Back to him in the room. Have you quite forgotten, from our fateful beggining?
Seiji slammed the apartment door. "man," He sighed. "I hate this!" He slammed his fists on a desk. Just then, he heared something. He glanced over his shoulders and saw someone run out the door. Seiji looked in fear and decided to follow. The person seemed to drop something. But what? Seiji couldn't tell.
I'm sure you don't mind if i repeat the beggining to inform you again, do you? Thank you, reader, for allowing me to do so.
The dark room seemed endless as young Seiji walked in, only able to see the bright red streaks covering his pale eyes. He peeked his head over a small column, you can call it, to only visulaize a tall, black figure. It was slowly turning around, walking toward Seiji. His heart raced like sled dogs at a competition. The figure grew closer as Seiji began to sweat nerviously. His hands we're gripping the column, tighter and tighter with every step the figure made. He simply froze in fear as the figure did. But it didn't stop moving. A bright blade pulled from nowhere as the figure moved forward, closer and closer, until it happened.
The blade flew through the air. Seiji screamed in fear, trying to jump away, but pain tore into him like those annoying muscular men ripping telephone books. You know, the thick yellow ones? Yeah, those. Oh, I seem to be ranbling. Back to the story it is. Seiji Gripped his leg in pain, as the blade was drenched in his blood, cutting into him deeply. The figure turned quickly in Seiji's direction. Seiji froze and felt a chill run down his spine, and with that, The figure turned in a different direction, and with nothing else, walked slowly off. Seiji waited until he was sure it was gone, and when he was, Seiji leaned his head onto his leg in pain. Breathing felt harder as he let out small yelps every few minutes, until a light shone from where the door was. He heared clicking of platforms. He could not move, and he dare not breathe. He waited in fear, until a light shone on him. Seiji closed his eyes tightly, waiting for his last breath and the person to murder him, but he didnt.
"Are you ok?" A familiar voice asked. Seiji looked up in enlightment. "K-san!" He said, still in pain, but he was happy. "What happened to you're leg!" K asked, shining the light on his leg. "Good question..." Seiji put his head down. "Y'mean you don't know?" K asked in confusion. "It sort of just happened." He replied, looking at the light, only now seeing the massive bruise, bloody knife and the blood bath on his leg. "Man," K sighed. "My phone light isn't working. Let's go into some better light." Seiji nodded, and just as he was getting up, K pushed him back down. "But let's get this knife out of you first." Seiji looked in fear. "Please don't." He cried. "I'm not leaving it there!" K replied. "Just sit still." He gripped the blade's handle tight, holding dowm Seiji by his chest, just to make sure he didn't run, and he ripped the blade out. There was a screech of pain and blood flew everywhere. Seiji looked at the blade, then at K, then, at no warning, he fainted in pain.
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To my one darling... -x-manabu_satoru-x-
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To my one darling... -x-manabu_satoru-x-