First, let it be known that Ashley Michelle Shepherd does not, I repeat DOES NOT, like rifle. But she goes along with it anyway, because she loves Steve. (HEAR THAT STEVE! I LOVE YOU AND GUARD, THAT'S WHY I'M STILL SUFFERING DAMNED RIFLE!) So, I suffer through forty five minutes of this b.s. where I find out: a. I can do right spins. b. can't do left spins. c. can't toss. Then, when it was all over, and we were pulling in for Steve's "verbal diarrhea", I was kinda optimistic. BIG MISTAKE! Steve's so pleased, he wants us all to be SABRES! Now, don't think I'm lazy. I kill myself to make that flag work. And I'm not ghastly at Rifle. But Sabre?!?!?!?! question Kill me now!
So that's what's up with the heading. (BTW: Steve is my guard instructor).
So, let's add up the night, shall we?
Razor's emails: +2
Lack of Sierra Kinglet: -1
Seeing Friends at Guard: +5
Late: -1
No Colton: -2
Cool Flag Thingy: +2
Easy Toss: +1
Rifle Torture: -2
Being Drafted as a Sabre: -5
Venting: +3
Total: +2
So, I have to count today as a not so bad day. It wasn't great, it wasn't horrible. Kinda crummy, but hey, what can ya do.
Eye Candy