"I want to see you and be with you. "
From The Phoenix: Chapter of Nostalgia
No matter how far mankind goes in terms of the material civilization, the fact remains that he is a part of the natural world, and no matter how much science progresses, the power of nature cannot be denied. Indeed, by rejecting nature, we reject our own humanity.
From "Save Our Mother Earth"
In the story of a woman who becomes stranded on a lonely star far away from the earth, she before long has children with a man from another star and creates a new civilization. But even so, in her heart she can never forget the days she spent in Earth with the people she loved. Even as humans advance into space, we will never really be able to separate ourselves from the source of our life, the earth. A true home that we can feel comfortable returning to is something everybody needs. But our home, the earth, is raising its own death cry. If we keep destroying the earth at the pace we are now, we will surely rob future generations of that special home.