So far this summer is going really good. I've seen a few of my cousins, went to Florida for a week with my family, and was able to see my friend Shameless and my boyfriends heart CrayzJ. heart Though yesterday kind of scared me though. It rained really bad, and we were under tornado warning for a while. For as long as I can remember, I've been afraid of storms. So when I heard this, I really freaked out. gonk Everything was looking really bad as my family watched the news, but that's not what really worried me. What really worried me was my friends and family. Were they going to be ok? Are they hurt? I didn't know. The good part was that nothing bad happned besides the strong winds and rain and everyone was ok, so I was really relieved. smile Today is a bright sunny day over where I live, so it's like yesterday never happened. Hopefully the rest of the summer will stay that way (except I would like it cloudy and not so sunny).