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comes the light from thy own heart's love
I'm doing a princess tutu/Naruto fan fic were Naruto is Princess Kyuubi. He's a nine tailed fox in the beginning, then he turns into a boy, and then with the power of the magic necklace he turns into his female form: Princess Kyuubi. For those of you were were confused about that concept xD

Neji is the Prince
Sasuke is the Knight
and Sakura is the princess... the only reason why there will be SakuNeji is because I really can't see Hinata being mean to Naruto like Rue is mean to Ahiru with false friendship....

Princess Kyuubi
By: Uchiha Naruni
Princess Tutu concept
A Naruto Fanfic
Pairings: Sasunaru NaruNeji NejiSaku
Genre: Romance/comedy


The fog settles over the forest, a lonely little orange and black nine tailed fox walked its way through its surroundings. Hearing a commotion near by it made its way into the clearing to see three people, a prince, a princess and a knight, dancing the ballet with one another. The princess had beautiful cotton candy pink hair and captivating sea green eyes, her dress was made of red silk as were the toe shoes that laced up to her knees. The handsome prince possessed long ebony hair that trailed down his back, lavender eyes that seemed to dive into the soul as he dances with his princess. Her wore a long gray coat with silver lining the black fabric of his pants clung onto him as he twirled the pink haired beauty. The ever stotic knight held no real emotion in his obsedian eyes as he danced with them masterfully, his short midnight hair spiked ever so perfectly while he carefully calculated what he was doing. The knight wore a thin black coat with red trimmings, a button down shirt of deep blue and black pants that came loose around his legs.
The kitsune watched in awe. I want to dance with them... The kitsune went closer only for them to dance further and further away. Wait! Please... the kitsune called out mentally as it ran towards them. Wait! Finally the fog closed in, the trio disappearing into it, leaving the poor fox to its loneliness.
"You want to dance little one?"
The fox looked around in confusion as it looked around for the voice. Where is that coming from?
Just then, a large grandfather clock appeared out of the fog in front of the tiny nine tails. The door opened and a man with long black hair and red eyes stepped out, he wore a cloak of black with red clouds lined in white.
The kitsune's fur stood on end at the sight of the human and started to back away. AH! Scary human!
"You did not answer me little one, do you wish to dance as well?" He kneeled down to it and held his hand out, his nails gleemed purple as he coaxed the nine tail over. "Do not be afraid of me, I wish to...help you." He gave it a smile as he revealed his face, the lines under his eyes showing that he hardly gets any sleep.
Help me? Who are you? The kitsune moved closer cautiously.
"I am the great Uchiha Itachi!" He brought his arms out, his palms turned upwards as he smirked to the fox. Yes that's right trust me- your fate lies in my hands fox... only in my hands- I will write your story... I will write your destiny- You will be my protagonist... You will be mine...
The fox moved closer and stared up at him. You say you can help me dance?
He nods. "Yes I can help you dance fox..." He placed a hand under its chin and scratched gently.
He gives it a smile and slowly pulls out a necklace with a shining heart shaped orange stone, he places it around its neck, then splashes it with water. Light flashed from the stone and when the light disappeared, a boy with somewhat long unruley blonde hair laid there on the ground naked, curled up into himself.
"Wonderful..." Itachi sniggered, then standing, moved backwards into the open grandfather clock, the clock disappearing into the fog once more.
A few minutes later, a large toad noticed the boy. "What's this... a boy...?" The toad sniffed at the child. "A fox child..." With that the large toad lifted the boy into his arms and took him out of the forest and into the town. The toad was of a mauve color, its large eyes looked around at the people in the town as his long spikey white hair trailed down his back. He was the town hermit, know by all as Jiraiya, the mega pervert. He brought the boy to his home and set him down on the bed. "Hey wake up kid..." The toad shook the boy and then sighed. "Fine sleep." He made a face, the head gear protecting his forehead had caught a fly. He rolled an eye upward and made a quick attempt to catch the fly with his tounge. Catching it, he flicked his long tounge back into his mouth. Jiraiya walked off and started looking for clothes that would fit the kid. After a few minutes passed Jiraiya came back into the place and looked to the boy who had begun to stir. "Finally- stupid kid is waking up." He sets the clothes down and starts poking him with a long pudgy webed finger.
The boy opened his eyes and looked up, then around. "AHH!!" He grabed the covers and covered himself up. "What! What's going on!?"
Jiraiya rolled his eyes. "I found you in the woods fox kid..."
"The woods?"
He nods and places the clothes in front of him. "Here... put these on- they should fit a little big but they'll be for now until we go out and buy you proper clothes."
"Proper clothes?" The boy picked it up and began to examine them. The shirt was white, he pulled it on and felt the soft fabric against his skin, he held up the orange and blue jacket to the light and stared at it with his cerulean blue eyes.
Jiraiya sighed in fustration and took it from him. "You put it on like this..." He acted as if he was about to put his arm through, then handed it back to him.
The boy nodded and then tugged it on. He ran his hands against the puffy white collar and smiled, then noticed the matching pants. Cocking his head to the side he stared at them, picking them up, then pushed his arm through.
Jiraiya felt his eye twitch. "Those go on your legs..."
"Oh...?" He pulled it off his arm and standing up, pulled the pair of pants on, disregarding the poor excuse for underware that Jiraiya had handed to him.
"Alright... now that you're dressed what's your name kid?" He asked as he sat down in a chair.
"Name...? Oh... stupid fox..." He said sitting down on the bed again.
Jiraiya's eye twitched. "That can't possibly be your name..."
"That's what the humans call me..."
"Fine fine, I'll give you a name..." He rolled his eyes and thought deeply for awhile, then looked over to one of his many pervert novels. "Your name from now on is Naruto."
He nodded. "Yes Naruto- and I'm Jiraiya, the legendary writer!" He stood quickly as possible for a toad, causing the chair to fall back and did his signature pose, hoping on one foot and twirling around.
"Writer? What's a writer?"
"You really don't know anything do you?" He sighed and lashed out his tounge behind him, the tounge latched onto the fallen chair and he brought it back up. He sat down releasing the hold he had on it with his tounge, whiping his tounge back into his mouth in the process.
Naruto stared at him, blinking at what he just saw, but not really disgusted by it, he wasn't even surprised that this man was a toad. "Toad-san... what is writing?"
Jiraiya shook his head. "It's what we use to communicate from one person to another who is in a far distance."
"A far distance?"
"Yes- like from one town to another..." He took a pen and a pad of paper then began to write on it. 'This is writing.' Afterwards he showed it to the blonde. "See?"
Naruto squinted and looked at the paper. "I... can't read..."
Jiraiya fell out of the chair and grumbled to himself. "Of course you can't- you're a fox..." He sighed and recouperated quickly, fixing himself and the chair. "I'll just have to teach you with one of these, and then I'll show you how to write your name...How does that sound Naruto?"
Naruto looked at him and smiled happily. "Okay!"
What a happy go lucky kid... He shook his head and sat back down in the chair. "Mm...I should start with the alphabet..."


The days passed little Naruto learned his alpahbet and how to read and write in just a few days time, Jiraiya was impressed by how fast he learned everything he taught him, he was beside himself with pride, either he was a really good teacher or Naruto was just a really fast learner. Jiraiya walked around town with the boy and took him up to the local prep school. "I'm going to put your through school Naruto... what is it you want to learn?"
Naruto looked up. "I... I want to dance!" He twirled around happily.
Jiraiya laughed a little and shook his head. "Alright..." With that he lead the young boy to the office, where toad hermit spoke to the school's headmistress, Tsunade. He grinned at her. "Hello lovely Tsunade! How is my beautiful angel?" He asked the big breasted white winged blonde.
Her eye twitched as she looked at him. "What do you want now toad?" She gave him an annoyed look, her brown eyes shining with the light that filtered from the window as her white wings glittered.
He grinned. "My charge- I want him to go to school." He pushed Naruto foreward, towards Lady Tsunade. "Isn't he a cute little fox?"
Tsunade looked at Jiraiya then to the boy, she looked him over and smiled. "Hello there boy..."
Naruto gave a cute pouty look, obviously scared of being introduced to new people like this. "H...H...Hello..." He stammered as he looked at her, then captivated by her wings, went over and slowly reached out to touch them.
Tsunade allowed him to, amused with his actions. "So what is your name child?"
She smiled at him and reaches her hand up, petting him gently. "You're a very cute boy, gaki." She smiles more at him, a loving look in her eyes.
He gulps a little, blushing deeply as he felt her hand trace the lines of his whiskers.
"What do you want to learn?"
"I...I want to dance...!" He smiles with much enthusiasm and allows Tsunade to twirl him around.
She laughs a little. "Alright." She looked to Jiraiya. "So... this boy is your charge... very well Jiraiya-hentai.... I'll allow him to come to school."
He nods in appreciation. "I will leave him in your care and come to visit every so often."
"I'm sure you will." She gave a nod.
Naruto heard Jiraiya was leaving him there and paniced. "Y-you're leaving me here!?" He latched onto Jiraiya instantly. "B-But!"
Jiraiya pet him gently. "It's only for a little while Naruto- so you can learn how to dance, and I'll come visit you when I can."
Naruto gave him the cutest pouty look ever, his eyes tearing ever so slightly.
He sighed. "Naruto... let go..."
"Let go..." He said firmly. "This isn't good bye- I am coming back soon to visit you. Trust me before you know it you won't even want this old toad around." He chuckled a little as he ran a hand through Naruto's unbelievably soft blonde spikes. "You really do act like a girl you know that kid?"
Naruto finally let go making a face, then shook his head. "Meanie..."
Jiraiya and Tsunade laughed at his antics, until Jiraiya finally left the room, leaving Naruto alone with Tsunade.
"Now I'll have to get you a uniform..." She looked him over as if sizing him with her eyes, then nodded. "Alright- I'll get you set up Naruto-chan."
He looked up to her and smiled. "I like you! You're nice to me."
She blinked to him and smiled brightly. "You're cute kid."
He gave her a big grin and sat in the chair.


School started and Naruto has started classes. He makes his way to ballet class, a smile on his face. He saw a beautiful girl with pink hair and stared at her for a while. The princess....? He sat down and watched her for a bit, before looking around the room to notice some one who resembled the prince in the woods and entering the room two minutes afterwards, the stotic knight. His heart lept as he looked at them. I can dance with them finally... I can! I can! But too bad... Naruto was a horrible dancer.
The scarecrow came in reading his book. "Okay class- let's get started. For those who are new, my name is Hatake Kakashi and I will be your dance teacher. As it is beginning of the year... we will start with the basics and then you will all be placed in other classes depending on your skills."
Naruto gave a hopeful look and smiled brightly.
"And those who come late..." He slowly looked up from his book. "Will... HAVE TO MARRY ME!" The wedding waltz played briefly in the background as the one eye that showed gleamed red.
Naruto fell backwards and blinked at him.
"Oh... and for any outbursts.... getting out of line and that sort...." the wedding march played once more. "You WILL HAVE TO MARRY ME!!" His eye gleamed once more. He looked at Naruto and closed the book. "You're the new student... am I correct?"
Naruto nodded looking up to him. "Y-Yes!"
"You'll be put in the beginners class by default- since you're new... if you show any promise you'll be placed in a higher class later."
Naruto nodded and Kakashi got closer and lifted him up in one motion. Naruto stared up at him a blush appearing on his cheeks as he looks away, Kakashi's grip gentle yet firm on his wrist.
"I see... no experience as I expected..."
His face went red at that, being embarrased at being put out there like that. He notices the smirk on the knight's face and his bottom lip stuck out cutely.
Kakashi noticed and felt a blush well up on his face. "You...will take private lessons with me to get better! For now sit there and watch the others practice..."
Naruto nodded as Kakashi let him slip down back to the floor.
Sakura looked over to him and made her way over to him. "I can tutor him as well Kakashi-sensei..."
Naruto's cheeks flared up as he felt her hand touch his. "I..."
Kakashi nodded "Very well, but he may need a lot of help."
Naruto felt more humiliated and sunk further into himself. "Thanks for making me feel worthless..." He sighed as Sakura let out a soft laugh.
"Don't worry- you're just starting, you'll learn..."
He nods to her and gives her a smile. "I'm.. Naruto!"
"Haruno Sakura, it's nice to meet you Naruto-chan."
Naruto blushed at the honorific, noticing as he looked up that Sasuke and Neji had walked over. "Hello..." Neji said dully, his eyes just as dull as his voice.
He looked up at him and blinked at him. "H...Hello..."
"Naruto was it?" Sasuke asked giving his a sharp look.
Sakura rolled her eyes. "This is Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuuga Neji..."
"He's going to be a hard one to teach..." Sasuke said giving a look as he crossed his arms and turned away.
"I... no I won't! I'm a fast learner! You can ask Jiraiya-sensei!"
"Jiraiya- that toad? Feh." He shook his head. "Just as I thought."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?"
"Enough!" Kakashi ordered in a firm voice. "We will get started..."
Neji sat along side Sakura and Sasuke sat to his right. He glanced at Naruto and gave an emotionless smile. "Don't worry- Sasuke is always like that." He reached over and pet his hand gently.
"Mer!" He covered his mouth a blush showing on his face. "T-Th-Thank you Neji-san..."
Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Don't baby him Neji, it'll just make him worse."
"Don't mind him Naruto, Sasuke stop it..." Neji said as he sat straight and watched as class went on.


After a few days of tutoring and lessons from Kakashi-sensei, Naruto was ready to actually join in class. A little clumsy with some of the steps but, that was to be expected from a beginner. Naruto had a hard time staying on his toes and it was making him fustrated. Everyone was paired the usual way, a boy with a girl. However, this year it was an odd number of girls, so a boy would have to be paired with another boy. And Kakashi being the caring loving sensei that he was, paired the two who got along the worse together as partners, Sasuke and Naruto.
"You have to be kidding me, Kakashi-sensei pair me with anyone but him..." Sasuke said with a growl in his voice as he looked over at Naruto, who was fidgeting at the thought of dancing with Sasuke like that.
"Kakashi-sensei... please... pair me with some one else... any one else..." Naruto had a bit of a pout to his face as he looked up to the gray haired teacher with tearful eyes.
Kakashi rolled his eye. "Enough- you two will dance, and Naruto since you're a lot smaller you'll take on the girl's role."
Naruto's face went red as he heard laughing from the other class mates.
"Support him well Sasuke, now assume position students- now... or one of you will have to marry me!!" His eye gleams and the music plays in the background.
Naruto gulped, still jittery about Kakashi, he ends up latching onto Sasuke, causing him to loose his balance and fall over.
Sasuke's eye twitched as he looked at the boy on top of him. "Do you mind dobe?"
Naruto sat up and blushed deeply, moving off of him.

User Comments: [3]
Community Member

Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 06:10am

good so far...must write more

Cosmic Witch
Community Member

Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 04:35pm

xD I did write more ^^;

Community Member

Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 06:27pm

yay, and I've read it ^^

User Comments: [3]
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