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Life is an adventure
Live a Little
day to day experiece. part 5
guess what? wolven is a dang kitten that's learnin how to speak the human language.
guess what else? Koopling tried to kill me again.
and wanna hear another suprise? I GOT ANOTHER DANG DAUGHTER! i now have 4 gaian kids. is that somethin or what? blue was kinda forby's fault, and the kittens? mine. and now we have....little bloodi. yes. bloodi wolf. xd ah....happy little family. man.....i have four kids...and what bugs me out is that i have 3 girls and one boy! just like my mom! she has 3 girls (includin me) and one boy! on neopets! 3 girls, one boy! I too have neopets, 3 girls, one boy! this is so not bein done purposely, but it's startin to scare me. =(^w^)= i stole that new kitten face from bloodi by the way. xd

Crazy Koopa Cat
you know what?! I'VE FREAKIN HAD IT! EVERYDAY I COME HERE AND HAVE FUN WITH YOU ALL, BUT THERE'S ALWAYS ONE PERSON THAT WANTS TO END THEIR LIFE, AND WANTS SYMPATHY FROM EVERYONE ELSE! WE GIVE AND ASK, AND TRY TO CONSOLE! BUT NO MATTER WHAT'S SAID, IT DOESN'T CHANGE YOUR MIND DOES IT?! I'M OUTTA HERE! YA'LL WANT ME PM ME! s**t....tired of this. it's one thing to ask for help, advice, or just someone to talk to, but this suicide crap pisses me off! why?! cause i get those thoughts every freakin day! three things keep me from doin it. My god! my Love! and my mom! I try not to even let you all know what i go through. and you know what?! i barely scratched the surface of my problems one night. it brought everyone in the thread down. i'm tired of tryin to make you feel better. it doesn't matter what i say!

I love you all. I love you like family. Includin you Krahs. but i'm gonna go before i break my promise to forb and stick a ******** knife in my own gut. good bye.
This was said to everyone at the guild because i've pretty much had it with the sob storyies that come waltzin in there. yeah, Krahs was the one that set this whole thing off this time. sad right? nothin too special happened today besides that....

hey..i'm tired. but the new donation items came out yesterday. and with that....kooplings so-long-waited-for brother. a black kiki called a coco kitty. his name? Wolven. Awsome name right? Forby came up with it. anyways, he's ..um..wierd. all he does is sit and smile. i've never seen such a happy cat......

anyways. Krahs was chasin me around again, only this time he started actin like a complete jerk! i stopped and tried to set him straight, but forb flamed him and the two of them got into a fight....*sighs* it subsided quickly, but i'm not sure if forb or Krahs got off scott free. warrior wanted to report them both....

I got bored, went to commerce and signed my self up to be a reg. at a place called 'bar of the damned" or somethin like that. can't remember exactly. met a guy named evanger, but he's um...creepy. anyway, i said i'd be helpin so i'm gonna be there for awhile. 3nodding it's kind fun so far. AND I GOT CORNDOGS!! ...AND A RAT! xd

WHOO!!! NOGARD IS DEAD! I'M SO HAPPY! dragon got her good! for torturin me, sickin toshi on chazu, killin ryory and tryin to kidnappy forb. i'm so glad that's over....
anyways. nothin much else to report

Aight. four updates.
-for those who dont know by now. poor bloody is in the hospital again. this time from a car crash. crying
-Rex...another friend...has gotten himself grounded. =(-.-)= for skippin assignments in school....
-the nogard situation...NOGARD WENT AFTER FORBY! and forby not only won, but got koopling back. blaugh my man rocks...i know....poor koopling is wiped out...she's hardly movin, so i have to carry her like a baby.
- my demon horns quest. I JUST LENT A FRICKEN 10K TO TEH_MAN! he said he would pay me back. and i know he will....but how long will it take?! ...i wont rush him...but he better get the money back soon...or both me and forb will kill him.
there's a little bit of news on the gaian front. Towns have been shut down. the testin is over. they're openin this thing for real now sometime next week. i so cannot wait...i want houses with all my friends. and i want to get one, not right next to forby, but close by. ya know? speakin of...i got blue furniture to window shop for. see ya!

Koopa here....and yeah. i'm down. My kitten...Koopling....Nogard struck today and kidnapped my koopling through chazu. Chazu was holdin Koopling for awhile. Ryory was beheaded. Dragon's imprissoned, and im' next on the hit list. if you've been readin dragon's comic, you'd know....
Koopling's gone... i'm alone again, but i still have teh forbishness, who was exceptionaly romantic with me tonight...i love him... heart
well...i know by the end of the week what exactly happens to me.
another thing done today.....CHIKA AND I CHASED NOOBS IN TOWNS! that...was fun... =(^.^)=
chika is fun!

Aight. this Nogard character is makin me nervous.

Crazy Koopa Cat
*comes out of stealth mode long enough to say* I have no want of being a cabbit. When cooked the right way, cat ears, tail, and paws are delish.
Shes talking about you, so I feel okay

in the comic, Dragon went missin, and Chazu found out. Toshi, this baby panda, is demented. it ate chazu....and now, nogard is threatenin to chop off my ears, tail, and paws.....I'm gettin closer to the truth of what happened to dragon, and she's not likin that.


in other news....Skullz wife annouced that she rapes cats....

I'm not sure who reads this, but let me talk about somethin down to earth. my dad. not knux, here in gaia. my real dad. James T. Eckford. my father. the guy i hate some much.....
when i was young, like from infancy to about 9 or 10, the guy was my world. i loved him like no other, like a true hero...then i realized my dad and mom fought alot behind the scences...only to realize...well...i wont give details, but my dad ended up movin to florida with any warnin. i felt like i was shot through the heart, and as the years past, i realized my dad had hurt my moms, not physically, but her feelings, her heart...
as the calls kept comin and he kept bein...him...i realized how much of a jerk he was. when i was in the 10th grade. he decided to come back to us, we were currently livin in maryland. and he married my moms. he was my dad again but i still didn't know why she would take him. i feel like she married him for my welfare......i hope not...
and now...even to this day my dad...
1 ) treats me like a fricken kid...
2 ) has my mom and myself wait for him to do somethin, but get's mad when he's the one waitin
3 ) tried to pull my games out my room (i got him for that by the way, no one touches my games)
4 ) gets into daily fights with my moms.
5 ) has hit me once, and shaken me twice
6 ) cusses up a storm like a baby when he doesnt get what he wants
7 ) yells about gettin respect when he sure as heck doesn't show any.
8 ) has said that he hates me and i'm a disgrace to the family
9 ) brings his friends in on more 'personal' family affairs
10 ) has threatened to kill my guinea pig....
11 ) lives in the past a lot
12 ) cares less for anything i have to say, especially if it has to do with how i feel.
13 ) never smiles, or laughs.
14 ) does things with out thinkin of everyone around him
15 ) has no consideration for others.
16 ) and worst of all, is tryin to stop me from makin any contact with forblarion.
Basically, i hate him, he's a jerk, and i wish him and my mom never got back together....
and now...i have another problem....feelin alone....

for those wonderin, i am cryin, but i aint gonna be a little b***h about it. i'm goin straight up to my room....and i'm gonna trash it.....out of anger...just trash it...then i'm gonna clean it up and spend the rest of my night playin super smash bros.....good bye...*runs off cryin*

Ok. for those who read these pages, i'm sorry i havent been writtin regularly.
first off, i wanna say that today was my second day of work. i'm employed at party city, and it turns out, that one of my co-workers might be lurkin around gaia somewhere.
ok....this is what's been goin on for the last few days. what would happen if koopling became human, and i became a kiki? let me tell you. KOOPLING HAS BEEN TRYIN TO KILL ME! AND CHAZU'S BEEN FAWNIN OVER HER AND HELPIN HER KILL ME!
tonight it got out of hand, and i regreted everythin i've done to
basically chazu got mad. and he's my closet friend here, so...yeah.
CHAZU NO HATE KOOPA!!! CHAZU LOVE KOOPA JUST AS MUCH AS KOOPLING!!!! *hugs them both* Koopling no need to hunt and gather! I do it for her! *gives Koopling a huge steak*
thank you. *eats the steak*
...you do hate me. admit it......you hate me.......
CAN NEVER HATE YOU!!! *Gives you an equally huge steak* YOu're the.... Owner of Koopling! YOu have a beautiful Mind!... Other Additional Compliments!
*snuggles Koopling* IF you want more I will give you more.... or if it gives you a stomach ache.... I'll try to help you...

*pokes the steak* i dont want it.....thanx anyway.......
*puts Koopa-kitty into a hospital bed and calls 911* She's either pregnant or direly sick....

*hugs Koopling* It'll be ok... We'll make sure she lives... *tells the Ambulance to come pick up Koopa-kitty, and explains why.*

but all i said is that i didnt want steak.....
you with Steak is like... natural.. like Trees with leaves in spring... Poor poor Koopa.... *pets*
Koopa is depressed....
me too....
*sighs* You're both.. depressed.... *offers chocolate*
*fetches the Chibi link for her and presents it to Koopa* Must... acheive.... Koopa's Happiness.... again...
....no chibi.....no more for me. i'm done. no more hunts, no more kills. koopa will be a good girl....

*Shoves a Forbie-chan Plushie into Koopa-kitty's hands* If that doesn't help, I'm taking you to a shrink.

*stares at it and places it on the floor* mew.........
Well Signs of the Apolyalypse.. Koopa stops eating meat....
chazu....i'm gonna be a good girl....no more killin koopa. and i'll quit bowser's crew too.
then, i bursted out in the thread....
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neo didn't think so.
I seriously doubt that.
*stares at Koopa and blinks* This could be serious... Koopa.... *rubs her back* What...? Please don't be so depressed.... Please?!?! *sniffle*

NO!!! Don't change! We love you because you are you! Not because you are good! Because you are fun! Please... *falls to his knees* There was nothing wrong with you!!!

....but....i'm not goin back chazu. i'll just be less wreckless and violent.
.... You.. were fun because you were Wreckless and Violent... YOu're now like an American Episode of a really gory Anime... Horridly changed so that it stops having meaing...
i wanna be a good girl chazu.....
WHY DO YOU WANT THAT!? Don't you enjoy having fresh steaks, causin... Nevermind I'm the evil side of your conscience...

I'll shut up and leave you alone.. since I did this horror to you.

DONT LEAVE! PLEASE?! you're like my best friend....
and smushi over heard this convo.
then i'll be bad it's..it's unlike you!!!
Krahs thought that he can get to me by tickin me off.
yuve lost it yu dont deserve the title predator
....*lowers her head*
... I ruined you.. Forbie-chan will kill me.... I won't leave but you already left....
Whatever you say.
around this time..i took off all of my cat stuff and and basically, looked plain and had the pink g-lol dress on. the b. footy, or burnt foot walked in.
know! She looks like a Celestial Goddess now doesn't she?

Oh and Dragon Student has a blue dress like that! Isn't that scarier?

No, Koopa in a dress is scarier because I dont actually think of Koopa as "not so funny" Koopas supposed to be hilarious not elegant. But thats Koopas choice, not mine.
No ears. No tail. No shell. Just a plain ordinary, tamed Koopa.
Its strange, isnt it?
Me talkin to chazu.
you didnt ruin me. ok? I"m just gonna chill.....I am going to relax for a while. Ok?
WWBD(what would bowser do ) *holds out tuna*

...Did you all really like the wreckless side better? The side which was unpredictable and blood thirsty?
Lets just say, this new Koopa will take some getting used to.
OF COURSE WE DID! Thats it, if you dont change back Im going to start speaking leet
death angel stepped in.
Well, you chose this path, and even though people may want you to go back, you want to stay the way you are. It's your life for you to control, not me or anyone else.
*nod nod*
It's why we love you, Koopa. Wreckless, Unpredictable, Catty.... However, if you think this is the path you watn to take, do not let me roadblock you.
Koopa =Dupa lol im gonna start running
You do not have to. I will not chase you.
*sdhouts from about half a mile*yu would if yu knew what it meant
Thats it, Im going to go far back into my journal and bring something that might change your mind about all this
...What does it mean?
i just called yu an a**
SHARKY!!! *chases you down and grabs you in a strangle* TAKE IT BACK!!

Koopa-kitty: It's Polish for a**.

....That was harsh dear friend.
DeAr ....................somethings wrong
then, I so did not expect B. footy to post this.
Koopa, read this again. This was the first journal entry I ever made.

My real names Nicholas I prefer being called Nick.I`m Italian and lovin every minute of it. Im a student over the internet. I consider myself a hardcore gamer. I like prettymuch every genre. unless im on Gaia I am bored out of my mind. I must apologize for making this so friggin boring but ive never written in a journal before. I only just started on Gaia so I only have a few good friends. I think these must be the best:
Crazy Koopa Kid
Dragon Student
I wish them the best in their real lives........
Burnt_Foot ? Sun May 29, 2005 @ 5:22 am

That's sweet....
The way you acted back then was the reason. Please dont change

then....the twist...possibly the most fun post i have ever made in gaia.

.....I really hate seein you upset. You know what else I hate chazu?
.... What else do you really hate? What I did? What I am? This form of me?





you can imagin how everyone reacted
smushi had like 10 emoticons up.
!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B. Footy was a smart @$$ as usual
Oh noes, Koopa ish normal again. YAY!!!!
chazu just didnt expect that.
*falls over* ON the plus side... welcome back... On the negative side. I like that dress... except.... It'd be better if you got the G-LoL tops with all the crazy names instead of the dress....
Neo thought i was yellin at him
What I do? *sighs* Order has been restored.
Krahs ticked me off some more.
lol yu are dupa parcheva btw that hasnt stopped yu before

fudge monkeys was there at the time. and she asked an interestin question.
*hides behind chazu with eyes wide open,looks up at chazu* where did that come from
Well... Fill up a Water Balloon to maximum, and keep trying to put water into it. It'll eventually explode.

Basically Koopa did that... with her angry. She held it in too long and then it just exploded out, which is what that huge block of text-y doom was.

can't put it any better than that. the rest of the night was spent kickin krahs's behind and botherin chazu, who gave me who know's how many steaks.
oh, and get this. today, Neo, sent a trade, and it said. "welcome back" and he basically gave me 1k. that was sweet of him.
that was mostly today. .....there was one night i had in gaia towns a while back.
this noob kept humpin all the girls so me , and other girl, and 2 boys left to the block underneath.. we sat in a circle and talked, another guy joined us and then we started playin.....dont laugh....duck duck goose. =(^.^)=
after that, we went into someones house and played truth or dare. the worse dare i got, was kissin another boy there. i quitted. i had a bf to think about. sheesh. the worse dare that night was the only other girl there to give one of the boys a bj. xd

anyways. that's all that really happened that's note worthy. i'll try to be around every day, but i wont make promises.

october. yep. new month.
let's start with dragon's october avie..
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I know...and worse off. she's claimin to be a girl named Nogard and has a dragon form that looks like the dragon from 'a never endin story'
In other news.....Krahs...Rex...and a few others have tried to kill me. that's nothin new...but what was new was chazu tryin to kill me as well...somethin about me killin the hero of time...all i did was use a rocket launcher on necro-link....
Anyway. he's also been dumpin chocolate on everyone and goin into Choco europhoria...somethin like that. he's weird....
and one last thing. i was chased by a wolf named blaze for about 30min in towns..... sometimes i think if it's worth bein a cat...
now. for somethin upliftin. i finally decided to start savin for those horns. 3nodding and they're worth about 100k. so i've got a lot of work to do. to help me with that. i've opened a Contest/hangout. i've gotten donators, contestants, and bumpers. and i'm up to 5k/100k. so i'm gonna keep goin untill i get those horns..only then will i be a true koopa.
I also got a shot out box in meh siggy. and koopalin currently looks like a pikachu...dont ask.....ok. i'll tell. see i also have an october avie. i have two actually. my second one wont be revealed until halloween. =(^.^)=
but here is my oct. avie. as well as kooplings oct. look.
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I AM SUPER HAPPY! but i'll save that for last.
Well. Chazu...my kaene, and a few other friends thought i would be funny to change genders for a while....other than the male account that i already created. i'm not gettin involed. Forb says he doesn't want to see me as a man, and frankly, to see him as a girl, would be beyond creepy. so...no. anyways...
I got cookies!
I also got to torture cykick. mrgreen
let's see. other than that, everything's been the same.
now, for the news....NEW DONATION ITEMS! One of them is a hard shell pack, WHICH LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE BOWSER'S SHELL! now....if you've ever read the first few posts of my journal, you'd remember me talkin about my longin for bowser-ish items here. i'm so glad i finally have somethin like that. =(^-^)= now...if i can get horns.........oh boy...

yeah i know. before you think that i've been avoidin this journal again, lemme say that the day after the last journal entry, i had to leave for new jersey. my aunt veretta died.....yeah
well. one thing i forgot to add to the last entry was that gaia now has towns. you can catch bugs there. you know...like animal crossin. =(^.^)= anyway. i was havin trouble with it at first, but now i have a house there. met lural there, and forb's house is right next to mine. lol. and i even got him some blue wall paper, blue carpet, a blue bed and a blue door. i'm so proud....
he loved it so far. so that's all that counts. 3nodding now....
durin my trip to jersey, nothin unusual happened. fights with my dad. grossed out by my sister and her dogs....wantin to go home the entire trip...the usual. now. there were two three diffs. compared to my normal trips to jersey. one. there was a full moon all four nights i was there. all four! and includin tonight..since i got home yesterday, this makes 5. wow. the second diff. is that i've talked to forb 1/3 of the time i was there. and if i didn't i would've lost my sanity. trust me. anyway. third diff is that we stopped half way to home to see a family member i've never met. she scared me a little. reminded me of my second oldest sister from the past...which was very abusive.... but yeah.
before i left for i got to see a reg. to the thread, yohan, but in another form. shark/human...what ever. had a fight, rp fight mostly. shoke hands after. added each other to our friends list. lol
I ticked off rex...again...and this time he said that he'd let me off easy and wouldn't get me back. but there's a catch. before he told what it was, he left and said 'you'll know sooner or later'. there's a few people on gaia who i actually worry about as far as bein a threat to me, and he's one...... so i'm not sure i even want to talk to him again....
Dragon's still workin on the story, and givin away clips off of it.
forb got into another fight....*sigh* and that's about it.

man. two weeks. alot can happen in that time. and has. first of all. noob fest. there were so many noobs comin into the thread that i couldn't take it anymore! me, dragon, shadow, and papa knux were ready to kill the next noob to walkin in the door. stressed
made a few friends. nothin new. got another avie are pic.
it's saved.
now....let's see. more playin with chazu. more lvlin up on runescape. and Bloodi...she got ...um... 'injured' in school due to others that attend. she got into a fight. broke a rib. i wish i was there......... scream
forb......made me.........cry. no details this time, but he did. in the end, the whole thing was resolved. so it's over, but he promised that won't happen again. and it wont....
onto even more depressin news..my aunt died. this is sad for a number of reasons. one, no one was ever nice to her. she had a broken leg, but milked it and make people baby her beyond belief, but everyone made 'takin care of her' into a chore. so they basically played hot potato with her.
it's also sad because i don't know two aunts on my mom's side. and she was one. the other is kinda......ummm....out there....
third, my mom was hysterical at work when she heard. she was so messed up, that her co-workers didn't even let her drive home. she spent about 2 hrs cryin.
forth, this means i'm gonna be takin a trip to jersey soon. and anyone close to me knows i hate, ABOSOLUTLY HATE goin up there.
with that out of the way, next is my new friend quake. she openly admits bein bi. i met her at the chatterbox. she kinda scares me, but she's nice to me, NOT LIKE THAT THOUGH! she says i'm like a pet to her.....well...at least i ain't on her list of slaves. she still startles me.
in other news. I LOVE FORBY! but we all know that....... heart
and yohan got a mule account. and we had a fight. not an arguement. a fight fight. AND IT WAS FUN! =(^.^)= Even though he said he was a ....um..what was it? oh. a shark. yeah. i know.
i'm into sprite comix now. in two ways.
Shadow Mastah is makin a comic, turnin our thread regulars into sonic charcters. i'll get a pick of one soon. and the comic with me and forby. =(^o^)= lol
and i've been makin sprite comix of chao. niji's idea. xd but it's fun! i'll have a page in the journal on that soon.
lastly, i got me a forb a cerberus puppy. three headed dog. why? i don't know. but i named him bowser. lol. that's about it. the major stuff anyway.
i could get into detail and tell you why forb shot me with tranqs. wink

Nothin much happened yesterday. i went to medivel times. here's a pic.
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OK! from left to right.......
the tall dark guy on the far left is my bother in law, joel
next to him with the uninterested smirk is me mrgreen
standin in front of me, the little boy, is my youngest nephew, nehemiah aka Dark Chao
and next to the two of us...the young girl in the robes, is the princess of medevil times.
the boy standin next to her is my oldest nephew and the most perverted family member. gerald.
in front of him is my second youngest nephew, tavares
the girl with the skimpy white top next to them is Emijah, my oldest neice.
Behind her is Jr. a friend of my fathers.
and on the end, the beautiful lady in red is my mom.

Now today was interestin. Chazu....he wanted me to kill him. so i did. lol, hesistated but did. mrgreen met a guy named hob goblin, which had a connection to rex. and yet another guy wanted to ask me out. some noob i didn't know. got in touch with my old friend....semi friend.......stalker....whatever....Meatwolf. he's miserable..............GOOD!! and last, but not least, Sara, or starz, how ever she's know, has quit gaia. here.
Sara, in her journal,
Well twas time I left gaia for good this time. I've had enough of the fights. I asked someone nicely to stop doing a certain thing and he kept doing it causing some of my friends to ignore and maybe even dislike me. If he would have listend to me and kept his mouth shut about our private argument none of this would have happend..... so this might sound harsh and not like me...but it was ALL your fault! Now goodbye everyone you will probably never hear from me again!

When warrior came in, annoucin sara's leave.....chazu left, depressed and in a hurry. i didn't get why....but after readin the journal, i see why. i don't wanna know what's up between them. i hope it's forgotten soon.

and it started with me talkin to Shadow about the new Shadow the Hegdehog game. mrgreen i got some sweet pics to add to my shadow collection. heart
Dragon's been workin on her story. lol, he'res a part of it she showed me.
Dragon student
"Who?s Hermes?" Koopa asked, gnawing on a well cooked rabbit.
"The Greek messenger god," Ryory said, poking the fire with a stick.
"Oh," Koopa replied, breaking one of the hind legs of the rabbit to suck the marrow out.
"That?s sick and wrong," Skull said, watching Koopa.
"Tastes good though," Koopa replied. Holding up the broken body, she held it out. "Anyone want some?"

lmfao! that sounds exactly like somethin i'd do!

i got gifts of all kinds today. xd
Chazu: 1000g and a forb plushie
Tomboi: sang the birthday song xd
BlueJ: dressed like forb and brought out a cake
Teh_Man: 1000g and an actual b-day card mailed to me.
Bloodi: forby plushie!
Sara: chazu and link plushie!
Dragon: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Supre: 1000g
Forb: ......everythin i ever wanted from him. heart

Me moms: leopard plate, bowl, and cup set
my sister, brother in law, neice and 3 nephews: takin me to medevil times on wenesday. mrgreen

Pic of the Day!
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A nice peice of work by demon squirrel! lol
well. i was kinda depressed today....but forb tried to cheer me up...as for what i was depressed about? i won'd talk about it.
Ryoka Saikun drew a nice little pic of a neko girl....and said it was me! i wont post it here cause i'm too lazy to get it, but it's in me avie art collection! she gave me a braided tail in the pic............that was awsome. xd

started the day of with runescape fun.
nomi acted like a newb and gettin on my nerves..
found out that chazu is startin college too. and that he and bloodi were goin out with each other. .......i hope that goes well. besides that and the usual hangin out with niji and rex....oh! some guy named joe, the dragon emporor or something like that introduced his self to me. definetly a friend of rex's. but besides that. hangin with me baby on runescape.

nothin big today. oh! except the new donation items! fire and icey whips........heck yeah i had to get a fire one! any fiery item i shall claim. definetly. anyway. i got the fire whip, but i owe papa knux 500 and Supre894 5000, yeah........gotta sell that guild. besides that, i've been on runescape. oh! today, this guy came out of no where, pettin me and sweet talkin me. he seemed familiar, but i couldn't get it. afterward, i found out it was actually forby. lol, he was testin me! yeah i enjoy the pets and attention, but i know when to draw the line between me and another man that's not my adam.

nothin big today. except for the fact that i was stuck with a straight jacket on with straight pants, a ball and chain around my foot and and anti bite mask on my face. crying i couldn't get it off. some of the people at the thread kept sayin 'bondage is sexy' .........yeah.........
besides that. nothin special to report. 'cept that dan's sendin me a birthday card. *blushes* i feel special......
anyways. tis a runescape day today

im startin to see chazu as a care taker. he's way too nice to me....and i feel spoil around him........yeah.......i like to be around him, love teh forby more though. he's just so sweet to me. lol, like i said a care taker. and then he flipped when i said "thou" xd that turned him on for some reason.
Forb's still the love of my life. and we've been callin each other like crazy! even though he started school.......
Besides all that the only other thing to report is the fact that i've gotten to know papa knux more. 3nodding now if only i've seen more or my gaian mom.....
oh and i killed link a few more times. lol

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this is Blood_Drippin. this is the image that stared our conversation. he says he likes 'black cats'. think about it. i'm black and happen to be a neko hybrid. should i not be insulted? i mean c'mon! hes a godmodder. stare goit. kinky too. sick minded, hentai lovin.......ok i'm done.
Dracona told on him to forb, and forb wasn't exactly calm about it. hehehehe......

Pink tiger, slashes girl, left gaia. i'm happy, because i get to see slash cry in pain, i'm sad cause i liked pink tiger, i'm dissappointed because when she gave away her stuff, i wasn't on the list gonk , and i'm upset because that means slash is gonna be after me more.........this will be interestin.

........i'm sorry....i'm just......sad.......teh_man.....Dan.......one of my closets friends in gaia.........he left.......he was havin major girl trouble.........and the way he talked to me.....i might have contributed to it.......i don't know how i did......but i have a feelin.........i'm just.......sad......and upset.........i'm still not sure why he left.......but.......oh man.......i'm upset about that big time........i hope he comes back someday soon.......it's not fair......... crying
Well........I still have forb.....i'm glad for that. now if forb were to leave.........i don't know what i'd do.....no.....i know what i'd do.....if forb ever left me.....i'd slit my wrist....then throat..... crying but i know he'd never leave me.....at least i hope. he means too much to me....i still don't see how he puts up with me sometimes. i'm so....stupid.....or naive....compared to him......but he still loves me......i guess that's good, but i don't wanna get in his way or hold him back....ya know? sometimes i think i'm a burden to him....i don't even have enought courage to tell my mom about him, and my dad? never in a million years would i tell him......but ........i want to......so it would be easier on me, on us....i'm sorry about that. ok....depressin stuff aside. cry ...............
I told kitten kaene about dan's leavin and she tried to cheer me up. smile i guess i should be happy about havin such a carin family.

Well......another day, another one of my nine lives lost. i've lost 2/9 lives today.
Forby was on for a brief moment.
Exiled poet tried to kill me today..........again........i swear, i gotta stay away from large reptiles here, other wise, the day i lose all 9 lives in one day.....that's it for me. i've killed necro 2 times today and rex nearly once. xd Koopling killed a fox, and Sly sent me Hentai which i recently found out was......somethin disturbin. i blame starz for that one. gonk
Dragon thought it would be funny to post me in a dress. stare i'll get her later. and i'm stayin away from reptiles of all sorts for awhile......

Chika went domo crazy.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
i kinda helpped keane get a dress. by the way. i got one of those new dresses. the g-lol ones. kaene got a blue one. i have pink. tomboi started school, and forb's life is back to normal. well call each other alot, and meet in runescape. which i recently been to with bloodi wolf! she's scared of monkeys. xd
today...killed link 2 more times....watches him change into necro, chazu was hypno tized...that was funny xd late at night? got high off of n** with cheese whiskey and chazu.

Cheesy: You ok...? Man...
I'm not this "ok" of whom ye speak of!! I'm buddha... jerk... zzzzz....

Crazy Koopa Cat
The Four Blood Demon
Crazy Koopa Cat
The Four Blood Demon
Crazy Koopa Cat
*purrs and falls asleep in his arms*
*pets* Good Pony. *snuggles with*
4laugh forby.......i missed you.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
.... Forby? *Chazu poofs, and turns into a Forb Plushie and the Real Chazu sits next to the two of them, and stares.* So cute...

Cheesy: You ok...? Man...
*wakes for a moment and sees the plushie* .................Forby.......your here with me...............ish so happy.........nu leave koopie koo again......shtay wit me forevers..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...............zzzzzzzzzzzz

well....not too much happened. but i saw somethin today...somethin new....Skullz when he's angry! me, chika and a few others were wearin skull masks sweatdrop kinda ticked him off. oh well. anyway, got into a fight with hiimfric. that was resolved though
lately i've been bein tortured by starz.... stare but become closer friends with Chazu, who changed his name.
I've killed Link so many times.......i kinda lost count. but he didn't he put in his sig how many times he's been killed, the put "Koopa's winnin" after it. xd

ContestS! tis the word of the day. Stared a bumpin contest with Cetria and talked to kittico, and got in an avie contest. a real one. oh! the guild is dead. yeah. didn't work out. i''m gonna miss it. i am. but i still see blue j and chika. blue j dyed his hair red. so that would make him a cardinal right? blaugh now i've been playin runescape like crazy as well. it's fun, and forb's there.
my niece and nephew (oldest, both) are here for awhile. i dont want them find out about forb. if they do.........GAME OVER NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH GAME OVER!! LOL got that from forby. xd

well..........the word of the day..........menu......that's right .....again.....only i have a new preditor on my hands. Sara. or starz. she was torturin me and warrior goddess. gonk and i got to worry about forb some more. this time, it's beyond gaia. and i wanna help, someway....but can't. just suppport. ya know?
I've killed necro, or link, countless times today. xd twas fun. and it was like a killin spree on the thread. shadow tried to stop it all, but twas too much for the demon.

I CAN'T REMEMBER TO WRITE IN THIS FRICKEN JOURNAL ANYMORE!!! well, just in case i didn't put it before....i'm am the proud mother of 2 kittens. hehe! look at me. i have a litter! 4laugh sweatdrop Kaene and Tomboi are my kittens. and i'm proud. and forb........i can't stop thinkin of him....the other night i cried because i couldn't get in touch with him! crying but i'll see him on runescape 3nodding
i mauled someone over the last few days. but i think over did it. he kinda.......died on me.............

ok. it's the first of august. am i'm gonna start rightin again. slash is in my face, forb is in my pants. rex is on my tail, and tomboi is on my back, kiras' on my head, while skulls is in my head. and chika's on the brain........you guys have no clue what i'm talkin about.
ok ok. first, slash is desprate to make me fall in love with him, and i'm not havin, it. neither is forb.
Forb is literally and in more ways than one, in my pants. he seeks refuge........and entertainment........i love him. heart
rex is really gettin outta control with the....well....wantin to do me in. but he's been side tracked recently
tomboi, or kitten, is constantly pullin this mother daughter business on me, and it's wierd....me ........a mother......
kira was leavin gaia, but it turns out she's stayin. somethin about her mom thinkin gaia was a porn site.
skulls was.....yeah.....in my head again....
chika's gone for awhile which sux because I DON'T WANNA BE GUILD CAPTIAN ANYMORE!!!! *pant, pant, pant* ok. sweatdrop


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.aw...so cute. 4laugh

it....is ........a sunny day today! crap.......................
rex is turnin into a cat! you have no idea how much i'm milkin this situation. but...since all of his reptiles have a thing for cats....we had a bit of a problem. let's just leave it at that. talk2hand

my friend from school..... ricky, or razjr, is scared to death of forblarion...i feel bad. but......oh well.

there's a guy named ameba showin himself. says that he's rex's brother. i have reason to think other wise, but i cant point fingers now.

now usually when gaians streak, it's boxers, undies and bras. nothin less. i went father by ditchin the bra since i have fur on the front, but freak_45 did me one better. completly topless. you heard me. freak flashed all of gaia today. she wore her swim top with the newest item....that i must get.... the lunar cowl. i was grossed out, so was my kitten. but it'll end. hopefully.

what ever......
ok. i've been ignorin this journal like crazy.
Mostly because i'm lazy. so, i'll just go over what's been up.
OK, now....for the second bit of news.......I GOT A DAUGHTER!! YES!!! now i have a son, a daughter, a home, and a lovin husband, with a guild, and a shop. can you say successful and happy? mrgreen
ok. guilds gone to hell, but it's gettin better. and um......what else....well rex tried to kill me again, but koopling self destructed on his back! rofl good for him! ha! and......chika's on runescape! we were actin crazier than usual on there. hahaha! And i moved arcade games from shanagans to the catnip rec room. lets' see. what else......OH! bloodi wolf went into a coma, chaos wolf 666 told me, but shes wakin up! or so i hear....
ok....what else.........gah. that's it. all in a nut shell. the major events anyway.


User Comments: [1]
mr poopiepie
Community Member

Mon Aug 29, 2005 @ 05:45am

8/21/05..............dont ever talk that that again.......incase you have no idea what im talking about....look at the date i just put.....dont you ever say that again my love....you know ill never leave you and that you mean the world to me. Never ever would i leave such a beautiful lady thats model material...m.o.d.e.l.....im not even lieing you are so beautiful my love dont you forget that....i dont ever wanna hear you say stuff like that baby....never....the thought of it makes me wanna be angry at you but i dont wanna hurt you feelings so please dont baby.....anywho...never feel im holding you back cuz you are whats pushing me forward to do tha thangs i do....and you are not stupid dam it.....ur mine.....mine mine mine mine mine!!!!.......btw........(sp?) *faurts*

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