h3y this is summ3r tim3 and im funna injoy it 3v3n though kristy on3 of th3 b3st p3opl3 as a fri3nd i could no is moving to chicago and will not b3 comin for 8th grad3
crying at th3 last day of school we was all cryin gris3lda, mayra,sh3a, kristy,tyi3sha,and m3 was all cryin b3cause kristy was l3vean and sh3 was cryin wich is somthin i thought i would never s33 until andr3w (the boii that i love
heart smile )
start3d t3arin up th3n i started to cry again horrib3 but i will b3 abl3 to s33 my boii andr3w at my b3st fri3nds b-day partii on the 14th
cheese_whine heart w3ll thats all luve ya