As suggested by a friend a topic I will do in my journal is money. At the moment I am competely drained of energy and this is my last journal entry, for today. Those of you who like reading my journal, don't frete I will be energized tomorrow and ready to type more so. Now for the journal entry, money.
Money. We all need it and no one can live without it. Well.. I suppose you could but life wouldn't be so bearable being a caveman. We need money for everything now-a-days except if you hunt or are the stated caveman. Food requires money, clothes, entertainment, schooling, everything requires the almighty dollar. Why? That's a good question. Maybe it is to prevent something like a huge outbreak and people fighting over who gets what if it were to be free, I don't know. Money still creates war and money fuels war. So all-in-all money rules this world and some form of currancy will. For greed and power.
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You're Zell. Although you may get angry to the point of busting a blood vessel in your forehead, you are sweet and considerate to those you love.
Alruna's Rose needed. Help me please!
Only you can prevent forest Firagas!
Alruna's Rose needed. Help me please!
Only you can prevent forest Firagas!