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I Write to keep my sanity. But I'm laying here watching it slip away .

Community Member
The PreLude Part 3

Alice came to moments clearity but these faded quickly as she would fall back to the deep dark clutches of sleep. Once she finally did awoke and could smell fresh food and tea. She slowly opened her eyes and tried to sit up. She felt gentle pressure on her shoulders and she allowed herself to be layed down. She heard a soft and femilure voice call to her. She fully opened her eyes to see the shadowed face of the one who had saved her for the third time now. "I'm sorry I've caused so much trouble for you. But why me. He already died for me. Why must another innocent life be taken at my expence?" Othello chuckled "Innocent. Dear I am far from innocent. I'm a vampire remember, I've kill people just to feed myself. I feel like this calling to protect you is a way to find forgiveness for my sins." Alice looked into his deep blue eyes which at the moment seem as wild and untamed as the sea. They swirled with greys and blues like a hurrican over the ocean. He broke the connection and walked back to a chair he had most obviously been sitting in for how ever long she had been sleeping.

Within a few seconds he was back at her side with a plate of her favorit food and a cup of green tea. Alice took the cup of tea and sipped it deeply the thirst of a few days sleep now becoming evadent to her. Othello smiled at her "So you were thisrty?" she lowered the cup from her lips "Mmmm Hum" she looked at him again and smiled finishing her tea and handing him her cup. He handed her a rice ball then ran his fingers other her temple pushing some of the jagged pieces of her now short hair out of her eyes "Don't fight this Alice. I need to be with you to protect you." He tried to pleed with her but I feel on deaf ears "I will not let this be Othello. Himori Already died to save this girl. I'm not needed in this world, Why must so many die for me? " Othello stroked her cheek to her chin then down to her neck where he's fingers lingered and a few second his eyes tracing the lines in her neck knowing where her vains lay inside. He shook his head and stood up once again.

The sun was setting as Alice started to regain her strangth. Othello had re-dressed her wound and Had gotted her to a bath. Now that is was night it was time for them to move. Othello had been out scouting and knew where they're next squat would be. They had to keep on the move never staying anywhere for to long so the Yakuza would not have time to find and capture her. Alice would not let Othello do anyhting for her. He had tried to get her to let him carry her since he was fast and able to travle without being notcied. But she was determand to not have him do anything for her. She walked down the stairs to the gound level and looked out the door.
She was still skeptical of everything. Always thinking they were somewhere near by, Which was not entirly untrue. The Yakuza where everywhere and no where. They excisted to be a myth. If they really did excist. Alice's parents used to tell her That the Yakuza was a scary stoy made up by people who lived in the city to provide solice from unexplained deaths. Alice now know better. Bother he parents and her love had been killed by these people and she had seen it happen. When Alice was 13 she had walked in on her father and a man who had called himself Shitomi Itira. He had once been a close friend of her fathers in the years high school and college. But that day her father had seemed disstressed by what he had been told. He and the man had gotten into a fight that ended badly. 3 Weeks later her mother was killed. Alice was not a nieve child and she knew these two incidents were related. Even though her father had alway denied it. He became less of a man that day. He started to be paranoied of evrey person. He quite running his company and turned it over the his vice. He never left his pent house appartment. And he forced Alice to stay indoors as well. Only fathers brother and his mother ever visited untill the day Hitori came. After he came into Alice's life she was able to do as she plesaed. Went where she wanted. She was a normal teen age girl, Well she was never really normal but as close to it as she could be. After she watched him die in her arms she didn't want to go outside her home. She was safe there. The world had showed her so much evil. It had killed people she loved. The day her father was murdered as she hid was the day Alice lost all faith for this world to ever be good. Her sence of love and longing died with those three people. And now with Othello her fear would soon follow.

Othello caught her forarm as she went to step out of the door "Follow me." He sounded different this time he spoke to her. His voice was cold and commanding. He held himself like a seasoned worrior heading for battle. His eyes where shades of grey cold and unreadable. This new side of him intreged her. She listened and follow close behind him. Her lessons as a ballet dancer she now found useful. Her skills she had tuned now saved her from being clumsy and loud. She was as silent as the shadows she walked in. Othello would turn to look at her every few seconds as if to see if she was still there . But his eyes did not betrey his feelings if there where any going on inside him at this moment. After several miles of running in shadows and along roof tops Othello showed Alice a building that had been and old industiral waste treatment center. Once they where in and had found a room that must have been an infurery for ones wounded on the job Othello spoke. "We will stay in here untill my contact comes." Alice look at him quizically "Who?" She asked "His his name is of no consicuince to you. All you need to know is that he is tursted by me and he will help keep you from dieing." His cold dimener shoked Alice. He was always so soft spoken and kind to her, And now her was cold and harsh. She was not sure how to deal with this . Alice turned to a work table that had viles and liquids on in. She ran her fingers over the utensiles. Once her fingers landed on a scalpule, A smirk curled at the corner of her lips and she picked in up and slipped it into a knife sheeth in her boot. Othello came behind her and turned her around with a hand on her shoulder perhaps a breath from her throat. "Put it back." She tried to look shocked "What?! Put what back?" He slowly knelt down his hand running down her body, his fingers always touching her skin, Down the soft exposed skin of her leg. Her breath quickened at his touch. He slid his fingers into the lip of her boot and pinched the hilt of scalpule between two fingers and standing with it "This" He said flicking his wrist sending the knife into the wall. "You won't need to protect yourself. I woun't let anything near you."

It must have been dawn now as Alice stood in the doorway to one of the many labs in this old building. Glanceing over old notes and viles of unpernouncible liquids. Othello had gone out to get food and had locked her in a area of four rooms she had been scouting for what seemed like hours now. As she walked over to a table she noticed a window that had been broken . She slowly walked over to it and looked down at the small bank and river below. As she started to press on the glass to see how tight it was in it's fram she heard someone clear there throat behind her and she winced as she slowly turned around to meet the still cold unreadable eyes of Othello. A small coy smile spread across her lips "Hello there." She tried to sound innocent but she know he was not about the fall for it. Othello sat a bag if take-out on a lite work table and begain to unpack it. Alice walked over to the table and picked up a pair of chop sticks. After eating her fill Alice sat on the table with her back to Othello. She cleared her throat and knew he was looking at her "What are you going to do with me?" She asked. Not knowing exactly what she was asking . Othello took a drink of some hot tea to wash down his food "Well I'll keep you from the Yakuza for now, Untill I hear from my contact." He sounded very finale like that was all he was going to say about this situation , But Alice wanted more and if Othello plained to keep her there he needed to humor her abit more. "Well okay you've mentioned that. But after that. Once we hear from him, And possibly meet up with him. What then? I mean your not just going to keep moving me around under the Yakuza's nose untill I die are you?" Othello Stepped infront of Alice and looked into her eyes "We will do what we beleive is best for you. But I have a feeling you are going to be apart of something big Alice. So stop being so stubborn and such a nusince. Your parents are dead and I'm all you have left." Instant tears welled in her eyes and she brought the back of her left hand acrossed his face leaving a brite red mark on his left cheek. "You will never be Hitori, Not even close. Your suck a b*****d. I hate you ! I hope the yakuza kill you." Alice pushed him from in front of her and ran to the window not thinking twice as she kicked it hard and watched the glass glitter as the rising sun hit the shattered pieces as they fell to the ground. Alice didn't even look back as she jumped out of the window and a few seconds later hit the ground with an excrusiating jult. She rolled onto her side and felt the pop of bones moving when they shouldn't . She let out a scream at her now broken ribs. She then stumbbled to her feet and ran along the bank tripping over stones and bits of rubble. She knew where she was but she now needed to figure out where she was going. Running into the raising sun Alice glanced around noticing land marks to direct herself with. She thought ruuning into the sun was best for her. Othello was a vampire and sun was still a weakness for him. He could walk around in it but he could not look in the direction of the sun.

As Alice reached the end of the old distrect she could hear cars and people. The catter was comforting. As she burst onto the road she stopped just short of traffic. Women on there way to work pushed by her. She stood for there the world seeming to slow around. She glanced around nervously, her eyes catching others eyes who seemed to peel away her every layer going over in there minds all they had hear or read about her. As she came to her senses she could her mumbles "Hmm Isn't that the Mamori girl." "Yeah I think it is. Poor dear, I heard she hid in a closet for a week after her father died." "That poor girl. I wander how she has been for the past year?" Alice staired at the woman who stated this last statement and slowly moved toward her no expression in her features "What have you said?" Her voice lacking feeling or inflection. Sounding almost inhuman. The woman looked puzzled "What do you mean?" Alice came still closer her eyes not leaving the womans lips as if ,if she did she would miss the trueness of the womans meaning "How long has it been since my father was killed?" A look of deep mother care crossed her features "It will be one year and two weeks monday dear." Alice looked into the woman's eyes "No it's only been five days.I'veonly been with othello for five days, and he saved me from the hospital the day my father was killed." The woman looked deeply saddened and placed a hand on Alice's small quivering shoulder "No dear. You were in a coma for a year after your fathers death. . . . ." Alice shook her head and placed her hand over the woman's mouth "No!" She yelled "Your lieing!" She turned as if to find comfort behind her where Hitori had always stood . She had always found solice in his arms but he was not there. Tear ran down her face. She began to sob as she collapsed to her knees. "Your lieing. . . . . Your lieing. I know your wrong" She kept repeating to herself softly rocking herself back and forth stroking her arm. The kind woman knelt next to her "I'm sorry dear. I should have not just blabbed that out. Is there someone i can contact for you? You can just sit here in the sidewalk."

Alice's eyes glased over and she felt cold. Everyone had lied to her. Even Othello had not told her the whould truth. Whom could she trust. . . . No one. Alice stood "I'm find." Her tears had left as quickly as they had vantured to the outside. The woman looked quizzically at her but said nothing. Alice walked past her toward a giant built. The only thing she could remember in the daze of furry and sadness. Her fathers building.

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