Name: Joshua Angels
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Gifted Human(Chronomancy)
Abilities: Obviously, his ability would be on the lines of time and space, otherwise known as Chronomancy. This unique ability allows Josh to manipulate and even control time to a certain extent. Of course, such a fascinating strength would have an extremely heavy toll on the casters body over an extended battle or use, holding the potential to even kill the caster after a certain extent. With this extreme power, he is able to slow time to allow time for Josh to maneuver safely around the opponent and prepare for a suitable attack.
- Spells:
Slow Down: Slow down allows the caster to literally slow down the movements of the targeted for as long as the caster continues to pour energy into said spell. After a long period of time and repeated use, Slow down strains the casters body to the point of extreme fatigue.
Personality: Josh is a very hard-headed and stubborn person, determined to find a 'normal' life through all the hardships that life has decided to place upon him. He is very Happy-Go-Lucky-ish at times, losing his head in the short time of joy and happiness, but is usually found sitting under the cool shade of a lone tree, relaxing and sketching tiny figments of his imagination into a small notebook. His style of life itself reflects itself on practically every aspect of his being, being mixed in everything, he wears the average blue jeans, the knees ripped and ratted in the 'traditional' punk rock look, and normally some sort of T-shirt.
Because of his unique gift of Chronomancy, Josh has decided that there is little need to build his actual physical strength, relying solely on his ability to slow the enemy and move to a reasonable distance to deal damage. He has mastered the art and is able to hold 'Slow Down' for a reasonably long period of time, allowing him to bombard them with hand to hand attacks, which are relatively weak compared to other skilled combat fighters.

Four years later, he graduated from the Rowan Academy for the Gifted and moved back into his old home. Returning to the emptiness and silence of his dusty old room, the echoes reminding him of his insanity and his sanity, driving him back into memories of his past life with his parents. Sending him careening back into depression and sorrow. Determined to escaped the everlasting darkness, which somehow always caught him by the neck, he once again set off for yet another adventure, this time armed with the skills and power of time itself.
Adventure, adventure; what wonderful adventure! Is how the saying goes, or something of the sorts anyways. And to Josh's surprise, he could finally relate to this old crack pot saying. Just turning 18 this passing month, he had met a wondrous girl. From what began as a bitter rivalry, grew a rather... awkward relationship that grew into something more unique. The art which she.... practiced, astounded him as if she had rehearsed practice, the art of seduction. And likewise, his grown techniques intrigued her as well, after all, it's not every day you meet someone capable of slowing down time itself. This curiosity of one another's strengths would draw them even closer into the unforgiving realm of relationships when Josh had the daring idea of asking this Robin out on a date. Bound by the invisible shackles of DOOM that he had brought upon himself, he bound himself to her in three simple yet agonizing words; I love you.