yaaaaaaaaay there is it a new one again a bit crowdy xD
i just love the items on it mostly my avviestars got those items (thats the zodiac and the bottle but ok)
so i luv any donation!
now im saving for the zodiac i really love it ever sins i saw the bow mode i wanted it i would have another dream avviestar completed with it and could complete a lot more avvie stars with it, for the bottle well im going to save it later than the zodiac cause in the meantime i need to get shellpack cause of the guild and well yeah...
but during these avviestar savings ill keap donating now and then
i got EXACLY (+2 days) 1 month till my b-day to save WISH ME LUCK~!!!
forget that avviestar in the top i take this one:

but zodiac first