Im Going to Disney World
im gonna Bring My Camera And take Picture and Post them here!
whee Whee whee
Talk to You Soon!
Day One:
Today is the first OFFICIAL day in Florida. We went to the KENNEDY SPACE CENTER.
I, Sharing the same name as this boring place, couldn't stop laughing, it was fun, if you like space. but what really got me was the fact that they didn't have anything that has just The word kennedy on it so that was a boar. After that we went to the Beach, Coco beach actually and it was fun, even though it was kinda cold and windy, we still went swimming. I, being the type of person who would rather watch the ocean than swim in it, got out first and just ran up and down the shore line. Now i can say i have been from coast to coast since i live on the Pacific. it was a weird experiance since i was just getting used to the time change. other than that it was a pretty cool day. Here are some Pics

The gift shop reader Board
Day Two:
Okie today was the second day in Florida and we went to MAGIC KINGDOM
what a mess, long lines and little kids. Disney princesses and a song that gets stuck in your head. Wow. not very fun. While we were in this suposidly happy place called MAGIC KINGDOM my mom and i got thretened by a man who was abusing his son. my mom, being the teacher she is, intervened and asked if something was wrong, He gave us a murdurous look and said "its Not Gonna Be" So we left and told someone who didnt do anything. after all that trama, we went back to our rental house and listened to my family bicker about diner and about sleeping arrangements. So after that we all got to listen to my grandparents Fight. That was fun, Listening to them yell at each other until my grandmother said that she wanted a divorce. well tat is all the interesting stuff for day one and here are some pictures.

Disney Castle