First Thank you for stopping to read this... Each day I will ty to add a poem and a picture I created here. If I get enough comments I may try to put pictures in art arena.
Poem:Wrists cutting
Folder’s shutting
Filled with pain
Stranger’s name
Blackened clothes
Trench coat robes
Knee-high boots
Funeral suits
Purple hair
Pants that tear
Black-lidded eyes
Sharpened knives
Screeching music
Mixed and fusion
Tattooed arms
Deep self-harm
Natural loner
Black eye-toner
Black finger nailing
Black everything
Too much feeling
Too little thinking
Angry songs
Unknown wrongs
Saying something
Meaning nothing
Feeling lonely
Dying slowly
Hateful outlooks
Tear-filled notebooks
Angry outside
Still dead inside
JackandKatnappe Community Member |