Note- I am making this up as i go along.
Its hard to read the words so Don't even Bother, Under each picture I have Typed it all up, so you can actually read what they are saying. Also Warning-you might find typos, possibly even A lot, but I tried my best to correct them.
Storyline(I might change it every now in then from ideas I come up with)- Star Heaven has fallen down from an outbreak of wishes. while Kamek helps Bowser come up with a plan to get a hold of the legendary Dark star, known as The Zar star, created by the sorrows in peoples hearts. Once found Kamek and Bowser use the Zar star to Seal the 7 fallen eld stars away. With Bowser's 7 childreen returned to his kingdom, He allows them to be the 7 guards of the stars. Bowser's plan is to Cast Darkness all over the Mushroom kingdom and the rest of the world. It's up to Mario and his new friends and Old to save the whole world of mushroom Kingdom before its completely destroyed.
Chapter 1

Well Heres the First page to My comic I'm starting. I hope you Enjoy.
Peach: Dear Mario, I am having a birthday party today....My father is letting all of Mushroom city and my Cousin, whom you haven't met yet, come. I was hoping you could come too. I'll see you there.
P.s. I made Pasta heart
Your's truly, Princess Peach

This Happens To be My Favorite Page out of the Comics so far. I'm proud of how it came out. Its amazing what you can do during lunch at school.
Hope you like it n.n
Bowser: RAWR!!
I can't believe this, Mario was once again invited to Peach's party.
Koopa Minion: King Bowser, Sir, Kamek koopa, and the kids are here.
Kamek: Bowser, I have some news about star heaven, and I have an idea.

*Mario's house*
Toad clock: RING! RING! RING!
In the shower: *insert mushroom theme song here*
Mario: Lets a go!

*Mushroom City*
Mario: Hmm, it looks like all of Mushroom city has already left to the castle. I hope there's still some pasta left for me.

Guard: Mario, Good morning, Peach would like to talk to you. She's upstairs.
Mario: Okie-dokie
Toad 1: I heard a rumor that the koopa village was taken over by Bowser.
Toad 2: Oh thats awful! what happened to the people?
Koopa with glasses: So how long have you been living here in Mushroom city?
Koopa 2: Well, I've been here for about five years after my family moved, and you?
Bob-omp girl: Did you know Peach's cousin is here?
Goomba girl: Oh my really?!

Mario: Excuse me, I'm going upstairs, Thanks.
Toad boy: WOW he's really here Pa-Toad.
Pa-Toad: Yup thats Mario, good old chap, he's really someone we can count on, always here to save the day.
Peach: Mario, I'm so glad you could make it. I wanted to talk to you before I went out there to the party. My cousin is here, and I'd like you to meet her.

Kamek: Due to the out break of wishes going to Star Heaven the 7 elders can't answer all the wishes...
Bowser: So how does this lead to good news for me...
Kamek: Well when a wish takes to long to be answered it falls somewhere on earth....
Bowser:Who cares about peoples wishes -.-
Kamek: I'm not finished. The whole Star Heaven is made up of stars that people use for wishes, Because of all the un-answered wishes, Star Heaven has
began to fall a part to fast.

Wendy Koopa: *stomp stomp* MARTON! get out of my room!
Marton koopa: HEY! stop hitting me!
Chandaleer: *cling cling* *shing shing*
Wendy and Marton:........
Kamek: Come Bowser sir, we must go find were the stars have fallen.

Peach: My cousin Princess Yoshi, and Boshi are here. I'd like you to meet them Mario. Also I wanted to discus the issues about Star Heaven with you, and Boshi seems to know a lot about it. Please come with me.
Boshi: It's been a while since we've seen each other hasn't it...Mario pal.
Because Star Heaven is falling a part every second I'm afraid Star Heaven will seist to Exist. I'm sure Bowser has already figured this out and is searching for where these stars are landing. I'm afraid of what's going to happen soon....
End of First chapter
To continue Reading the Comic go ahead and view my next Journal entry. Or Visit my account.Chapter 2
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