Chronicles of Useless Knowledge: Part 2
[insert number here] Things Not To Do In Public So You Don't Seem Unacceptably Impolite [so you don't seem like an asstard]
1. Take a blown up whoopee cushion and sit on it on purpose (especially embarrassing *cough-AWESOME-cough*) if you're in a particularly crowded area.
2. Ask for coffee at Jamba Juice.
3. Zoom around at 15 mph on a shopping cart at Costco.
4. Wear a purple shirt with orange pants. Top it off with some Marty Graw beads and a pink sombrero.
5. Take your iPod, turn the volume all the way up, and blast death metal in McDonald's.
6. Wear all [insert brand name] clothes and accessories with huge labels, then walk into the company's biggest rival's store.
Which of course means you do them anyway!
speedgirl09109 Community Member |