My love
Hello My love oh how I love you so. your gentle as the breeze and quite as night, Oh my love why don't we share the silent moonlight? my love, I wish you well for the nights grow shorter,as the days grow longer. Oh my sweet love, I hope of the day when everything you say will come true, of sharing our day, peacefully,willingly, truthfully, will bring us happiness and laughter that will make the days that we cried in each others arms be a memory. My love, I know of you, You and the kiss that you give with your tender kiss, rests upon my lips, is when we'll connect with the world of the heart. Oh my love, I will miss the days when you walk away,my heart will ache and my soul will morn when you walk away. I will never be the same with out you oh my love, you graced me with your presents and took away my sorrow, My love. come back to me, sweet warmth of a hug, a kiss, the sweet embrace of our souls untied into one. My love, I will wait for that dat you will come back to me, I will wait for the day when I will spend eternity with the one Whom I truly love, that one is you. Oh my sweet sweet love, never forget me when you travel,or when you think of a day when it was lone and gray, I Will be with you Forever and always, we will never part. oh my love, sweet memories of us will be among me, I will love you forever and always. stay with me.... just .... alittle longer.
Written by: Nightngales-song On: October 4, 2006

o-Amulet Spade-o · Sun Jul 06, 2008 @ 07:34am · 0 Comments |