i think im the one on the right... but my bf rarely blushes!!
this is also for him: *Are we in love*
*or are we not? *
*You told me once*
*But I forgot*
*tell me now*
*and tell me true*
*so can I say*
*I love u too*
*Of all the guys I've ever met*
*Your the one I won't forget*
*if i die*
*before you do*
*I'll go to heaven*
*And wait for you*
*I'll give the angels*
*Back their wings*
*And risk the loss*
*Of everything*
*Just to prove*
*My love is true*
*To have a perfect guy like you*
ii Pancaker · Wed Jul 30, 2008 @ 11:21pm · 4 Comments |