I don't know. I was able to get up for shopping and stuff just fine this morning, guess I'm getting used to barely getting only a few short naps in a day now, or something, but I'm still really always tired. I'm waiing on my antibiotics to kick in, and I somehow cut my leg and pulled a muscle in it, so now i have this funny limp thing going on. I kinda feel like I might have a fever today, or maybe my skin is just really warm to the touch. I guess I've been thinking about alot of things today and I have questions, but just not sure if they are necessary to be asked. I also kinda felt like maybe I shelter myself too much. I remember back when I was little, I liked to be outside alot, and play anywhere, even if I got hurt or cut or scraped, and now, I won't do anything if it means I might get hurt, and it makes me feel like I miss too much, but I'm still too nervous. I just don't know what I should do..