All the Scars that Others have left on you
They only show that you are True.
You bore the Pain, you Bore the Lies.
The only thing you can do is see what the Future Holds.
If you feel so hurt, it onlys means that you put your Whole Being into Everything, Until there is Nothing Left.
Please, stay on your Path, the Right path. The one that Gives you hope, that shows you Everything. Feeling pain only shows that you are Human.
You ask what is the point of living if you get Hurt.
I ask What is the point of Living if you don't Get hurt?
See every Scar as a Leason, as a Sign that you have Loved, and will Love again.
Love may be Beautiful, but it Still hurts. Just like a Red rose. It looks Beautiful that you Touch it, but the Thorns hurt, Don't they? You shouldn't Enter the Battle Field Thinking that Nothing will hurt you.
Nothing doesn't hurt at one Point in your Life, don't think its all Easy. Whats the point of Earning, if you forget how you Earned it?
Now, think about the Path you are on. The one Less Walked upon. Feel the Raw earth, smell the Fresh Grass, and Enjoy the Choice you've made.
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