Age: 19-22

Info: He was born into the life of a Archer, His eyes surpassing that of any normal humans sight. He was raised away from modern society and was home schooled until he was 15. After a massive fire took away his home and family, He travled to a town miles away from them. Upon reaching there, he was takin in by an elderly women who had just lost her husband. He Offered his services to her every need in exchange for allowing him to live there. As he turned 18, she passed away in her sleep. After lossing her, he moved from the town and became a nomad, never wanting to settle in fear of getting close to someone and lossing them. He often gets into conflicts because of tantalizing stare, which he doesn't bother changing for anyone. He's not shy or hesitent and takes action the second he can act. Jin Has the ability to turn a simple object, like a stick or even a string of yarn into an arrow. depending on his emotions at the time, he can use arrows that have special forms and powers. Silver-Wind
Gold-Spritual enregy
Black- Demonic energy.
*UPDATE!!!!!* After 3 years of traveling, Jin has been excepted into The group known as Capture, Lead by the Infamous Slayer C. She abit cruel, but finds favor in Jin, who seems loyal and always ready to fight. He works on variuos missions, and uses his skills to get the job done. He tends to get weary during some missions....His body may fail during a battle and voices echo in his head. What could be bothering young Jin?
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