The black feathers are my favorite part. It was a b***h to glue them on. Same with those sequin beady thingies I put on the same side as the feathers. Oh, and the thingies at the bottom were especially hard to glue on. Painting and putting the glitter on was probably the easiest part.

Kiri's is the blue one and Jenna's is the red one.
I wish we had white feathers so I could have put one between the black feathers, but oh well.
Oh, and yesterday I went to the school's Young Democrats and Young Republicans debate. Kathleen and Caitlyn were in it and they were awesome. The Republican side was all boys, three Libertarians and one Fascist. xd So...yeah...sometimes both sides agreed. And then it got boring. DEBATES MUST BE HEATED!!!!!
But afterwards I got ice cream. heart
Tomorrow is the Day of Silence and I'm writing an article about it. I also have my usual column and an article on ten unknown bands. One of the sophomores who's also in my French class said it was boring, but she's kinda boring too. xp I spent over half an hour editing only one of her three articles, crossing out commas constantly, correcting her grammar, correcting her organization (she doesn't believe in indenting! stressed ), and other things. The only thing I didn't fix was spelling because she miraculously didn't have any spelling errors. Oh, and Caitlin (our editor in chief) sits next to me and we're partners for making journalism notes and tests. She was editing this one guy's articles. I've known him since freshman year, and he's slowly becoming more and more annoying. He dated my ex-friend and my best friend and nothing good happened either time. He can get kind of annoying. Well...really annoying. He usually hits my head with a book sometimes. I should really tell him to stop. Ms. Walters yelled at him once for hitting my head. Someday I'm gonna flip out and be like, "GAHHHH STOP HITTING MY HEAD OR I'LL KILL YOU!"
Well, he wrote about Operation Chaos--some conservative thing. Whenever we get into debates, I just let him say his thing and then I'll say my thing and I'll tell him to leave it at that; we have different opinions. In this article he refers to himself a lot (which honestly shouldn't happen that often in articles) and it feels like it's so much about him. Not only does he talk about himself constantly (whenever he has something to say, it's about himself xp ), but he writes about himself too. Caitlin kept getting my advice for things and to see if I thought something was ridiculous. She was like, "Yeah, well you should teach him how to write. Because in this sentence he was trying to make fun of Bush's grammar, but then made a grammatical mistake in the process. xp
Oh, and a guy I've been talking to online for what I think is about three or four years now apparently has a crush on me. He and James were talking and he was like, "Don't worry, I would only date her if you two broke up."
This happens more often than it should. A long time ago one of my guy friends who I met from the same site as the previous guy hit on me. I warned him the first two times, but after the third time I blocked him.
And then a long time ago a friend of mine on PD liked me, but we haven't talked for what's probably a year now.
So...yeah. I don't know what it is with me and guys online. They're all like, "ILU!" And I'm all, " gonk "
Hmm...I'm really hungry.
Oh, the other day Ms. Shortall gave me a piece of cake while I was in French! That was great. xd And I saw her on my way to AP Lang today, so I talked to her for a few minutes about how I got another 9 on an AP essay but I don't think I did so well on our last one, and about how I've been editing papers in journalism like crazy and how the freshman don't know how to write. (Except this one girl...I edited her freshman perceptions article and it was actually pretty good! Much better than that sophomore's. stare She constantly writes "O.K., well..." "So..." "O.K., so..." GAH.) Ms. Shortall complained about how Ms. Walters should screen who signs up for journalism and let only the best join. That would be AMAZING. I love editing, but I hate checking these little mistakes (too many or too little commas, obvious misspellings, lack of paragraphs, fragments, etc.).
Although I think Ms. Walters isn't allowing any freshman to join journalism. Some freshmen can write well...but they're far outnumbered by the ones who can't write at all. Hmm...I think English teachers should sign off for whether or not you can do journalism and you could submit some things you wrote for English. It's really annoying having to teach these kids basic grammar and mechanics. THEY SHOULD HAVE LEARNED THIS.
Anyway, that was my rant.