My best friend that I've know if going to court......she got caught drinking
October Friday 22.2004, she got kissed by some guy, and she got mad at him, then another guy named Josh came by and pushed him, she told Josh not to ditch her, so they went for a walk, and around the green chruch the cops came, then Josh jumped the fence....she could't jump the fence...and he didn't even bother to help her...and DITCHED her! That b*****d! She was pretty hammered up so the cops brought her home and said they wrre goign to charge her and she would have tog o to court, but she told them that Josh was the one who bought the booze! So he's also getitng charged and going to court!.....I hope she dosen't have to move some where to go to some place for troubled kids.....

ps. Please leave a comment on what you think, or what she should do. or what not.