no!no no no no no!!!u cant leav me! not yet! i luv u firepelt! i thought. i prayed despretly for firepelts head to pop above the water.starclan must hve heard me becuz, firepelts head popped up right besid a rok and i swam as fast as i could toward him.i grabbed his scruff and started swimming to were the others were waiting, half were stamding over starcloud, the other half looking after me. as i came up to the bank, stonefang helped me drag the limp body out of the water. then he pulled me out.i went and stood over firepelt, his chest barely moving.suddenly, he opend his eyes and murmerd, nightpaw,lve long and b happy,ill b watching over u...always. and with that, he closed his eyes for the last time.firepelt!firelpelt!!!noooooooo! dont leav me!stonefang, who was standing beside me,pressed his flank agaisnt mine, trying to comfort me.mey starclan light your path. he said. and then, for the last time, i realized, i licked his head.then, i padded over to the others who were standing around starcloud.wat r there names?asked owlpelt. about, lightningkit and brightkit.she said as she said the kits names, she pointed with her tail to each of the kits.
lke her, they were both white, but brightkit had golden spotches on her.and lightningkit for the pure white kit.theyr beautiful! squeled frostpaw.then they saw me and my sorrowful expretion. he didnt make it did he? asked redstar, the dark red tabby.
i shok my head and they all bowed there heads in respect. rain clan will never forget him. thank u for all of ur help, u may go bak to ur camp and grieve for him.i bowed my head in respect to the rainclan leader and left to go and help stonefang and owlpelt carry firepelts body bak to camp. as we appeared through the tunnel, many heads turnned and gasps of horror arose around the camp.firepelt!no!yowled
mosstail, and then i remembered that she was his mother. im so sorry, i murmerd to her and then padded off to my den.
to be continued
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