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Hi, my name is Mirishikiarichikitoka.
But you can call me Rinmorinmo!

That's my ninja name.

Ninja Names:

A- ka * B- zu * C- mi * D- te
* E- ku * F- lu * G- ji * H- ri
* I- ki * J-zu * K- me * L- ta
* M- rin * N- to * O-mo
* P- no * Q- ke * R- shi
*S- ari * T-chi * U- do
* V- ru * W-mei * X- na
* Y- fu * Z- zi

My name [above--title XD for reference/as example.]


Ahh, in just a matter of....[weeks, is it? I don't know....]..I'll be fendin' for myself. That means find food for myself, make sure I stay alive.....eh, stuff like that. Since mom's gotta stay in the hospital for my dad for a whole week.....But not yet. And I've still got my sister and her family.
Yes, I'm soooo worried about the surgery. I don't show it, though. And I know none of you know what I'm talking about, anyway. ^^ Heh. I hvae not ceird aoubt it sncie i fnuod out. Lol. At least not as much since then. XD
Lotsa stuff goin' on. And not just recently, either. I haven't mentioned anything to anyone, really. But saying this all in my journal, even if no one may understand, is relieving, at least, a little. =]


~~~~~Would you rather~~~~~
Would you rather marry a musician or a comedian? ahh....musiciiaannn?

Would you rather be a heartbreaker or get your heart broken?...I'd really rather get my heart broken.....I'd feel incredibly bad breaking someone's heart. =(

Would you rather go to a party or a concert? uhm....party? hosted by one of my friends

Would you rather make out with someone or get a sweet kiss?..err....sweet kiss? o___e;

Would you rather have a serious relationship or a fling? seriouss relaationshipp DD:

Would you rather your whole wardrobe is one color or be all denim? uhm...one color o_e;

Would you rather have a computer or an Ipod (or any music player)?..ehh...computterrr....

Would you rather be under a pile of dirty socks or a pile of dirty bras (Dont be a perv guys!)? lol, bras, 'cause i'm a girl and dirty socks tend to smell bad.


Movie(s)? uhmm....I Am Legend, 'cause that's all I remember and it was really good anyway.

TV Show(s)? tons of anime D:

Band(s)? uhmm...I love a lot. Right now? Maybe...Three Days Grace?

Food(s)? err.....a lot )x ...COOKIES!

Ice Cream Flavor(s)? Peanut butter! and chocolate! and that rocky road stuuuuffffffff! and chocolate w/ almonds? D:

Thing(s) to do? uhm...be with meh friendss....<333


Animal(s)? FOXES!! <33 and like any dog-related animal. AND MEERKATS. And cutesy fuzzy things! <33

Author(s)? uhmm....Sarah Dessen's pretty good, actually D: And Stephenie Meyer, definitely.

Artist(s)? .....uhh....I don;t have one?


True Love or $$Money$$? truuee loovve =DD...........Dx

((Girls)) Looks/Brain/Or Braun? uhmm....brain and braun? i need to be protected but i dun't want no incredibly stupid guy D: ...looks would just be a plus

((Dudes)) Curves/Skinny/Brains? ....

Mint, Chocolate or Peanut Butter? Peanut butterr D:< ...and chocolate.

BF/GF or BFF(s)??

~~~~~Ladies Only (Unless you are bisexual/homosexual) ~~~~~

Jock or Punk? punk

Funny-guy or Sweet-guy?.....both Dx;

(Which is more important?) Eyes or Smile?..dsgdfg...fffff.....err....smile? o_e; sdfdfgd eyes?!

(Which is more important?) Head-hair or Facial hair? head hair Dx idislikefacialhairDDx

(Which is more important?) Muscles or Height?...muscles? i needz to be protected D: sdfdfgd ....i'd like him taller than me, at the same time....

Would you want your guy to have a good style? uhmm, yeshh..

Would you want your guy to have good hygiene? yes D: icky hygiene=....icky o_e

Would you want your guy to open his wallet for you (like all the time)? ahh, nooo DDx

~~~~~Dudes Only (Unless youre bisexual/homosexual) ~~~~~
[technically if i were a guy i'd be gay and date sona, sooo.....okay, still not gonna go ahead and do this. XD]

Preppy or Punk?

Sporty-girl or Girly-girl?

(Which is more important?) Eyes or Smile?

Would you want your girl to wear make-up or go au-naturale?

Would you encourage your girl to express herself through clothes or encourage her to dress hot (aka slutty)?

Would you mind if your girl preferred not to shave/wax (eyebrows, underarms, legsupper-lip)?

Would you go shopping with your girl?

Would you be a gentleman and pay for her?

Would you be sweet & slow or would you fondle her?

Curves or Straight-up-and-down?



~~~~~MOOSIK (Music>>if you didnt get it, idiot) ~~~~~

Do you like it? yess

Do you love it? yes!

Do you LOVE it? YESS

Could you live without it? probably not XD

What's a band you could NOT live without? uhm...i dun't know....D:

What's a band you need a daily fix of? hm...i definitely listen to three days grace, like, everyday D:

What's a song you never get tired of? hmm....Don't Speak? Time of Dying? This Light I See? [XD] ...hmm....Just Like You, Let it Die, Broken....plenty of otherss.

What kind of <> player do you have? ....ipod nano?

~~~~~MORE Random~~~~~

Myspace or Facebook? icky, neither.

AIM or Yahoo Messenger? AIM...

Do you have a Youtube account? uh, yes.

What email service do you use? i use yahoo and my aim one

Would you ever go on a pity date, and why or why not? no Dx that's mean to the person )= It's not fairr to themm

When was your last all-nighter and what'd you do? uhm...Sona's birthday? We stayed up and talked about all this stuff and ate junk and kept jamie on the phone for a few hours? D:

Coke or Pepsi? ..pepsi? [i dun't like these kinds of drinks, really...]

Can you tell the difference (refer to previous question)? Yupp.

Are you scared of turbulence? uh, i don't know?

Which frightens you more>>Take-off or Landing?....I've never even been on a plane before....DD:

Are you bored? Of course I am.

Do you want this survey to end? ehh sure.


1.Initials: CLA D:<

2. Name someone with the same birthday as you:
Morgan H. and Jamie. D:

3. when was your last kiss?
....dsdfgdfgfffffff......fvie munis trehe dyas ago? D:

4. For or against same sex marriage?
For it! )x Love's LOVE, people! Be fair!

6. are you bisexual?
ahh, noo.

7. do you believe in God?
erhh....kinda....but i've lost a little faith. [gomenasaii! D:]

8. how many US states have you been to?
err.....Not many.

9. how many of the US states have you lived in?

10. have you ever lived outside the US?
I've never even been over the border.

11. name something you like physically about yourself:

12. name something non physical you like about yourself:
...........................my friends.

13. what is the current rumor traveling around about someone?
People are sayin' some untrue things about me >_>

14. what is your dream car?
....i wanna be like Alice, and have a pretty li'l yellow porsche XD [that'sNEVERgonnahappen]

15. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

16. have you ever had someone of the opposite sex over at your house while your parents were gone?
no.....i dun't bring even my friends here.

17. how many concerts have you gone to?

18. do you download music?
no )x not anymore.

19. how many illegal things have you done?
...a few?....probably?

20. where would you want to go on a first date?
uhmm.....somewhere fun D: like.....like....a place with our own age group...

21. Would you date the person who posted this:
most likely not. 'cause it's a girl.

22. has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
...uhm...no?...yes?.....kinda? D:

23. ever been kissed under fireworks?
Sure haven't. =]

24. Do you like president Bush?
No Dx

25. have you ever bungee jumped?
No, but it seems fun.

27. have you ever crashed a car?
No, but when I get to driving, I will, no doubtedly.

28. has anyone more than 10 years older than you hit on you?
uhm.....Does Mr. Grab count? ....has....has he before? D:

29. have you met a real redneck?

30. are you interested in anyone right now?
|)3V1N ! ! ! ! ♥♥♥♥♥ ....TT-TT

31. what song are you listening to right now?
uhmm...Let It Die. heart

32. what is your current favorite song?
...uhm...i have no idea....i love a lot of songs at the moment.

33. what was the last movie you watched?
I forgot by now. D:

34. who was the last person that told you they loved you?
.......JC... ^^' XP

35. where was the last place you went besides your house?
Teen Centerr.

36. have you ever seriously vandalized someone elses property?
No way D:

37. ever hit someone of the opposite sex?
Sure have!

39. whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
They're looks; eyes, smile, hair, clothes.

40. what turns you on?

41. what do you usually order from starbucks?
....if i went to starbucks often...probably a cookie and coffee heart

42. what is one of your sexual fantasies?

44. tell something totally weird about yourself:
I enjoy the company of the voices in my head. Well, usually.

45. do you have an i-pod?

46. has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?

47. do you still watch kiddy movies or tv show?
...no, no kiddie movies D:

48. do you have braces?
no, but i reaally need them. i'm hopefully getting them soon D:

49. are you comfortable with your height?
...i just wanna be....a LITTLE taller....like, 5'3, at least.

51. when do you know its love?
.......ugh Dx you cna't sotp tihknnig aubot tehm and stuff sdfdgfg *dun'twannabeall ******** <3333.......-___-;;]

52. do you speak any other languages besides English?
...uhm....what i've learned in French....and i only know a couple words in Filipino, and Japanese, and can't remember much from Spanish.

53. what kind of alcohol do you enjoy while out?
....bleh. alcohol.

54. what magazines do you read?

55. have you ever ridden in a limo?

56. has anyone you were close with passed away?
....no...gawd shut up.

58. whats something that really annoys you?
conceited/egotistical people....and stereotypical people. and people that want to do everything their way, or the highway. uhm....abusers, whether it be animals, kids, or...just anyone.

59. what's something you really like?
uhm....reading, writing, drawing, stuff. Friends. Devin ♥ XD lol

60. do you like Michael Jackson?
I'm kinda scared of him now, but he's okay before he got surgery and went all *****....
..........*shuts up now*

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