NAme: Lucien Age: 23 Occupation: Teaching and Bartending Sexual Orientation: Gay
Lucien is a very cold and distant guy on the basis that he hates stupidity. However he is damn good at the things that he does. He has a smart mouth. He smokes, he drinks and more than anythig else he hates cute people or people that think they're cute. He's not all bark though every once in a while you might catch him playing the piano or singing. He loves poetry and jazz.
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Name: Ray Age: 19 Occupation: Student and part time photographer Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
Despite what some people may think Ray is a very sweet and exciteable girl that loves adventure. But its very hard for her to trust people and at times she seems distant. She s omewhat a day dreamer and would one day love to take pictures all over the world.
Cassius Black · Tue Jun 10, 2008 @ 04:37pm · 0 Comments |