Percy: Erm....
Me: I join!
Percy: Wha..?
Annabeth: Seaweed Brain, we are awake at three in the morning, I found out we have only 14 libraries in the "mansion" and that we have NO FRENCH FRIES!!!
Percy: Oh gods, her preganancy hormones/cravings.
(DemeterChild has logged on)
(Waterlogged has logged on)
(WiseGirl has logged on)
(Thunder Hunter has logged on)
(SacredFireGirl has logged on)
DemeterChild: Tis I, PS!
Waterlogged: TIS?
DemeterChild: Eh?
Thunder Hunter: It's been a long time since we used chatroom chapters.
DemeterChild: Yeah... plus, a few of us have changed usernames in the time being.
Waterlogged: Annabeth made me change it. Her tempers are coming more often.
Thunder Hunter: I would be mad if I fell in love with you too, Percy.
Waterlogged: GRR....
Thunder Hunter: i'm SOOOOO scared.
SacredFireGirl: I was thinking about joining the hunters...
Thunder Hunter: That's great! Have you decided yet?
SacredFireGirl: Not really... but it would be loads of fun, wouldn't it?
Thunder Hunter: Loads.
(BoywhohascrushonKarri has logged on)
SacredFireGirl: Who the heck has a crush on me?
BoywhohascrushonKarri: me!! kiss me, Karri!
SacredFireGirl: I think i'm sure i'll join the hunters NOW.
Thunder Hunter: Let's log off. I'll take you to Artemis.
SacredFireGirl: YES!!!
(Thunder Hunter has logged off)
(SacredFireGirl has logged off)
Waterlogged: How random.
WiseGirl: Yup.
BoywhohascrushonKarri: Stupid Artemis.
(Artemis has logged on)
Artemis: you idiot. (turns into antelope.)
BoywhohascrushonKarri is idle.
Artemis: i have a new Hunter! Karri!
Waterlogged: Who is that dude, anyway? And, tell Karri congrats.
Artemis: Okay. And he is that unclaimed mper who picks his butt.
(Artemis has logged off)
Waterlogged: I wonder how many immortals have chatroom accounts. And gross!!
WiseGirl: That's a good Percy. (Feeds dog treat)
Waterlogged: Again, GRR!!
(Titanswillwin has logged on)
Titanswillwin: Any people here willing to join my army?
(SacredFireGirl has logged on)
SacredFireGirl: That antelope thing was plain hilarious, and yes, i am a hunter now. To your titanic(get it?)offer, NEVER.
(Thunder Hunter has logged on)
Thunder Hunter: Nothing like watching it from a giant TV.
Waterlogged: Exactly HOW giant?
SacredFireGirl: Bigger then your head, at least.
Waterlogged: When did you become so mean?
SacredFireGirl: Last Friday... but only to you.
Waterlogged: Annabeth?
WiseGirl: Eh?
Waterlogged: Karri is a hunter.
WiseGirl: WTF?!!
Waterlogged: She means, Oh, Karri, that's great!
WiseGirl: I guess so.
Waterlogged: Yay!
WiseGirl: I would join, but I have Percy.... So, I won't leave him, just like you didn't join because of Luke, Thalia
Thunder Hunter: Why bring that up?
SacredFireGirl: Artemis is calling us, Thalia.
Thunder Hunter: chat ya later?
Waterlogged: That would be good.
(Everybody has signed off)
Percy: Congrats, Karri.
Karri: Thanks, seaweed brain.
Percy: Only Annabeth calls me that!!
Karri: Sure...
Me: Read and Review!!