today as i was running around mopping up froggy footprints, i saw several really nice homes.
angel marilyn has a beautiful garden courtyard
metal gypsy has a pretty cool haunted house
irish pirate queen has a really nice hangout spot
odykay has frogtopia, very frog friendly looking place
drcoffee has her medical clinic
i'd like to see more, so i'm asking do you know anyone with a really unique house like the ones mentioned up above? places that look like something other than a house. i'm thinking of things like the places listed above. no "normal" houses please, and no empty rooms. i'd like to see things like stores, bars, nightclubs, gardens, etc.
fan out....ask your other friends too. let me know what you find by posting a link here. smile thanks!
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i dunno...all the cool kids are doing it...
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snufflypoo Community Member |
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Best thing I can think of is when you are in the towns, pop in th ehouses or look at them in the arena