1. I love...myself!! 2. Right now I want...to watch more anime 3. I feel like...a weirdo 4. I hate it when...it'll all be over in four months 5. I fear...four months from now 6. I'm lonely without...friends 7. I need...someone >.< 8. Today I...built a desk! 9. Tomorrow I'm...gonna do laundry D; 10. I just...need that anime!! 11. I want to meet...people 12. I'm hungry for...love hahahahahahahahahahahah... 13. I love it when...i get a hug 14. I'm afraid of...clowns O__O 15. I'm listening to...myself typing 16. I'm wearing...clothes 17. I wish I was in...san fransisco!!!!! 18. I'm craving...SOMEONE. i mean...something. 19. I want to get...a chair 20. I can...breathe 21. I can't...do a tripple backflip while playing pokemon 22. I have...washed the dishes 23. I haven't...died 24. I'm nervous to...call him to come here and plaaaay. 25. My Dad thinks I'm...messy 26. My Momthinks I'm...lazy 27. I think...of a lot of things 28. I'm happy when...i talk to somebody 29. I'm sad when...i talk to somebody 30. I like eating...food 31. I hate eating...nothing! 32. I love watching... ANIME DAMN IT! 33. I love listening to...anime music xD 34. I like playing...anime games 35. I hate waking up to...lola's house >.< 36. I can see...a lot of things ((woaaah)) 37. I'm glad that...i do'nt have a headache 38. I'm disappointed that...i have no chair 39. I look like..myself 40. I wish I looked like...myself