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Skye's Journal
This is where I write stuff. YEP!
Deesu Notto.
Death Note.

Just finished the anime series, jeeeeezzzz... what a let down. I thought they were going to tell us Ryuzaki's real name, and ya don't even find out what the hell Misa thinks or what she's going to do now that -youknowwho- is gone. RIPOFF.

Ahem, gomenasai, there's my rant on DN.
Anywhooo.... onto more important matters.

There's someone that I really really like. xd
Except, he miiiight have a girlfriend at the moment.
But they are having problems.
But he might break up with her!
But he might not.
Getting into dilemmas with romance is my specialty, ne?
Besides, we don't live in the same town, or the same state.
So it might not could never work. *shrug*
He's a simply amazing person, he never judges anything I say and I feel I can tell him anything and he'll give me his honest opinion back. He's usually very happy, but uh... when he's angry, he's scary, and makes me want to cry. But it's okay, don't hurt him or anything ^^;;; everyone gets like that sometimes.

And so, since we've been talking so very much lately, I don't feel bad about telling him my one most inner secret.
Please don't ask me to tell you, I won't.
This bond is special, so please respect that.

Off topic: What did I get for Xmas you ask? ^^
Hmmm, a few things. I'm not nearly as spoiled as I was when I was a kid, and I'm thankful for that. wink

Pirates of the Caribbean calendar, keychain, tissue boxes (yes, now when I blow my nose I can say I've given Jack Sparrow a bj.), the final movie: At World's End.

An interesting book from my mom, apparently about evolution, with the title "Why Is Sex Fun?" Hahaha. xd I was like, what, you want me to make you grandkids already? But nope, just some boring evolution book. Bummer.

I got a big honkin jewelery making case (also from my mom, aint she great). It looks like a big blue lunchbox, lol, but inside it's got plastic boxes with square compartments that are really handy for beads and metal parts and whatnot. I put all my supplies in the top one, and I couldn't stop looking at them. So shiny. xd So yeah, hopefully this will motivate me to create some new jewelery. I enjoy making rings, curse you WoW. Lol.

What else did I get... hmm. Oh yeah! A Japanese learning kit, with learning CDs and a little Japanese To Go pamphlet. I loooooves it. biggrin
Heya no yoyaku o onegaishimasu, shawaa tsuki.
I'd like a room please, with a shower.
WTF?! YOU HAVE TO ASK FOR A SHOWER?! I'm gonna have some trouble in Japan. Ah jeez. xd

Oh, and I got a cute black hat with checker print kitty ears from my old best friend Kuy. ^^ Ironically, I got her the same one, but it hasn't arrived in the mail yet. Curse you mail system! Ah well, hope she likes it, she was smiling when I told her, so yey. She also got me a pair of those black fishnet sleeve things. MAN are those uncomfortable. You think they could make some that don't bind to your arm, or make ya itch. Don't tell her that though, I love them to death. eek And these really cute and kinda ritsy hair clips, same place. I knooow what you're thinking. Short hair + hair clips? WHA?! Dooon't worry, I can still use them. On Xmas day when I went over there, I experimented with a silver barret I bought in Seattle. Stayed in pretty well, and these are like, bobby pin clips, which are pretty strong. ^^

Nyaneko is sleeping on my bed, ah the cutie cu. He gets bigger every day, I swear. Nono, he's not fat, just a tiny bit overweight that's all. Now my ex's cats, THEY are fat. Sheesh, it's cause he feeds them human food. Tsk tsk. It's bad for cats you know, nomatter how much they like it. Anywhoo, he likes to stare at me from the distance, like some sort of protector (awwww!!!) or he'll follow me around everywhere. Meowing of course. And if he walks indoors from outside, he'll start meowing just because he wants to know where I am. Greatest cat evar. 3nodding Silky black fur, golden yellow eyes. He's handsome too. I call him Prince of Cats, or my little panther. He doesn't have much cat company here, besides his litter mate Fuji, there's a pretty mean old cat next door, but sometimes she'll let you pet her. Haha Nyako just looked at me. Now he yawned. Awwwwwwww ^^ I swear I baby him too much, haha but he loves it.

I can't WAIT for this summer! Gosh winter's going by too slow.
If you haven't seen who I'm cosplaying as to AX2008 yet, please journey to my journal entry titled "Cosplay season is right around the corner!!".
I got quite a bit of money during Xmas, which will all go to help fund for the con of course. Pre-registration for AX2008 is coming up, next in line will be booking a hotel. Did you know they have special hotels near the convention center where they hold events? I think that's cool. biggrin AX is being held in LA this year, at the LA convention center (unless it changes, but it's fine with me). So naturally, I hope to get a room at the LA Holiday Inn, it's been quite a while since I've stayed at a place as fine as Holiday Inn. biggrin Should be exciting. Just hope I don't have to ask for a shower. xd Oh wait, it's not Japan. I should be fine. ^^

Ow. Note to self, don't whap fingers on the desk, it could cause pain or in severe cases injury. If bleeding does not stop, scream at the top of lungs so parents wake up and save your a**. xd

Does everyone like my profile? I do.
The video is from Itsudatte My Santa (Always My Santa), an anime I have yet to watch.
Gotta love the song though, how it starts out all slow and mello (excuse the pun), then BAM it's like rock and roll tea party. Whoot! ^^

Ah just kidding, I just didn't like the ending, for reasons noted before.
Ya win some, ya lose some, eh Raito-kun?

It's scary out there, go easy on yourself. heart

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