. Yes
Pirates of the Caribbean. Yes
Are you...
Someone who loves animals? Yes
Someone who sits around all day? Yes
Someone who has a cell phone? No
Someone who believes everything happens for a reason? Yes
Someone who believes in life after death? Yes
Someone who is prejudice against races, religions, etc? No
Someone who is fun! I don't know.
Someone who wants to have a good time? Yes
Do you drink Orange Juice? Yes
Are you a sibling? Yes
Are you the younger / older / same age? Younger -_-
Are you a twin? No. But John and I are like twins. Mostly clones though =D
Would you watch a horror movie? Yes
Does your ear itch? Not at the moment
Does your head ache? No
Are you wearing socks? No
Do you have braces? No
Do you wear contacts? No
Do you wear glasses? Yes
When did you last go to school? Today
When did you last hug someone? Today
Who was it? My friends
Do you realize that at least one person loves you? Ne because no one loves me
Do you love someone so much you would die for them? Yea
What time is it? 3:34
If you looked to your left, what would you see? The kicthen
When did you last write something with a pen? Today
Have you ever been on stage? No
Are you married? No
Do you ever want to get married? Yea, but I doubt anyone would marry me
Do you like the rain? Yes
Ever streak? No
Ever Skinny dip? No
Do you take showers, baths, or jump in the creek? Yea. Never gone in a creek though
Everyday? No
On the weekend? No
When did you last brush your teeth? This morning
What time is it now? 3:38
Have you ever killed someone? No
Are you pissed off? Little. Had a bad day
When did you last cough? I don't know
When were you last sick? I don't know
When did you last listen to music? Now
Are you a thief, a whore, or a liar? No
Day or Night? Night
Have you ever broken a bone? No
Do you own an Ipod? Yes
What is your parents name? Not telling
Have you ever been to Disney World / Land? No
What is your favorite color? Black
Are / Do your parents..
Nice? I don't know...
Baby you? Kind of
Misunderstand you? They have no idea
Judge you? No
Give you everything? No
Are they Married? Yes
Divorced? No
Fighting? When they're drunk............
On good terms? I don't know
Make dinner every night? No
Make you order pizza? No
This or That
Pie or cake? Pie
Pie or 3.14159...? Pie
Chocolate or vanilla? CHOCOLATE
Ceiling or floor? Ceiling
Couch or bed? Bed
Cough or sneeze? Sneeze
Wet or dry? Dry
Under or over? Under
Top or bottom? Top
Fly or fall? Fly
Smile or frown? Smile
Tears of joy or tears of sorrow? Joy
Hot or cold? Cold
Warm or cool? Warm
Rough or smooth? Smooth
Cat or dog? Dog
Snake or bird? Snake
Shark or T-Rex? T-Rex
Past or present? Present
Science fiction or fantasy? Fantasy
Dull or sharp? Sharp
Books or television? Televison
Jump or skip? Jump
Fast or slow? Fast
Run or walk? Walk
Colors or black and white? Colors
Cute or pretty? Pretty
Good or evil? Good
Fruits or vegetables? Fruits
Milk or juice? Milk
Movies or cartoons? Movies
Pillow or blanket? Blanket
Moon or stars? Stars
Sky or sea? Sky
Explode or implode? Explode
Odd Questions
Do you secretly fantasize about George W. Bush? No
Do you chew on your homework? No
Pencils? No
Do you read the dictionary? No
Encyclopedia? No
Atlas? No
Road map? No
Do you memorize random facts? No
Do you stalk anyone? No
Does anyone stalk you? No. Who would stalk me -_- I'm the ugliest thing alive -_-
Do you cut the grass with a pair of scissors? No
Do you dust your lawn? No
Do you collect dust? No
Lint? No
Baby teeth? No
Have you ever thought of becoming a prostitute? No
Do you use lotion on your feet? No
Do you have problems with Canadians? No
Mexicans? No
Americans? No
The French? No
The English? No
Have you ever played a kazoo? No
Have you ever shot someone? No
Something? No
How many pairs of underwear do you own? I don't know
Jeans? I don't know
What ring size are you? I don't know
Belt size? I don't know
Have you ever gotten anything amputated? No
Do you have a calendar from 2001 hanging in your room? No
Do you eat a lot? I don't know
Do you have a strange obsession with pickles? No
Poison? No
Knives? No
Cheese? No
Penguins? No
Bald people? No
Scrawny African children? No
Midgets? No
Pirates? No
Corny jokes? No
Do you tie string to your teeth? No
Do you bite yourself? No
Cut yourself? No
Do you get cold sores often? No
Do you have a cold right now? No
Do you suffer from chronic migraines? No
Do you like to touch sharp objects? Yes
Do you have a twitching problem? When I'm hyper
Are you homicidal? No
How big is the universe? I don't know
Do you fall for Internet advertisements? No
Do you have AIM? No
MSN? Yes
A Neopets account? No
A Vampirefreaks account? No
A Quizilla account? No
Do you watch bugs crawl on the floor? No
Do you follow the bugs that crawl on the floor? No
Do you get attacked by ladybugs? No
Are you scared of everything that breathes? No
Doesn't breathe? No
Do you have a webcam on your computer? No
A scanner? No
A printer? Yes
A cordless mouse? Yes
Does your mouse light up? Yes
Do you wish you were a fish? No
A cat? No
A dog? No
Do your teachers like you? I don't know
Do your parents like you? Yes
Do your siblings like you? I don't know
Do you sleep under or over the covers? Under
Do you sleep in a bed? Yes
Are you attracted to shiney things? YES!!!
Do you smash guitars or any other type of instrument? No
Do you label other people? No
Do you wet the bed? No
Do you lie a lot? No
Do you forget to brush your teeth frequently? Yes
Do you use deoderant? Yes
Are you an alcoholic?No
A druggie? No
Do you drink illegally? No
Do you wear underwear? Yes
Are you a bad friend? I don't know
Are you untrustworthy? No
Unreliable? No
Do you pick your nose? No
Do you tell people you love them just to get want you want? No
Do you have any important talents? I don't think so
Do you burp often? Yea
Are you impolite? No
Disrespectful? No
Do you have buck teeth? No
Mental illnesses? No
Are you fake? No
Does your breath smell? I don't know
Do you have a strong body odor? I don't know
Do you have bad teeth? I don't know
Do you have a bull ring through your nose? No
Are you overweight? YEs
Anorexic? No
Bulimic? No
Do you have a piercing in an inappropriate spot on your body? No
A tattoo? No
Are you too nice for your own good? I don't know
Do you have a lot of friends? I don't know
Do you give in easily? No
Are you stubborn? Yes
Are you annoying? I don't know
Do you enjoy talking about gross, disturbing things? Depends
Is your room messy? Yes
Are you unique? I don't know
Are your hands clammy? I don't know
Are you short? I don't know
Are you freakishly tall? I don't know
Tell me about you...
Name: Maddi
Age: 14
Gender: Girl
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: (I was bored) 2 feet
Have you ever dyed your hair? No
What color? No
Do you dye your hair frequently? No
Are your fingers long and slender, short and fat, or somewhere in between? I don't know
Thin or full lips? I don't know
Thin hair, thick hair, or somewhere in between? THICK
Nicknames: Don't have any
Happy with them? Have none
Middle name? Madeline or something
Were you named after anyone? Yes
Height: 5 feet, 3.5 inchs
Happy with it? I guess
Do you have any siblings? Yes
How old are they? 21, 22, 26
What are their names? Jake, Sara, Mel
Do you get along with your family? No
Were you ever abused by any member of your family? No
Did your family ever disown any other member of your family? No
Color: Black
Month: July
Year: 1993
Decade: I don't know
Century: I don't know
Millenium: I don't know
Animal: Horse
Movie: I don't know
Book: I don't know
River: I don't know
Lake: I don't know
Ocean: I don't know
Country: I don't know
City: I don't know
State: I don't know
Province: I don't know
Movie genre: I don't know
Book genre: I don't know
Play genre: I don't know
Play: I don't know
Musical: I don't know
Poem: Mine
Writer: I don't know
Song: To many to choose from
Sport: I don't know
Drink: I don't know
Food: I don't know
Brand of cereal: I don't know
Candy bar: I don't know
CD: I don't know
Director: I don't know
Videogame: I don't know
Computer game: I don't know
Game: I don't know
Board game: I don't know
Word game:I don't know
Clothing style:I don't know