anyway here's chapter 5...a really short chapter...more like an intermission but I don't like calling things "intermissions" xp
slighty non-story IFF buddy seems to be always away...or he never gets my message... &.& so part of the next entry will have to be derived from what's left of my memory domokun gonk DRATS I really wanted to double-check soms stuff with him &.&
chapter 5
I was still able to teleport away even though my right arm-the one holding the blinking rune- was badly bruised. I let out a sigh of relief and with my left hand take out a water rune from my pocket and held it over my right arm- casting Kindness Drops to heal it.
I guess I will have to take a nap again I think to myself...although I'd better not head back to Rikon again if people like those three will come looking for me randomly. What was their names...Erich, Kassandra, and...I never did catch the third ones name. I take off my arm brace and stare at my birthmark while I think about the encounter. They had come in and Erich was demanding information about what? I had been so engrossed with studying the runes in the case I didn't even catch what he had said to me.
I raise my hand to touch my forehead and I still feel the warmth of the Blue Gate rune. I hadn't used it for quite some while that I have almost forgotten how it feels to use it. The intensity of how a rune feels when you use it is at its highest peak when it is embedded to your head, it is then that it is closest to your central nerve core, the brain.
I go through my pocket to make sure I did not drop the Blinking rune and Lightning rune while battling, then I lie down on the soft grass and hold my right arm into the air to look at.
A birthmark...funny that a person who's forgotten everything about their past, like me, would have something like this. doesn't seem to have any effect on my memories nor bring me closer to unlocking them. I look up in the sky and mentally measure where the sun currently is and I let out a sigh...I guess I'll just have to leave for the Great Forest tomorrow. I fall asleep but remind myself before doing so that this nap won't be as long as the last.
" is commonly used as a symbol of life
...if you think about it that way...
than the symbol of death should in fact be it's opposite: Ice"
He turns around and faces me...smiles at me...
"right Narase?"
I shyly smile back...
I wake up just in time to find a small fox nudging and staring at my arm. Oh darn...I never did put that arm brace back on. I look around for it and quickly put it back on my right arm to cover the birthmark. The baby fox becomes startled and runs away. I've noticed in the past that for some reason my birthmark seems to lure monsters into coming after me. I do not know why my birthmark has that sort of effect but I once asked a beastmaster(I think that's what he called himself) whom could talk to animals to ask one of the monsters who was following me what my birthmark meant to them. The beastmaster said that they told him "it's a sign..."
So...okay...I never understood what they meant by a 'sign' but I decided to not bother with the problem and just make sure to cover it with my arm brace, which also is a mystery in itself. As long as I remember I've had both this beautifully crafted arm brace and the birthmark on my arm. Heck...I'm not even sure it's a birthmark.
Thinking of that baby fox it reminds me...I realize that something in the world has gone wrong. The intensity of monsters in this region seem to be increasing...well actually I don't have the right to say that since I don't know what the original intensity of monsters in this area was. Oh, but also my Open Gate spell had summoned more monsters than usual; which theoretically shouldn't happen unless I had made the extra effort to summon more, which I hadn't done...
I push the thought to the back of my head and decide not to worry about it until later.
I take out a piece of paper where I sketched on it a simple drawing of the region while I was asking someone for directions...let's see...the next city that I'll have to pass through after this is Garan...and then Kouan, then it's somewhere south in Kouran.
...hopefully I won't get lost again. I look around to make sure I have everything and head towards Garan.
On the way there I bump into many monsters and test my swordmanship skills some more on them. Sigh...I like to watch myself cast rune spells but I can't forget about my sword skills either. I turn back and realize that the baby fox is following me, it is also fighting the monsters too. uh...cute. I hurry along ahead to try to lose it. Don't get me was really strong against them.
I finally get to Garan and find that the town seems very deserted. There are some traces of a battle being fought between...the inhabitants and... harpies?! I look around puzzled...harpies usually stay in high places like it the mountains...what would they be doing attacking a town like this? Were they crossing the river? But why...?
A series of questions start popping up in my head as I stand there looking at the ruins in shock. After recovering from the shock, I look around to see if there are any survivors.
After some time I concluded that a number of the surviving residents have locked themselves into either their houses or the local inn, which surprisingly wasn't as badly damaged as I suspected.
Hmm...what an interesting situation...I decide to stay in town a little while too. At least till I gather enough information to decipher what has happened to this town in the past 24 hours or so.
Since the Inn is locked and the people within seem too scared to even approach the door. I decide to stay and take over the runeshop for a bit, which unfortunately the runemaster must've either ran away or is in hiding too.
"Ah ha! What fun~ I finally get a chance to be a semi-official rune master~!" I say aloud to no one in particular. I find a extra runemaster robe somewhere in the back of the shop and put it on the way true runemasters do. I sit down at the counter in front of the rune display case and wait to see if anyone wants to come in to buy runes...
I guess I will have to take a nap again I think to myself...although I'd better not head back to Rikon again if people like those three will come looking for me randomly. What was their names...Erich, Kassandra, and...I never did catch the third ones name. I take off my arm brace and stare at my birthmark while I think about the encounter. They had come in and Erich was demanding information about what? I had been so engrossed with studying the runes in the case I didn't even catch what he had said to me.
I raise my hand to touch my forehead and I still feel the warmth of the Blue Gate rune. I hadn't used it for quite some while that I have almost forgotten how it feels to use it. The intensity of how a rune feels when you use it is at its highest peak when it is embedded to your head, it is then that it is closest to your central nerve core, the brain.
I go through my pocket to make sure I did not drop the Blinking rune and Lightning rune while battling, then I lie down on the soft grass and hold my right arm into the air to look at.
A birthmark...funny that a person who's forgotten everything about their past, like me, would have something like this. doesn't seem to have any effect on my memories nor bring me closer to unlocking them. I look up in the sky and mentally measure where the sun currently is and I let out a sigh...I guess I'll just have to leave for the Great Forest tomorrow. I fall asleep but remind myself before doing so that this nap won't be as long as the last.
" is commonly used as a symbol of life
...if you think about it that way...
than the symbol of death should in fact be it's opposite: Ice"
He turns around and faces me...smiles at me...
"right Narase?"
I shyly smile back...
I wake up just in time to find a small fox nudging and staring at my arm. Oh darn...I never did put that arm brace back on. I look around for it and quickly put it back on my right arm to cover the birthmark. The baby fox becomes startled and runs away. I've noticed in the past that for some reason my birthmark seems to lure monsters into coming after me. I do not know why my birthmark has that sort of effect but I once asked a beastmaster(I think that's what he called himself) whom could talk to animals to ask one of the monsters who was following me what my birthmark meant to them. The beastmaster said that they told him "it's a sign..."
So...okay...I never understood what they meant by a 'sign' but I decided to not bother with the problem and just make sure to cover it with my arm brace, which also is a mystery in itself. As long as I remember I've had both this beautifully crafted arm brace and the birthmark on my arm. Heck...I'm not even sure it's a birthmark.
Thinking of that baby fox it reminds me...I realize that something in the world has gone wrong. The intensity of monsters in this region seem to be increasing...well actually I don't have the right to say that since I don't know what the original intensity of monsters in this area was. Oh, but also my Open Gate spell had summoned more monsters than usual; which theoretically shouldn't happen unless I had made the extra effort to summon more, which I hadn't done...
I push the thought to the back of my head and decide not to worry about it until later.
I take out a piece of paper where I sketched on it a simple drawing of the region while I was asking someone for directions...let's see...the next city that I'll have to pass through after this is Garan...and then Kouan, then it's somewhere south in Kouran.
...hopefully I won't get lost again. I look around to make sure I have everything and head towards Garan.
On the way there I bump into many monsters and test my swordmanship skills some more on them. Sigh...I like to watch myself cast rune spells but I can't forget about my sword skills either. I turn back and realize that the baby fox is following me, it is also fighting the monsters too. uh...cute. I hurry along ahead to try to lose it. Don't get me was really strong against them.
I finally get to Garan and find that the town seems very deserted. There are some traces of a battle being fought between...the inhabitants and... harpies?! I look around puzzled...harpies usually stay in high places like it the mountains...what would they be doing attacking a town like this? Were they crossing the river? But why...?
A series of questions start popping up in my head as I stand there looking at the ruins in shock. After recovering from the shock, I look around to see if there are any survivors.
After some time I concluded that a number of the surviving residents have locked themselves into either their houses or the local inn, which surprisingly wasn't as badly damaged as I suspected.
Hmm...what an interesting situation...I decide to stay in town a little while too. At least till I gather enough information to decipher what has happened to this town in the past 24 hours or so.
Since the Inn is locked and the people within seem too scared to even approach the door. I decide to stay and take over the runeshop for a bit, which unfortunately the runemaster must've either ran away or is in hiding too.
"Ah ha! What fun~ I finally get a chance to be a semi-official rune master~!" I say aloud to no one in particular. I find a extra runemaster robe somewhere in the back of the shop and put it on the way true runemasters do. I sit down at the counter in front of the rune display case and wait to see if anyone wants to come in to buy runes...