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Virtual post-it notes
Mostly a private stash with Tekteks, post styles, coding, and other things I need/want to remember.
xThe Killing Frost enters the chat.
Kaylipoo: Samifaise <3
xThe Killing Frost: <3
Shxck enters the chat.
Shxck: 8D
xThe Killing Frost: ;D
Kaylipoo: Rawr <3
Shxck: I loove jigsaws. biggrin
xThe Killing Frost: Dx Jigsaw moosic interrupts Slipknot.
Shxck: xD Turn it off?
xThe Killing Frost: Did
Kaylipoo: I always turn the music off =3
xThe Killing Frost: ;D
Shxck: hey I have colour 8D
xThe Killing Frost: Gasp!
Kaylipoo: surprised
Shxck: I'm more colourful than youuu
xThe Killing Frost: How'd you do that? o____o
Shxck: c:
Shxck: MAGIX
Shxck: hacks
xThe Killing Frost: D'AWW
Shxck: 8D
xThe Killing Frost: haxx0r'd
Kaylipoo: You're just fancypants
Shxck: no, it's /setcolour<colourname>
Shxck: yes
Shxck: I'm mister mcFancypants
Kaylipoo: /setcolour<cornflowerblue>
xThe Killing Frost: Them's some sexy Fancypants.
Kaylipoo: Lul, noob
Shxck: xD
Shxck: without the < >
Shxck: sorry
Kaylipoo: xD;;
Kaylipoo: Durr.
Shxck: should have said that. c;
Kaylipoo: /setcolourcornflowerblue
Shxck: XD
Kaylipoo: Mebbe it's not a color here D:
Shxck: okay, now I don't even know what's going wrong
Shxck: oooh yeah
Kaylipoo: Silly jigsaw. Learn your rainbow!
Shxck: xD
Shxck: I faaail
Shxck: holy s**t
Kaylipoo: /setcolournavy
Kaylipoo: Mleh. I give up xD
Shxck: it's /*setcolor <insert color>
xThe Killing Frost: xD
Shxck: without the *
xThe Killing Frost: WIN!
xThe Killing Frost: xDD
Shxck: this'll wooork
Shxck: 8D
'cornflowerblue' is not a valid color. Open color guide.
xThe Killing Frost: Am speshul
Shxck: veery special.
Shxck: ;D
Shxck: c: I love green
xThe Killing Frost: Am Irish. I <3 Green . xD;
xThe Killing Frost: /lame
Shxck: <D
Shxck: I'm dutch, so I should like orange. :c But secretly, green is totally my fav
'eepskyblue' is not a valid color. Open color guide.
xThe Killing Frost: Laaaaawl.
Shxck: and omg it just took me five tries to spell totally
'eepskyblue' is not a valid color. Open color guide.
Shxck: am sleepy.
xThe Killing Frost: xD!
Shxck: :c
xThe Killing Frost: Aww
xThe Killing Frost: Schleep?
Shxck: xD
Shxck: I just woke up
xThe Killing Frost: xD!
Shxck: It's like 11am
Kaylipoo: Rarg. Am having technical difficulties.
'deepskyblue' is not a valid color. Open color guide.
Shxck: technology haet kayli? nooo ;w;
xThe Killing Frost: RIGHT! >w< Keep forgetting the like. 12 hour of weirdness.
Shxck: xD Yeah, the half way around the world thing
Kaylipoo: Haets me gewd
xThe Killing Frost: YEEEEEEEEY
Kaylipoo: Yay!!
Shxck: 8D It loev u!1
Kaylipoo: It had better >.<
Shxck: yes. D<
Kaylipoo: This isn't too bright for y'all?
Shxck: it's fine for me. c:
xThe Killing Frost: Nahhh
Kaylipoo: Kayy
Shxck: pink. 8D
xThe Killing Frost: I rly hate pink. It's just preeteh.
xThe Killing Frost: *___*
Kaylipoo: You sillies are still choosing puzzles? xD
Shxck: xD
xThe Killing Frost: >__>
xThe Killing Frost: Shush
Shxck: I wanna do areally hard one
Shxck: but I dunno, I've done most already :c
xThe Killing Frost: Moiraaaa.
xThe Killing Frost: <3
Shxck: xD
Shxck: Okay
Shxck: I'll do moira 8D
xThe Killing Frost: xD!
Shxck: xD
xThe Killing Frost: She's so pretty
Shxck: I wish there was like, a double insane
Shxck: with a thousand pieces
xThe Killing Frost: Chyeah
Shxck: That would rule.
Kaylipoo: I'm doing whichever water war one tht looks like a giant green olive xD
xThe Killing Frost: oliiiiiiives
Shxck: yum.
Kaylipoo: Black for me =3
xThe Killing Frost: Chyeahhhh.. Sounds tasty. T__T
Shxck: I'm reaaally hungry now.
Shxck: yes. ;w; do want
xThe Killing Frost: Argh. Just had chocolaaaaate
Kaylipoo: Hurr. We still have olives leftover from making pizza the other night.
Shxck: D<
xThe Killing Frost: Shaerz!
Kaylipoo: ... and you didn't send me any? ; 3;
Shxck: I only have water. ;w;
xThe Killing Frost: >__________>
Shxck: I think I'll go munch on that. ;__;
Shxck: ;_____;
xThe Killing Frost: will mail Hawaiian<thatisn'treallyhawaiian> chocolates?
Shxck: /beg
Shxck: biggrin
Shxck: Yes!
xThe Killing Frost: xD!
Kaylipoo: Yay!
Shxck: plzkthx
xThe Killing Frost: I totally will one day.
Shxck: <3
xThe Killing Frost: ;D
Shxck: Yay
Shxck: I'll mail belgian chocolates
Kaylipoo: It'll work. I've had chocolate mailed here from Australia =3
Shxck: not dutch because they suck
Kaylipoo: Ooh!
xThe Killing Frost: ...awmahgawd
xThe Killing Frost: <3
Shxck: XD Awesome.
Shxck: I hope they don't like, melt
xThe Killing Frost: Will send Hawaiian Chocolates everywhere. xD!
Kaylipoo: I would then proceed to mail myself to you and give you a hug <3
xThe Killing Frost: Aww, srsly.
xThe Killing Frost: Yaaaaaaay!
Kaylipoo: Both of joos
Shxck: aw, that's so cuuute.
xThe Killing Frost: Wait wait.
xThe Killing Frost: Kayliiii.
xThe Killing Frost: Mail yerself here.
xThe Killing Frost: Then put ME in the box with you.
Kaylipoo: And we'll mail ourselves to Holland!
Shxck: And we can go raid amsterdam together 8D
Kaylipoo: Yaaaay
xThe Killing Frost: And we'll slowly proceed all over the WURLD to DLSer
xThe Killing Frost: s
Shxck: awesome.
Shxck: Yes
Shxck: I wanna go to Luka ;w;
Kaylipoo: Expanding the box as we go to include moar DLSers!
xThe Killing Frost: But we'll need a HUUUUUGE bawks
Shxck: xD
xThe Killing Frost: Luka has a cuuuuuuuuuuute voice~
Shxck: A giant box
Shxck: Yeeees Luka does.
Shxck: so adorable omg.
xThe Killing Frost: >w<
Kaylipoo: I haven't heard it yet. Am too embarassed to open Snapvine with Adam in the room ^^;;
Shxck: I think I'll mail myself there and hug and just nevar let go :c
xThe Killing Frost: D'aw.
Shxck: xD
xThe Killing Frost: Awwww~~~~
Shxck: I'm using headphones 8D
Shxck: there are like kitchen repair people running around so, it'd be weird if they heard voices
Shxck: coming from my computer. xD
xThe Killing Frost: xDD!
Kaylipoo: xD
xThe Killing Frost: Silly repair peoples.
Shxck: yas. c:
Shxck: but at least I'll be able to cook again. xD
xThe Killing Frost: scooooore
xThe Killing Frost: xD
Shxck: -has been living on fast food, is now just about round-
xThe Killing Frost: D'aw.
Kaylipoo: xD
xThe Killing Frost: I hadta do that when we couldn't afford to refill our gaws.
xThe Killing Frost: **gas
xThe Killing Frost: xD
Kaylipoo: I have puzzle pieces coming out the wazoo... and I'm only on normal.
xThe Killing Frost: SRSLY
Shxck: XD
Shxck: aw.
Shxck: I'm gonna pick another one because the moira one is boring ;w;
xThe Killing Frost: Her bewbies are distracting.
Shxck: that too. xD
Kaylipoo: xD
xThe Killing Frost: xD
Shxck: I'm gonna go for the astrology one. c:
Kaylipoo: Ooh, that one's pretty :3
xThe Killing Frost: oooooh
Shxck: yes. :]
xThe Killing Frost: *headbang*
Shxck: xD
Shxck: let me videotape that and put it on youtube c:
Shxck: you'll be famousss.
xThe Killing Frost: xD
xThe Killing Frost: they'd all be like WTF CRAZY GIRLLL
Shxck: yes. You'll be known to the world as crazy hawaiian girl 8D
Kaylipoo: Saaaaam...
xThe Killing Frost: Lulz!
xThe Killing Frost: ..>___>
xThe Killing Frost: Yeas?
Kaylipoo: If I mail myself to you... you have to teach me the hula dance xD
xThe Killing Frost: ...
xThe Killing Frost: xD
Shxck: YES.
Shxck: me too me too
xThe Killing Frost: WHICH WUN?
Kaylipoo: O.o;;
Shxck: there are more than one?
Shxck: xD
xThe Killing Frost: Uh
xThe Killing Frost: Yes
xThe Killing Frost: XD
Kaylipoo: Jeebus...
Shxck: awesooome
xThe Killing Frost: xDDD;
xThe Killing Frost: GAWD. iluguys.
xThe Killing Frost: <3
Kaylipoo: ILU tooooo
Shxck: ilu2 <3
Kaylipoo: /uberfail
xThe Killing Frost: Too much boobieees... *______*
Shxck: xD
Kaylipoo: /nosebleed
xThe Killing Frost: xD;
Shxck: I get that whenever I wash Liam
Shxck: well
Shxck: I mean
Kaylipoo: xDDD
Shxck: Not too much boobies of course
xThe Killing Frost: xD
xThe Killing Frost: Liam is prettehhhh
Kaylipoo: Apparently people are complaining?
Shxck: yar. 8D
Shxck: people are lame, liam rocks
Shxck: homophobes :c
xThe Killing Frost: xD
Kaylipoo: They just want to see more Moira and Vanessa bewbs.
xThe Killing Frost: But I'm totally pro-Durem.
Shxck: who can bl- NO
Shxck: Aekea ftw
Shxck: Aeeekeeeaaa
xThe Killing Frost: D'awww
Kaylipoo: I'm Barton, but I still sort of like Durem best ^^;;
Shxck: We may fail but damn do we ever look good 8D
xThe Killing Frost: xD
xThe Killing Frost: Especially with Liam
Shxck: damn straight.
Shxck: Barton has orcs
Shxck: xD
Kaylipoo: Ian's new look and the angel blobs got me this time though.
xThe Killing Frost: xD
Kaylipoo: Noooo, that's Gambino =3
Shxck: I want an angel blob. ;w;
Shxck: Oooh, really?
Shxck: xD
Kaylipoo: Yus.
xThe Killing Frost: I want the lil demon blob
Shxck: this event like, makes me want to open up an art shop just to buy all the cute things
Shxck: pandas and blobs and such. do want.
Kaylipoo: I can't afford anything after buying my panda plushies -_-;;
xThe Killing Frost: Yuuuus.
Shxck: I can never afford anything. xD I suck with money.
xThe Killing Frost: Me too. xD
Shxck: xD
Kaylipoo: Heh... I guess 62k doesn't count as broke. But I'm weird like that?
Shxck: woooah.
xThe Killing Frost: o_________o
Shxck: I'm impressed biggrin
xThe Killing Frost: *grabby*
xThe Killing Frost: xD;
Kaylipoo: That's slowly decreased from the 1 mill it used to be.
Kaylipoo: /sold nitemare bustier
Shxck: safjsaj;lsa 1 mil
Shxck: Wow.
xThe Killing Frost: ....
xThe Killing Frost: Damn.
Kaylipoo: ^^;;
Shxck: I have lots of enchanging friends, so I've seen like, 100 mil goldcount but
xThe Killing Frost: That... Kinda killed my soul. xD
Shxck: 1 mil that's still awesome c:
Kaylipoo: I'm slowly building up my stash again so I can spoil my friendssss <3
xThe Killing Frost: xDD
Shxck: xD That's what gold is for
Kaylipoo: -starts coughing-
Kaylipoo: =D
xThe Killing Frost: /cough
Shxck: I once had like, this giveaway
Shxck: and I noted how much I gave away. It came to like 20 mil in the end. It was awesooome
Shxck: and then I was broke 8D
xThe Killing Frost: o_o;
Kaylipoo: Oi vey.
xThe Killing Frost: Whaddid ya spend 20 mil on?
xThe Killing Frost: xD
Kaylipoo: I couldn't do that. Don't like people (asides from DLSers) enough xD
Shxck: uhm, well, at the time omgs and afks and scarves like that were only about 500k
xThe Killing Frost: *___*
Shxck: So I gave about 10ish of those away, and then demon horns and things
Kaylipoo: Ah, the good old days TxT
Shxck: And everything I owned. Basically. 8D
xThe Killing Frost: Niiiice
Shxck: :c I come from a time where omgs were only 3k. It was awesome.
xThe Killing Frost: Hot damn.
Kaylipoo: 2003 ftw.
Shxck: except that I didn't buy any because I failed economy in high school. 8D I thought they'd stay the same price
xThe Killing Frost: I come from the times when Coco Kitties were dirt cheap.
xThe Killing Frost: xD
Kaylipoo: I feel kinda lame though, 'cause all my '03 friends are like millionaires >.<
Shxck: Mine too. c:
Shxck: Which is awesome. biggrin
xThe Killing Frost: I feel stupid. I sold both guitars for dirt cheap, and gave away SIX coco kitties back in 05
[vamprdemon] enters the chat.
Shxck: Their avatars are like the best
Kaylipoo: Ehhh.
Shxck: xD aw
Kaylipoo: I'm not one for showiness though
Shxck: I'ma brb, I'm gonna go buy lunch. c;
xThe Killing Frost: Taaaaaaaay
Shxck: see you guys laaater.
Shxck leaves the chat.
Kaylipoo: Honoes. Too slow sad
xThe Killing Frost: Aww
xThe Killing Frost: /loves
Kaylipoo: >w<
xThe Killing Frost: ;D
xThe Killing Frost: HAI BUIFRIEN
Kaylipoo: ... lulz?
xThe Killing Frost: Why is he never there when I say Hi? XD
Kaylipoo: Ohhh xD
Kaylipoo: You meant mine xDD
xThe Killing Frost: Yes
xThe Killing Frost: XD
Kaylipoo: Durrr. -facepalm-
xThe Killing Frost: XDD
[vamprdemon] leaves the chat.
Kaylipoo: xDD
Kaylipoo: I actually looked her up and post-stalked her to see if it was actually a DLSer.
Kaylipoo: No dice.
xThe Killing Frost: XD
Kaylipoo: Anyway, boyfran says hai
xThe Killing Frost: Lame.
xThe Killing Frost: Shoulda PW'd it.
Kaylipoo: Eh.
Kaylipoo: Am too lazy to think of a PW.
xThe Killing Frost: ...
xThe Killing Frost: DLS
xThe Killing Frost: xD
Kaylipoo: See, I would've had trouble thinking of something other than my generic PWs xD;;
Kaylipoo: 'Cause I'm a smartpants :B
xThe Killing Frost: XD
xThe Killing Frost: And I'm lamesauce.
xThe Killing Frost: I'm just a dipshit.
xThe Killing Frost: xB
Kaylipoo: Pssshh.
Kaylipoo: I call bullshit.
xThe Killing Frost: XD
xThe Killing Frost: So do I. Not a very entertaining conversation though.
xThe Killing Frost: Bullshit just kinda sits there.
Kaylipoo: Domoshit = much more amusing.
xThe Killing Frost: ...
xThe Killing Frost: I love you.
Kaylipoo: Don't even ask where that came from xD
xThe Killing Frost: I'm a little afraid to know.
Kaylipoo: Weeeeell... it's late, for one. And horse turds didn't sound appealing.
Kaylipoo: Then I remembered Adam loves domos... and I was kinda looking at him out of the corner of my eye... and yeah...
xThe Killing Frost: xDDDDD
xThe Killing Frost: NICE
xThe Killing Frost: I has a domo plushie
Kaylipoo: Awww.
Kaylipoo: We're dressing him up as a full-on Domo-kun for the next convention we go to xD
xThe Killing Frost: ...
xThe Killing Frost: PICKSHURES
xThe Killing Frost: PL0X
Kaylipoo: Fo'shizzle.
xThe Killing Frost: ;DDD
Kaylipoo: Lulz. I told him this, and he says, "Nope. I'm going as Puppetmon."
xThe Killing Frost: XDD
xThe Killing Frost: How cute.
xThe Killing Frost: >w<
Kaylipoo: Him and his Digimon...
xThe Killing Frost: And yew and yer Pokemanz
Kaylipoo: xD
Kaylipoo: Yerrrrrp.
xThe Killing Frost: xD
Kaylipoo: Dey bring all dem boyz to mah yardz.
xThe Killing Frost: /BURPPPPPPPPP
Kaylipoo: xDD
Kaylipoo: Nuuuu. Mine D<
xThe Killing Frost: D'aw
Kaylipoo: ZOMG. You can't copy/paste these convos D<<
xThe Killing Frost: D<
Kaylipoo: -kicks jigsaw-
xThe Killing Frost: Fags.
xThe Killing Frost: D<
Kaylipoo: Yuh.
xThe Killing Frost: /huge yawn
Kaylipoo: /still giggling
xThe Killing Frost: lulllz
Kaylipoo: What time is it, Mr Wolf?
xThe Killing Frost: 1152
xThe Killing Frost: o____o
Kaylipoo: In teh am?
xThe Killing Frost: pm
xThe Killing Frost: am sleepy
Kaylipoo: Meep. You're almost a full day ahead of meh.
xThe Killing Frost: Whuuuut?
xThe Killing Frost: It's still the 23rd xD
Kaylipoo: xD
Kaylipoo: Nvm. I'm the one ahead, it's 2:53 am here. The 24th
xThe Killing Frost: xDD
xThe Killing Frost: srsly
xThe Killing Frost: I'm like WTF I'm not even ahead of ALASKA
Kaylipoo: xD
xThe Killing Frost: I'm behind them one hour
Kaylipoo: /is slow
xThe Killing Frost: /is sleepy.
xThe Killing Frost: XD
Kaylipoo: /despite time zone
xThe Killing Frost: methinks imma crash
xThe Killing Frost: I hasta work in the AM. Dx
Kaylipoo: H'okies.
xThe Killing Frost: <3333333333333333333
Kaylipoo: Wubbu Samifaise <3333333333333
xThe Killing Frost: wubbuuu tewww, Kayliipewwwww.
xThe Killing Frost leaves the chat.
Kaylipoo: Baiiiii
Kaylipoo: ; 3;
Kaylipoo: I'm all aloooooone
Kaylipoo: There's no one heeeeere besiiiiiide meeeee~
Kaylipoo: Samifaise has good tastes in music. /am listening to her profile playlist

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xThe Killing Frost
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jul 24, 2008 @ 10:24pm
I love you.


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