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well whatever really comes to mind, something to get stuff off my mind and try to avoid stress. Also just my random moments.
hehe!!!! oh yeah!!!!
ok so if u havent been able to tell......Im ubsessed with Twilight!!!

n so here are some of my favorite quotes from twilght, new moon, n eclipse....

oh n so u know im gonna keep u all updated on all the twilight books, n the movie!!!

Twilight quotes........

-"When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end." -Bella

-"Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain." -Bella

-"Nothing slows down traffic like a cop" -Bella

-"it was too green - an alien planet" -Bella

-"For some reason my temper was hardwired to my tearducts." -Bella

-"Did you stab Edward Cullen with a pencil or what?" -Mike

-"I made the cowardly lion look like the terminator" -Bella

-"Besides i thought it was suppose to come down in flakes - you know each one unique and all that. These look like the ends of Q-tips" -Bella

-"Dancing was glaringly outside my range of abilities" -Bella

-"interesting.. and brilliant.. and mysterious.. and perfect.. and beautiful.. and possibly able to lift full sized vans with one hand" -Bella

-"The wasting of finite resources is everyones business" -Edward

-"Your dangerous.. but not bad" -Bella

-"Honestly - I've seen corpses with better color. I was concerned that I might have to avenge your murder" -Edward

-"Don't be offended but you seem to be one of those people who just attract accidents like a magnet" -Edward

-"However, my positive opinion of his looks was damaged by the first words out of his mouth" -Bella

-“I dazzle people?” –Edward

-“Do I dazzle you?” –Ed
-“Frequently” –Bella

-“I’ve always been very good at repressing unpleasant things” –Bella

-“You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade” –Edward

-"Bring on the shackles - I'm your prisoner." –Edward

-"I'm not coming over anymore if Alice is going to treat me like Guinea Pig Barbie when I do." -Bella

-"This truck is old enough to be your cars grandfather, have some respect." -Bella

-"Look i'm trying really hard not to think about what i'm about to do, so can we go already?" -Bella

-"And you're worried not because you're headed to a houseful of vampires, but because you thin those vampires won't approve of you correct?" -Edward

-"The unintelligible stream of profanities started again" -Bella talking about Edward

-"Do you think any of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundres years if he loses you?" -Alice

-"He never leaves, does he?" -Renee

-"To be perfectly honest, she'll be unavailable every night as far as anyone besides myself is concerned" -Edward

-"He thought my bizarre human reactions were hilarious. . . or maybe it was just the fact that i fell down a lot that he found so funny" -Bella

-"This looks like a horror movie waiting to happen" -Bella

-“If there is anything dangerous within a ten-mile radius, it will invariably find you.” –Edward

-“Your thoughts are on AM frequency and im only getting FM” –Edward

“I hear voices in my head and your worried that you’re the freak” –Edward

-“If you turn us into a Volvo pretzel around a tree trunk, you can probably just walk away” –Bella

-“And you accused me of dazzling people – poor Jacob Black.” –Edward

-“I’ve noticed that people – men in particular - are crabbier when they’re hungry.” –Bella

- “About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was part of him – and I didn’t know how potent that part might be – that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.” –Bella

- “What a sick, masochistic lion.” -Edward

- “Yes, you are exactly my brand of heroin.” -Edward

-“You are the most important thing to me now” -Edward

-“Damn it Bella! You’ll be the death of me, I swear you will!” -Edward

-“If I could dream at all, it would be about you, and I’m not ashamed of it.” –Edward

-“She’s diabolical,” Emmett chuckled

-“You think I lifted a van off of you?” His tone questioned my sanity –Edward to Bella

-“Stupid, shiny Volvo owner” –Bella

-“No coffins, no piled skulls in the corners; I don’t even think we have cobwebs… what a disappointment this must be for you.” –Edward

-“For this to be the twilight of your life, though your life has barely started…” –Edward

-“Do you want me to lock the doors while you slaughter the unsuspecting townspeople?” -Bella

-”“He looks at you like…like you’re something to eat.” –Mike

-“Are you still faint from the run, or is it my kissing expertise? Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.” –Edward

-“It’s a loose interpretation of the word ‘boy’, I’ll admit.” –Edward

-“I doubted there were any etiquette books detailing how to dress when your vampire sweetheart takes you home to meet his vampire family.” –Bella

“Yesterday I kiss you, and you attack me! Today I kiss you, and you pass out on me! So much for being good at everything.” –Edward

-“It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share.” –Alice

-"I can fell what you are feeling now—and you are worth it." –Jasper

-“I don’t seem strong enough to stay away from you, so I suppose that you’ll get your way…whether it kills you or not.” –Edward

Still working on this. More to come biggrin New Moon Quotes

-"I told you I wasn't going to live without you” -Edward Cullen

-"Bella, all I want and need is to be with you, and I know I will never have the strength to leave you again" -Edward

-"My life was like a moonless night. But then you shot across my sky like a meteor..."-Edward

-"When you were gone, I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything." -Edward Cullen

-"Looks like she's going into hysterics. Maybe you should slap her"-Alice Cullen

-"Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget."-Bella Swan

-"I've never seen anyone so prone to life-threatening idiocy"-Alice Cullen

-"Excellent plan, my brother." -Emmett "No." -Rosalie "Absolutely not." -Bella "Nice." -Jasper "Idiots." -Alice

-"It's possible to take bravery to the point where it becomes insanity."-Edward Cullen

-"I can see where you might confuse me with a nightmare. But I can't imagine what you could have done to wind up in hell. Did you commit many murders while I was away?" –Edward

-"How strange," I mused. "I really went to Italy. Did you know I'd never been farther east than Athequerque?" He rolled his eyes. "Maybe you should go back to sleep. You're not coherent." -Bella and Edward

-“Bella's all about the extreme sports these days" -Alice

-"What a marshmallow. You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that make weaker men vomit." -Jacob Black

-Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me. -Bella

-“I was like a lost moon-my planet destroyed in some cataclysmic, disaster-movie scenerio of desolation-that continued nevertheless, to circle in a tight little orbit around the empty space left behind, ignoring the laws of gravity” -Bella,

-"Here's to responsibility twice a week" "And recklessness every day in between." - Jacob and Bella

-"Gran, you might have noticed that my boyfriend glitters. It's just something he does in the sun." -Bella

-"When I told you that I didn't want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy."-Edward

-“Eighteen isn’t very old. Don’t women usually wait till they’re twenty-nine to get upset over birthdays?” –Alice

-“I have a question. If I develop this film, will you show up in the picture?” -Bella

I will add more when I have time. Some quotes were pulled from here Eclipse Quotes

- “The outside world holds nothing for me without you." -Edward Cullen,

-"I'm not coming over anymore if Alice is going to treat me like a guinea pig Barbie when I do."-Bella

-"Option three: Edward loved me. The bond forged between us was not one that could be broken by absence, distance or time. And no matter how much more special or beautiful or brilliant or perfect than me he might be, he was as irreversibly altered as I was. As I would always belong to him, so he would always be mine."-Bella Swan

-"I may not be human, but I am a man."-Edward Cullen

-"Does my being half naked bother you?" - Jacob Black

-"That’s more then just a fashion statement it sucks to carry jeans in your mouth" - Jacob Black

-"To each her own" - Bella

-"you can't push what you don't have " -Jacob Black

-"and yet you don't see the fish trying to plant a kiss on the eagle" - Jacob Black

-"yes because a vampire slumber party is the pinnacle to safety conscious behavior" Bella

-"the right thing isn't always real obvious. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. So... good luck figuring that out" Charlie

- “I wanted his venom to poison my system. It would make me belong to him in a tangible, quantifiable way." Bella
-"You are in trouble," I said slowly, emphasizing each word. "Enormous trouble. Angry grizzly bears are going to look tame next to what is waiting for you at home." -Bella to Edward,

-"The clouds I can handle. But I can't fight with an eclipse." -Jacob

- Bella- "You know I love you."
- Jacob- "I know. You know how much I wish it was enough."

-"Edward's like a drug for you, Bella. I see that you can't live without him now. It's too late. But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun." -Jacob

-"Bella would you please stop trying to take your clothes off" --Edward

-Bella: "Physically, there's nothing I want more than you. More than food or water or oxygen."
Edward: "Bella I could kill you."
Bella: "I don't think you could."

-"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars - points of light and reason... And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything." --Edward

-Edward: "You know, Jacob, if it weren't for the fact that we're natural enemies and that you're also trying to steal away the reason for my existence, I might actually like you."
Jacob: "Maybe...if you weren't a disgusting vampire who was planning to suck the life of the girl I love...well, no, not even then."

-"I was all braced for the wrath that was going to put grizzlies to shame, and this is what I get? I should infuriate you more often."

-So lets say my bad luck did crash the plane. What exactly were you gonna do about it? -Bella
Why is the plane crashing? -Edward
He was trying to hide a smile now.
The pilots has passed out drunk. -Bella
Easy. I'd fly the plane. -Edward
Of course. I pursed my lips and tried again.
Both engines have exploded and we're falling in a death spriral toward the earth. -Bella
I'd wait till we were close enough to the ground, get a good grip on you, kick out the wall, and jump. Then I'd walk you back to thescene of the accident, and we'd stumble around like the two luckiest survivors in history -Edward

-Emmett: Fall down again, Bella?
Bella: No, Emmett. I punched a werewolf in the face.

-Edward: She was translating the Battle Hymn of the Republic into Arabic, actually.

-Alice: Speaking of Italy and sports cars that I stole there you still owe my a yellow porsche

-Edward: Penguins. Lovely.

I will add more when I have time. Some quotes were pulled from here

New Moon.....................................

-"I told you I wasn't going to live without you” -Edward Cullen

-"Bella, all I want and need is to be with you, and I know I will never have the strength to leave you again" -Edward

-"My life was like a moonless night. But then you shot across my sky like a meteor..."-Edward

-"When you were gone, I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything." -Edward Cullen

-"Looks like she's going into hysterics. Maybe you should slap her"-Alice Cullen

-"Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget."-Bella Swan

-"I've never seen anyone so prone to life-threatening idiocy"-Alice Cullen

-"Excellent plan, my brother." -Emmett "No." -Rosalie "Absolutely not." -Bella "Nice." -Jasper "Idiots." -Alice

-"It's possible to take bravery to the point where it becomes insanity."-Edward Cullen

-"I can see where you might confuse me with a nightmare. But I can't imagine what you could have done to wind up in hell. Did you commit many murders while I was away?" –Edward

-"How strange," I mused. "I really went to Italy. Did you know I'd never been farther east than Athequerque?" He rolled his eyes. "Maybe you should go back to sleep. You're not coherent." -Bella and Edward

-“Bella's all about the extreme sports these days" -Alice

-"What a marshmallow. You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that make weaker men vomit." -Jacob Black

-Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me. -Bella

-“I was like a lost moon-my planet destroyed in some cataclysmic, disaster-movie scenerio of desolation-that continued nevertheless, to circle in a tight little orbit around the empty space left behind, ignoring the laws of gravity” -Bella,

-"Here's to responsibility twice a week" "And recklessness every day in between." - Jacob and Bella

-"Gran, you might have noticed that my boyfriend glitters. It's just something he does in the sun." -Bella

-"When I told you that I didn't want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy."-Edward

-“Eighteen isn’t very old. Don’t women usually wait till they’re twenty-nine to get upset over birthdays?” –Alice

-“I have a question. If I develop this film, will you show up in the picture?” -Bella

I will add more when I have time. Some quotes were pulled from here Eclipse Quotes

- “The outside world holds nothing for me without you." -Edward Cullen,

-"I'm not coming over anymore if Alice is going to treat me like a guinea pig Barbie when I do."-Bella

-"Option three: Edward loved me. The bond forged between us was not one that could be broken by absence, distance or time. And no matter how much more special or beautiful or brilliant or perfect than me he might be, he was as irreversibly altered as I was. As I would always belong to him, so he would always be mine."-Bella Swan

-"I may not be human, but I am a man."-Edward Cullen

-"Does my being half naked bother you?" - Jacob Black

-"That’s more then just a fashion statement it sucks to carry jeans in your mouth" - Jacob Black

-"To each her own" - Bella

-"you can't push what you don't have " -Jacob Black

-"and yet you don't see the fish trying to plant a kiss on the eagle" - Jacob Black

-"yes because a vampire slumber party is the pinnacle to safety conscious behavior" Bella

-"the right thing isn't always real obvious. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. So... good luck figuring that out" Charlie

- “I wanted his venom to poison my system. It would make me belong to him in a tangible, quantifiable way." Bella
-"You are in trouble," I said slowly, emphasizing each word. "Enormous trouble. Angry grizzly bears are going to look tame next to what is waiting for you at home." -Bella to Edward,

-"The clouds I can handle. But I can't fight with an eclipse." -Jacob

- Bella- "You know I love you."
- Jacob- "I know. You know how much I wish it was enough."

-"Edward's like a drug for you, Bella. I see that you can't live without him now. It's too late. But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun." -Jacob

-"Bella would you please stop trying to take your clothes off" --Edward

-Bella: "Physically, there's nothing I want more than you. More than food or water or oxygen."
Edward: "Bella I could kill you."
Bella: "I don't think you could."

-"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars - points of light and reason... And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything." --Edward

-Edward: "You know, Jacob, if it weren't for the fact that we're natural enemies and that you're also trying to steal away the reason for my existence, I might actually like you."
Jacob: "Maybe...if you weren't a disgusting vampire who was planning to suck the life of the girl I love...well, no, not even then."

-"I was all braced for the wrath that was going to put grizzlies to shame, and this is what I get? I should infuriate you more often."

-So lets say my bad luck did crash the plane. What exactly were you gonna do about it? -Bella
Why is the plane crashing? -Edward
He was trying to hide a smile now.
The pilots has passed out drunk. -Bella
Easy. I'd fly the plane. -Edward
Of course. I pursed my lips and tried again.
Both engines have exploded and we're falling in a death spriral toward the earth. -Bella
I'd wait till we were close enough to the ground, get a good grip on you, kick out the wall, and jump. Then I'd walk you back to thescene of the accident, and we'd stumble around like the two luckiest survivors in history -Edward

-Emmett: Fall down again, Bella?
Bella: No, Emmett. I punched a werewolf in the face.

-Edward: She was translating the Battle Hymn of the Republic into Arabic, actually.

-Alice: Speaking of Italy and sports cars that I stole there you still owe my a yellow porsche

-Edward: Penguins. Lovely.

I will add more when I have time. Some quotes were pulled from here

- “The outside world holds nothing for me without you." -Edward Cullen,

-"I'm not coming over anymore if Alice is going to treat me like a guinea pig Barbie when I do."-Bella

-"Option three: Edward loved me. The bond forged between us was not one that could be broken by absence, distance or time. And no matter how much more special or beautiful or brilliant or perfect than me he might be, he was as irreversibly altered as I was. As I would always belong to him, so he would always be mine."-Bella Swan

-"I may not be human, but I am a man."-Edward Cullen

-"Does my being half naked bother you?" - Jacob Black

-"That’s more then just a fashion statement it sucks to carry jeans in your mouth" - Jacob Black

-"To each her own" - Bella

-"you can't push what you don't have " -Jacob Black

-"and yet you don't see the fish trying to plant a kiss on the eagle" - Jacob Black

-"yes because a vampire slumber party is the pinnacle to safety conscious behavior" Bella

-"the right thing isn't always real obvious. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. So... good luck figuring that out" Charlie

- “I wanted his venom to poison my system. It would make me belong to him in a tangible, quantifiable way." Bella
-"You are in trouble," I said slowly, emphasizing each word. "Enormous trouble. Angry grizzly bears are going to look tame next to what is waiting for you at home." -Bella to Edward,

-"The clouds I can handle. But I can't fight with an eclipse." -Jacob

- Bella- "You know I love you."
- Jacob- "I know. You know how much I wish it was enough."

-"Edward's like a drug for you, Bella. I see that you can't live without him now. It's too late. But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun." -Jacob

-"Bella would you please stop trying to take your clothes off" --Edward

-Bella: "Physically, there's nothing I want more than you. More than food or water or oxygen."
Edward: "Bella I could kill you."
Bella: "I don't think you could."

-"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars - points of light and reason... And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything." --Edward

-Edward: "You know, Jacob, if it weren't for the fact that we're natural enemies and that you're also trying to steal away the reason for my existence, I might actually like you."
Jacob: "Maybe...if you weren't a disgusting vampire who was planning to suck the life of the girl I love...well, no, not even then."

-"I was all braced for the wrath that was going to put grizzlies to shame, and this is what I get? I should infuriate you more often."

-So lets say my bad luck did crash the plane. What exactly were you gonna do about it? -Bella
Why is the plane crashing? -Edward
He was trying to hide a smile now.
The pilots has passed out drunk. -Bella
Easy. I'd fly the plane. -Edward
Of course. I pursed my lips and tried again.
Both engines have exploded and we're falling in a death spriral toward the earth. -Bella
I'd wait till we were close enough to the ground, get a good grip on you, kick out the wall, and jump. Then I'd walk you back to thescene of the accident, and we'd stumble around like the two luckiest survivors in history -Edward

-Emmett: Fall down again, Bella?
Bella: No, Emmett. I punched a werewolf in the face.

-Edward: She was translating the Battle Hymn of the Republic into Arabic, actually.

-Alice: Speaking of Italy and sports cars that I stole there you still owe my a yellow porsche

-Edward: Penguins. Lovely.

I will add more when I have time. Some quotes were pulled from here

ok so i got all these from

i know not all the quotes in this are not in the right book but they are still cute!!


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