~My Birthday~
Yay! Todays my birthday! ^^ Wish me happy birthday right now dammit! mad Anywho >.> <.< I had a great time today! I felt so loved! gonk I had cake, pop, chips, and teh cake was black forest cake! ( Teh cake that ish dark chocolate with cherrys! ) I hope I get good gifts from meh friends ^^!

~Wiggle Your a**~
We had to do Line Dancing in gym! It was okies I guess, but we had to learn a new dance andit was hard to remember! >.< But when we had to do Electric slide we had to wiggle our a** at some point, and when I was standing there and the other girls were wigglying their butts I just stood there and my friend told me to shake my butt, so I did but in a very wired way and she laughed at me >.< , It was so fine though when the boys had to do it! ( Some of them...okies not all of them but maybeh 1-3? ) xD