Forcing a finger through, he parted the lips -felt the wet mouth around it with a twisted grin.
-The boy beneath him whimpered and twisted -trying to escape his grip.
"A slave.. -have no right to oppose it's master." -his deep voice purred -smooth and lingering in the air.


White skin, pale -blue eyes, and a flowing dark hair, the boy had caught his interest before their eyes had even met. -An orphan, but taken in to play the publics -schemed to appear a demon with chakles and black leather-wraps.

-A mere sum for this man and the youth had switched owner -its previous one set off to a life of luxuries...


-The parted -black lips revealed a set of perfect white teeth -a pink tongue that tried to refuse him... -But hit finger slid past, making the boy gag and trying to toss his head -held by a strong hand -making his attempts impossible.

-This man had kept the boy's attire -part for the clothes that hid his main body.
It aroused him, seeing those wonderful blue eyes -glaced with tears and the dark leather so strict cutting the white of the boy's body.

-The dark hair spread over the set of cloth, the boy gasped heavily for air, mouth still filled. -Without composure -without mercy, this man trailed another hand down the boy's belly, sliding it over the boy's tender part...
-He didn't stop, but continued -spreadig the chasm using his hand...

-A choked gasp -the eyes closed -the man forcing himself into him... -Rough, uncaring...

-Thrusting hard and deep -this man let his lips touch the skin, a tongue slipping out between them -trailing amongst the body of the child.
-Coming, he rest his body, releasing the hold -slipping his finger out... -A trail of saliva over the white skin as the lips formed yet another gasp...

-Chest heaving, this man thrust again -moaning himself to exceed pleasure by the body beneath. -The white skin pearled with small -salty drops of exhaustion.

-Seizing the wrists, he sat again -eyes wild and pace increasing. -No help were the silent boy's cries -neither salty tears down the cheeks of the suffering face...

-Throwing body forward -this man burried his fangs to the neck -leading red wine to pleasure his taste. -Upon this request, the boy cried yet again -no mercy shown by the violence bestowed upon his flesh...

-Beating and striving, the boy sought no end to his torment -back against the beating man... -Mind wavering -eyes flicker, the blood left his body -placing a hand on the man who taught him ill...

-Caressing -the red tongue slid the pale skin -leaving no red to escape it... -Beatings more easy and hands released -this man lay to keep the reddish taint on his skin... -tears and cries stopped.

-Deep -wavering motion, hands on the torso and caressed -the boy sat to see the man finally -accepting the schooling at very last.
-Arching back -their lips found each other -tongues playing between and moans drenched in throats...

-Now loving, coming -they had their last -parting and getle strokes over the boy's chin. -Tongue trailing neck again, caressed the boy -this man sought no longer to torment -but to care, to love...

"I love you..." -words spoken in darkness -never to be told the world, neither any living soul -the two kept their play... -Days 'till end.