The Sound That Sand makes. (A Kabuto and Gaara love story.) *6*
Okay we last left off with you finding out that you had to marry Gaara by the age of 18 under documents that your father and the 4th Kazekage signed. Kabuto was infuriated as well was Gaara and you. But rules are rules and the elder is keeping the law. Kabuto later left back for the Sound village. So Gaara and you were looking over the balcony to the Kazekage tower talking.
Both of you stood over the balcony for a few minutes in silence until Gaara broke it, "So why don't I show you to your room." You nodded and smiled as Gaara motioned you towards him and you followed. Not sure where you were going you stopped in front of Gaara for a hint. He instead just rolled his eyes and yanked you towards him, causing you to bump into his chest, you blushed on contact.
While Gaara on the other hand just quick looked away from you. He then slowly let go of your hand and placed the arm around your neck. Then with his other hand he snapped his fingers and a swirl of sand wrapped all around the both of you. Then suddenly you realized that you were on the ground off the Kazekage Tower. Gaara then took his arm off your neck and stood back a couple feet so you could have your "personal space."
"I want to show you something before we go to my house." Gaara said as he motioned you AGAIN to another place. "Okay." You said calmly as you walked beside him. The way he walked was so... confident, compared to when you were kids. He used to be so timid and scared and you were happy and well... happy.
You watched the people watching you with wide smiles and pointing. Then when you saw them behind you they were whispering and talking once again. "Do they always give you this type of reaction?" You asked as you waved at a bunch of kids playing some type of soccer. "Most of the time. Yet them smiling is an improvement compared to the past." Gaara said with hope in his voice as he raised a hand for a little girl walking by. "They should, your their Kazekage. You protect them from dangers and lead them in wonder."
Gaara just nodded and both of you continued walking. The road was so familiar. You could'nt get over that d'eja` vu` feeling you had in your heart. Then finally you realized why you had the feeling when you were standing right in front of the area where it all began, you house. Except all there was left was a plot of land where the cozy building used to stand. Gaara just stood by the plaque waiting for a response, "So I've been visiting this spot every day whenever I could."
You just looked at him and you felt a tear roll down your cheek, "Thank you." Those were the only two words you could muster as you fell to your knees and cried on the plaque placed on the ground. You bawled your eyes out, all this time you've crying over being kidnapped and not over your clan. You felt selfish, you clan died in a fire over you, and all you cared about was going to your village? Pathetic! "I might as well burned along with them... I don't deserve this life." Whispering those words felt like a new euphoria to you.
Suddenly you felt a hand on your back, rubbing the pain away, "Thats not true _______. You deserve every bit of happiness." Gaara whispered by you while tried to stop yourself from crying. "All I deserve is to die by a ninja." You whispered enough so Gaara couldn't hear. Gaara raised your chin so he could look at your face, "Those eyes, they remind me of my eyes a few years back. I'll give you back your old eyes." Gaara murmured as he helped you up.
You brushed yourself off and tried to wipe your tears, "Lets go to your home." You said with a smile, "By they way Gaara, thanks." Gaara looked at you stunned and then budged a small smile, "That's what I'm here for." You walked beside him all the way to his house on the sandy road.
Gaara would occasionally look at you and then look at the people you would occasionally wave at or smile at. Finally you reached his house. It was just how you remembered. Which lifted your spirits. Gaara opened the door and you followed with him inside.
You walked up to 4 doors. 3 of the rooms were bedrooms while the other one was a bedroom. "So where do I bunk?" You asked while scratching the back of your head. Gaara walked into his room and motioned you in, "My room." You felt a shocked expression on your face from his answer. Gaara looked at you wierdly, "You remember that I don't sleep right... because of Shukaku." Your face calmed down a little and you turned red with embarassment, "Oh yeah thats right."
You set your bag down next to the desk in his room, "Where do you want me to put these?" Gaara blushed a little when he saw a bra poking out of your bag when you opened it, "In-n the cl-closet, with my th-things." You nodded and proceeded to continue to un-pack as Gaara watched what you were pulling out. Some of the stuff you had to shield from him because it got a little TOO personal.
Once you were finish the both of you heard a knock on the door and Gaara opened it calmly to reveal a blond girl with four pony tails you knew so well, "Temari!!!" You yelled while giving her a death grip of a hug. Temari gave you one back, "______ is that really you?! I heard the whole story. Very cute that you and Gaara are hooking up like that. He reall-" She got cut off by one of Gaara's death glares. "I'm just glad I'm seeing my friends again after almost a decade," (decade is 10 years for people who don't know.)
Gaara then walked up to you two tapping on Temari's shoulder, "Oh sorry... Gaara." Gaara rolled his eyes, "Anyways the main reason Temari is here is to see if your worthy of becoming a sand ninja." Your head perked as he talked and you looked at Temari questionally, "So then why is Temari here?" Gaara put a hand on your shoulder and gestured a hand towards Temari, "She is the one you are going to fight to see if you are going to be a Sand ninja and if you are, what rank."
You looked at Temari questionally then you felt a smile come across you face, "So when do we brawl?"