I almost was lured into a trap today. I was never really in any danger but it still bugs me. XxXFlO_RiDaXxX came up to me and tried to tell me he was tired of playing gaiaonline. He asked if I wanted any of his stuff. When I took the bait, he told me that I would have to trust him and give him my password. I tried to entrap him by first testing his excuses for not just gifting the item to me then tried to ask questions about why he wanted my password. I even went so far as to tell him that if he was quitting anyway why not just give his password to me. You know what his response was to that...admin might think I was trying to scam him. Well duh, that what he was trying to do to me. When I asked him that he just came up with some other lame excuse. All I can think is he looked at the date of my profile and figured I was a stupid noob who would fall for anything. I reported him.