Man, so many things happen and I just think "Hey, this is gaia journal entry material!" but you know, I'm too lazy and it never happens... and it's not anything important anyway. But regardless, here's something interesting. My friends and I had our 2nd Anual (though it's actually just the second time in one year) Manga Party! Yerp. Basically, we haul our entire manga collection to one of our houses, via bags, UHaul, whatever works... pile it all up, record how many of which mangas we PWN---I mean, own--- and then usually take some erotic pictures of it afterwards. Here are those erotic pictures:

manga... and what appears to be a yellow hippo in the corner.

manga... and Juvenile Orion is crooked for some reason...

more of the same manga from different angles...

You guessed it. Manga. Oh, and that hand in the corner is my sister. She's wearing a Seto Kaiba watch, if it means anything to you. And, yes, my sister is a hand! My father was an arm, okay? Shut up! You have family issues too!! scream

and more of the aforementioned manga.
Erotic, no? Hmm, anyway... I'd also like to add note to the fact that my collection of DNAngel was not entirely there.
And since I'm adding notes, I'd also like to say that of all those manga, these are what series I PW--er, own:
Corrector Yui
sweatdrop Heh heh. Though I may buy some more in the future! I'm just constipated about my money is all...