Lacey sat up wearily and stretched in the morning sunlight. "Trina, time to wake up," she said with a yawn. Lacey pulled on her favorite summer shirt and skirt, and headed down to the lake. Trina followed a few minutes later.
"Good morning, Lacey. What are you doing?" Trina asked, while Lacey took off her sandals and stockings.
"I'm going for a swim, that's what I'm doing. Come on, it's so fun!"
"A swim? That does sound nice. I'll watch for awhile. Is the water warm?"
"Warm as ever! It's like a hot bath. Come in!"
Trina sat on the bank, smiling and laughing, as Lacey splashed her with water. After awhile, Lacey went too far, and soaked her completley.
"Ooh, now you've done it, Lacey! You better watch out!" She screamed playfully as she ran into the lake after her. Lacey and Trina chased each, laughing and splashing, diving and playing.
Not too much later, both decided to go to town and get something to eat. They changed their clothes, and walked to Mrs. Tulune's Bakery.
"Oh, Lacey! Isn't it you day off?" Mrs. Tulune asked. "And who's this? A friend?"
"Yes, This is Trina. I ran into her last night. Can we have breakfast here? I have some coins."
Lacey and Trina walked over to a table and sat down.
"Would you mind if I excuse myself for a minute? My hands should be washed." Trina stood and walked to the wash room.
Lacey began tapping her boot's toes against the cold, stone floor. Click. Click. Click. Click. The shop was begining to fill up fast. Costumers were filing in and out. All of a sudden, Lacey looked up, and noticed two men. How familiar they looked.
"Sorry! I kept you waiting a long time, didn't I?" Trina said as she came running back.
"Oh. . . Um, It's okay. I don't mind,"Lacey answered. The ordered breakfast, and took their time eating. Lacey kept spacing in and out. Finally, her memory clicked. She stood up ubruptly, paid, grabbed Trina's hand, and left.
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Current Story: Surprises (Aka: Lacey's Story)
Sorry for my supa short entries, I get writers block super fast, and I have a REALLY busy schedule right now. Please, please, please comment!!! And enjoy!
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Sora x Kairi - My twisted reality
I have a secret I'm afraid to tell. . .
. . . because I won't lose you as well.
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