"Owwwiiee~" You shouted, as you slammed into a large dark figure. After rubbing your head and complaining for a couple second, you glanced up to see who you had run into the figure looked down at you worriedly.
"Are you okay (Y/N)?"
"Krory ~♥" You glomped the unsuspecting 'vampire' . He sighed in relief as he stood up straight again.
"So, you are okay?" He asked, sweeping off imaginary dust and pulling you up. You brushed yourself off again
"Hai~" You giggled. "Ooooh~ Kuro-kun, have you seen Lenalee?"
"I think she's out on a mission," Krory took a step back as you looked to the floor, your (h/c) bangs hanging in your eyes. It was typical, just when you needed her, she was on a mission. What did you need her for exactly? Well, at the moment you can't remember but it'll come to you eventually .. . maybe. Krory gave you a confused look and leaned down closer to you (because your that short). You started to shake slightly, and Krory's eyes widened as he slowly backed away. Everyone, by now, knew of your temper tantrums and were usually wise enough to back away. Well most of them were. Lavi kinda just stood there and laughed, while Kanda would glare in a way that says 'Touch me and you die'. In fact, your pretty sure he's said that sometime in your life in the Black Order.
"KANDA~" and everybody also knew that when you threw a temper tantrum, you were stupid enough to bother Kanda. And of course that can be a problem, especially when it involves Mugen. In fact if you remember correctly, it can also be very painful. That's why it is incredibly convient to have Lavi or Allen nearby. Lenalee was the only one who has ever stopped you from having fun with Kanda. And by fun, you little perverts, I mean normally she'll stop you before Kanda goes completely berserk on your a**. But she wasn't around an everyone knew what that meant. "Fun, fun, fun~" And like that you skipped away, leaving a confused Krory to watch and wonder what your doing, and then telling himself he doesn't even want to know.
"Hey ,Yu," A smirking Lavi drawled as he leaned on the table in the cafeteria. Kanda was currently trying to get some peace and quiet, maybe have some soba and train the rest of the day. But like I previously said, <i> trying </i>. He could never seem to escape from Lavi. And when he did, you were usually there to annoy him further. So technically, there was no escape from this torture. You just happened to write that with crayon on the door to his room. Well anyway~
"Hey, Lavi~ Kanda~" Your form slowly grew closer to the table, while Kanda's temper quickly went into full rage. He was gripping Mugen already, and you were still a few feet away. He learns quite quickly for someone who's only known you for a few months. As you reached the table, Lavi gave you a cute smile while Kanda stood ready to leave.
"Don't worry Kanda-san, I'm not here to bother you today." Those words meant nothing to Kanda . "Lavi dear ~♥" The red haired man laughed nervously as he stood up. He also knew better than to not give you what you want. Kanda glared at you both, before sitting back down, still gripping Mugen. Your arm wrapped around Lavi's neck as you pulled him out of the cafeteria, warily watching all those around you. You let go off Lavi and his green eye traveled to the wall as his hands rested on the back of his head.
"So what have you planned now, (Y/N)-chan ?" Lavi questions boredly. Of course he sweatdrops and looks away nervously when you cackle evilly, turning to look at cafeteria doors. Maybe he could slip back in without you noticing. But then again, you where one of the most observant people in the Black Order, and if he tried to escape and got caught, then he would be caught and 'accidentally' killed. You could make it look like an accident, you were smart like that. Your lips curved into a smile as you pretty much read Lavi's mind. Your eyes never leave his feet, waiting for him to make a move so you have a reason to hit him. He frowned at your intense glare. Lavi didn't know why Yu hated you as you were so much alike in many ways. Short temper, awesome sword skills, him as a best friend, pretty hair....
You were pretty much Yu with random outbursts and PMS. No it was mostly random outbursts.
"Lavi, I'm warning you know," You started in a low voice and you grabbed his head to pull him closer to you. "If you tell Kanda the plan I am about to tell you, I will hurt you so badly you'll be praying for death!" The way you had said that, softly at first then slowly getting louder was what got him to facefault. Who could guess such a cute little girl could be so violent. "Please do not run away because with all this disorder I'm running out of spaces to hide the bodies..." Anything you said after that Lavi blocked out.
"So evil," Lavi twitched as you once again smiled innocently.
"C'mon Labu, I'll explain on the way to the salon~" Your hand grabbed his and you literally dragged the scared to death boy to the town outside. "Fun, fun. fun~"
"Heh, I'll be damned if this works." Lavi crossed his arms as he landed against the door of Kanda's room. He was supposed to be keeping watch while you where on your 'mission', replacing Kanda's shampoo. Lavi ran a hand through his red hair and sighed boredly as more crashes and thumps came from the room behind him. You slid the door open and smiled as Lavi turned to you with a confused look. "Did ya do it?"
"The deed has been done~" You chirped, and you sweeped your hair out of your face. Lavi's one green eye once again traveled to the wall to avoid your gaze. "Hey, why don't we go out to town?" His head whipped over to you and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.
"Like a date?" Lavi smirked as your face turned light pink and your eyes shot to the side.
"C'mon~" You teasingly kissed Lavi's nose and skipped off with him chasing you the whole way to Kumoi's office.
"Please supervisor~~~" You whined, tugging on the powerful man's jacket. He pushed his glasses up his nose causing them to glint evilly. Did I mention your very serious relationship with him? Ever since Lenalee had befriended you, he had been as protective of you as he was of Lenalee. Lenalee was his first priority, while you mean you were second but that didn't stop him from nearly killing Allen because you and him shared a meal together. Lenalee quickly stopped him though, if she hadn't poor Allen might've met Komurin IIV.
"Okay. But why Lavi?" Kumoi glared at your red headed companion, causing the latter to laugh nervously and hide behind you.
"Why not? " It was an innocent question, not exactly sarcastic at the moment, but Kumoi's glare intensified.
"Um, (Y/N)-chan, we should go now." Lavi tugged on your dark brown jacket and pulled you out of Kumoi's office. Kumoi continued to glare as evil ideas played across his mind like a movie, all involving a certain red headed exorcist.
"Supervisor?" Reever called out as Kumoi took a sip from his pink bunny cup. Coffee was his best friend in times like these as they helped his brain stay awake while plotting the destruction of the just repaired city you were about to go to.
"Ha ha ha," Kumoi laughed evilly as he set his coffee cup down and Reever sweat dropped. "We must protect my innocent (Y/N)." Reever raised an eyebrow, so Kumoi quickly added, "Lenalee would want me to protect (Y/N) from that <i>octopus</i>." Kumoi hissed as he pulled out a small contraption from a drawer in his desk and stuffed it into his pocket before any of the science department could see it.
"Didn't we already go through this with Lenalee and Russell?" Reever questioned and crossed his arms across his chest. Johnny took a step beside Reever and they all started to remember that event, which was burned into their memory. I mean who could forget Allen with an octopus on his head ? Allen couldn't, seeing as his hair now smelled like ocean water no matter how thoroughly he washes it .
"Hmmm," Kumoi bolted from his office before anyone in the room could react. At that second Allen had decided walk in. He's always had such great timing, bless his poor innocent soul.
"Hey, Allen," The white haired boy looked at Reever as he spoke, "D'ya think you can help with something?" Allen started to sweat and he shook his head. The last time he helped he almost got eaten by a man-eating shark. Although the others found it quite entertaining, he'd rather not go through it again. But what upset him the most was that it was your fault.
"Like I said Allen, that was (Y/N) doing, not us," Johnny piped up, magically reading Allen's mind. "But this one involves her, too..."
"What happened?" Reever sighed in exasperation.
"We don't have time, I'll explain on our way to town."
"Lavi, why don't we eat here," it was not a question on your part, as you literally dragged the male into the small coffee shop. You took a seat by the window as you and Lavi chatted. Unbeknownst to you Kumoi, Allen, Reever, and the rest of the science division were watching you warily. Well Kumoi was, the others tended to keep their gaze on him rather than you.
"So Labu-kun," You started unaware Kumoi was slowly inching closer to try and hear what you were saying. "How do you think Kanda's gonna react ?"
"I think he's gonna be annoyed, then he's gonna chase you down the hallway and this time death is certain."
"Don't worry Lavi, I know you can't live without me. I'll be sure Kanda knows you helped~" your tone was low, very scary to Lavi but adorable to the pedestrians, it looked like you were whispering in Lavi's ear lovingly, with a hand on his shoulder. To bad they didn't know that a bruise would soon appear on that shoulder from your 'love'. Kumoi fumed silently, even more violent and stupid ideas playing in his mind this time. Bombs and fireworks and Komurin where what Kumoi dreamed off at night, new dumb ideas to protect his sister and you.
"That octopus, laying his hands on my innocent (Y/N) !" Kumoi jumped up pulling out a small device from his pocket. It was small and silver, cylinder shaped and evil looking. "With this I shall signal Komurin VII and destroy Lavi once and for all!" Kumoi should learn not to say his evil plans out loud, because as soon as the word Komurin came into the sentence, Reever lunged towards the device. but it was to late because he had already pushed the button. Allen and the others looked up in horror as another Komurin appeared beside them. Kumoi stealthily climbed into Komurin. It was smaller than the others, but still looked like them. It's hand was a chainsaw, it's other was a broom.
"Heh heh~ Komurin VII is meant for battle only, to protect the innocent," Kumoi was in his own world as the others talked behind him.
"I wouldn't call (Y/N) innocent, she can take care of herself, but we have to get rid of Komurin first," Reever whispered and the others agreed. Allen activated his arm and lunged at the Komurin, but it quickly dived away. Kumoi cackled evilly again as he pressed more buttons.
"Komurin is a fighting bot, with amazing speed and strength! No one can beat him for he was designed to protect (Y/N) and Lenalee!" Kumoi crossed his arms as he finished announcing their utter defeat. While they were talking you had dragged Lavi of to another place, and only Allen seemed to notice. "Komurin attack that coffee shop and bring me that red headed octopus!" Allen and Reever jumped up in surprise and tried to snatch the control away from Kumoi.
"Kumoi! (Y/N) moved somewhere else, she's not in there anymore," Allen exclaimed and Kumoi went limp for a second. Komurin was already inside the shop trying to find a red headed male. Most smart people had evacuated the building as it was already starting to crumble and fall. With a final swing of it's chainsaw the shop fell to the ground and was nothing but dust. Kumoi pushed his glasses up again, contemplating where you could have gone in his head. While he was thinking Allen and Reever silently slipped away as they saw you approaching from behind, a small smile on our face.
"Kumoi~" you called out, causing said man to jump in surprise and turn to you. He smiled and rubbed his head sheepishly as you glared at him. "What did you do?" you murmured.
"Where's the octopus?" Kumoi asked, wondering if he successfully gotten to Lavi. You frowned.
“I sent him back to the order because the coffee shop magically fell down and I was curious seeing as it was a perfectly sturdy when we were sitting in it," just then Komurin rolled out of the wreckage and towards Kumoi. "Another Komurin? I think it just saved you." You held up your fist and the small emblem on it glowed green. "Innocence, activate!" The Komurin raised the chainsaw but you slipped to the side and punched it, your fist breaking the hard steel outside and severing the wires on the inside. Kumoi cried in his corner and Allen came to stand next to you. Komurin was spinning in circles, it's chainsaw waving madly through the air. Kumoi jumped up.
"Komurin!" Kumoi called and the robot turned towards him. With the chainsaw raised it rolled towards Kumoi with killing intent. Realizing this Kumoi brought himself together before screaming loudly and running towards the lake that was beside him. You and Allen sweatdropped as both Komurin and Kumoi jumped into the water. A small flash of light came from beneath the water.
"Did he not realize that electricity and water do not go to together? " Allen sighed from beside you. You turned with a smile, and placed a hand on Allen's shoulders.
"Were you involved with this, Allen-kun?"
"N-no," Allen stuttered and backed away from you evil glare. His stomach grumbling broke the tension, which he would be very thankful for later in life. He smiled and rubbed his head. "I'm hungry..."
"Well then let's go to Jeryy~" You chirped completely forgetting the reason why you were angry in the first place. Allen nodded as the thought of food wiped Kumoi from his mind and yours as well. You both walked to the order together as Kumoi resurfaced soon enough to watch you tug on Allen’s arm and tell him to pick up his pace.
~In the Order~ 3 Hours later~
“…” Kanda twitched slightly as he stared in the mirror. He had come back from his mission, a very hard and dangerous mission, and all he wanted to do was relax. He wanted to eat some soba, take a shower, and relax. But no, you were in the black order now there’s no such thing as peace as long as you exist in this world. But now you had gone too far, you can mess with his soba, steal his Mugen, even get him drunk enough to put him in a dress and take pictures for blackmail, but when you mess with his hair death is imminent. Kanda could not move as he stared at his hair in the mirror. It was still the same length, still silky, but when you opened your eyes to look at it you would burst out laughing.
Pink. You had to choose pink, of all things pink hair! He clenched his fist and bared his teeth while still twitching. His beautiful now pink hair fell over his shoulders as he could hear you cackling from somewhere outside his room.
“(Y/N)!!!!” He shouted and from your spot outside your room, conviently placed next to his, you started to sweat. His door was ten kicked down and you backed away from him. He was glaring, his eyes tinged red. You laughed sheepishly and backed away, wondering where Allen and Lavi were.
“Oh, Kanda your back from you--“ Lenalee stopped midsentence as she spotted his hair. She placed a hand over her mouth, and looked down to avoid cracking up. Even Lenalee thought it was funny. You couldn’t wait until Lavi saw the outcome.
“Well, before you kill me Yu, I’d like you to know Lavi was involved as well~” You smiled and bolted from the room, Kanda on your tail. Lenalee brought herself together standing up and straightening out her uniform. Allen peeked into the hallway and spotting Lenalee slipped out to ask her why she was standing there. Allen felt weird, his stomach was bothering him, like he was nervous. Then he remembered Kanda’s yelling, and your squeak of surprise. He put two and two together.
“Yes, Allen-kun?”
“I’m never gonna see (Y/N) again am I?”
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