End of the School Year!
End Of The Year Survey:
Period 1: Algebra Period 2: Social Studies Period 3: Physical Science Period 4: English Period 5: Adv. Art Period 6: P.E. Period 7: Wind Ensemble!
Period 1: Luiza
Period 2: Andrea/Christine/Nica
Period 3: Diana/Victoria
Period 4: Luiza/Sucely
Period 5: Angelica/Andrea
Period 6: Everyone/Anyone
Period 7: All flute players/Andrell/Angelica
Random Questions
- Who was your favorite teacher? Ms. Johnson.
- Which period was the most boring? Art and/or Science
- Where are you most likely to fall asleep or not pay attention? Math, if not, Art
- Which class did you get the most homework? Math, but it's all easy.
- Which class were you the most hyper? Music! 8D Or P.E.
- What was your favorite class? Music!!
- Do you like lunch? I absolutely love lunch. Food AND Friends! :]
- Do you like going to school? Eh.
- Who sits behind you in Period 3? Umm... There's a sink behind me... >_>
- How many kids are in your Period 2? About 23
- What teacher do you dislike the most? Ruano
- Can you talk in your 3rd period? Yep, but as long as you don't get obnoxious
- Who sits next to you in 5th period? Andrea ((haha, gossip)) or Angelica ((haha, B.S.))
- Who sits in front of you in 6th? Cristian. I poke his bruises. >D
- Summarize your year in two words? Fun/Entertaining
- What do you hope next year is gonna be like? My new best friends are Michael Corral and Zachary Shaw. O___O
- What do you hope will change next year? Besides my hair getting cut off....? Friends.