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when all goes down and seems to fall, just smile and endure it ^^
I SHALL make this and any other interesting roleplay that i have into a boook ^^

A journey through one's unconscious memories... says:
Elizabeth quietly walked down the hallways of her new boarding school, holding her schoolbooks in her arms as if they were a delicate child, she would hate to drop them and then be blamed ofo having bad posture, it had happened to her many times before. She sighed quietly and put one of her pale and thin hands through her red hair, a slight look of annoyance on her face, why did she have to come
here in the first place? She wasn't too certain of it, but she thought that perhaps the question would be answered quite soon. As she walked down the halls of the school, she noticed several other people talking amongst eachother, smiling and laughing at one another, why couldn't she have that? At times, she found herself quite jealous of them and their friendships. Her family were known as the
"Devil's own bloodline", people saying that it was bad luck to associate with them at parties or to even look at them, though many people did that anyways. She shook her head as she thought of that then she smiled merrily as she found her classroom "Ah...I suppose that I can start anew here..." she thought aloud before she opened up the door. Nobody was there yet, so she thought of this as her
chance to get to know the teacher a little bit better, but with a second glance, she noticed that the teacher, too, was gone. A sigh then a chuckle and she was back up to oher normal self once more "I suppose that it should have been expected...why would anybody wish to be around a Dumont when they can befriend people that they don't have to get cursed from." this being said, she shook her head with a high amount of dissaproval and silently found her seat, setting her books down on the desk then putting her hands underneath her legs and taking her seat to keep the dress from going up. She sat down with her hands folded in her lap as her parents had taught her to, and silently she waited for the class to come, though she was certain that those gossping fools would sooner die then be in the same room with her.

Brandon says:
Dogma sat in front of the headmaster's office. This would be his thirteenth time requesting a transfer. Everytime he was denied. Dogma came from the poorest family in the kingdom. His father had saved his entire life to send Dogma to this school for hunters. Dogma quickly became a social outkast. He looked around. It was clear the headmaster was avoiding him. He sighed as he stood up and grabbed
his stuff. As he made his way through the halls, he saw someone enter the classroom. He had already heard of her. She was a Dumont. He had never believed in all the nonsense that surrounded them, but it seemed everyone else did. He walked into the classroom, seeing as it was soon to be his. He hoped, somewhere, that maybe they could be friends. He had never had one before, but they were both pushed aside bysociety. So maybe......it was a stupid idea. He thought as he closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. But those were the ideas he was the most well known for. "Hello." He said as he walked over to her with a smile. "My name is Dogma. I'm new here."

A journey through one's unconscious memories... says:
Elizabeth noticed that there was another person in the classroom and she sighed, he looked so...poor...how did he get into one of the richest schools in all of Venice? She simply shrugged it away and decided that she would just ignore him, grabbing a piece of paper and beginning to write a letter to her father, who was the one that started the entire "devil's bloodline" theory. Her father was an evil man at times, and for that he was frowned upon and brought shame to their family name. She sighed as she silently scribbled her feather pen on the paper, a heavyset frown on her face 'Greetings father...it was lovely of you to send me to oa boarding school...how did you know that i wanted to go to one? I've heard that all is well at home...and I'm hoping that things remain that way with you
and mother...please--' she was distracted by Dogma's saying hello. In a rather aggrivated mood already, she grumpily looked up at him and sighed after he introduced himself "Yes yes...I'm certain that you are new here, you look to be. I am Elizabeth Dumont and I am new here as well. Let me ask you this, how is it that you have come to be in this school when...well...when it's so very obvious that
your parents couldn't possibly even begin to compensate the amount of money that they would need to pay?" she asked him in an annoying and pompous sort of way. She was taught her entire life that the higher you are in class, the more power you have, and she lived by that rule. Perhaps if she befriended Dogma, things could change, but for now she was to remain the same person that she always has
been. She looked at him as if expecting an answer, after all, she was a Dumont, one of the highest classed families in all of Venice, he had to answer her out of respect. A slight smirk came on her face as she waited for the answer to her question, she quite enjoyed the feeling she got when she would undermine another human being, this she had learned from her father and her compassionate side she
had learned from her mother.

Brandon says:
Dogma let his head hang. "What the hell is your problem?" He ground out."You think just because your family has more money you can talk down to me! You'll see! I'll be the best hunter there ever was, and when my family is higher than yours, you'll suffer in a cold dark dungeon for eternity." He shouted. He unsheathed his knife and stuck it into the wood of the desk in front of her. "You will pay." He said as he marched out of the classroom. He needed some water. People like her pissed him off. The pompous freaks. He drank from the well, and made his way to the headmaster's office. He didn't care if he got a transfer or not, he was leaving. He walked straight in to see the headmaster at his desk. "I'm out of here old man! And theres no way you can stop me!" He shouted and left the office. He walked out into the bright sunlight and squinted. He would keep his promise, and he would be the best hunter anyone had ever seen. He would lead his family from poverty, while her's suffered a curse. And her curse would only get worse as he through her in a dungeon himself. He smiled as he looked up at the clouds in the sky. 'This I swear.' He thought to himself.

A journey through one's unconscious memories... says:
Elizabeth's eyes grew wide as he shouted at her in an angry way, nobody had ever responded to her rude comments in such a way. She snickered at him saying that his familyy would get higher then hers and he would suffer in a dungeon, this was an amusing thoughht, nobody could get higher then her family except for the ones that already were. A look of amusement took over her face as he stuck his knife into her desk 'I think that I should keep this one here...he may prove to be...helpful...sometime.' she thought silently to herself before he marched out of the classroom. She stood up and patted her dress to get some dust off of it before she headed out of the room, following him silently. When he told the headmaster that he was leaving, she shook her head and smirked 'My my, that simply won't do...I must have him here.' she thought silenntly, so she waited for him to leave. After he left, she walked into the office cooly, a smile on her face "Hello headmaster...I do believe that you owe me a favor, yes?" she said in a rather demanding sort of way. The headmaster's eyes grew wide and he began to shake a little bit, nodding his head quickly "W-why yes....yes...yes I do..." in all actuality, he did not. She sighed then sat down on his desk, picking up one of his feather pens before she looked at him with a happy expression "Good...now then...I want you to sign the little dotten line on this paper for the boy to remain here...once you do that...the spell to keep him on grounds will become efective that he can't leave for the rest of the year. No matter what he does wrong, I wish for him to remain here...his troubles are to become mine as well, any debts that he owes for anything ruined, I shall pay...understood?" she asked him in a vindictive tone of voice. The headmaster nodded as Elizabeth dipped his pen in the ink, handing it to him before she smirked "Hmm...gooood..." she said calmly as the headmaster signed the paper 'This shall be the most fun that I have had since I was a small child...' she thought to herself before she took the paper from the principal and walked out of the office "Now then...where did that rude underling head off to?" she asked herself as she began to walk in the direction that she'd seen him go to. She watched him look at the sky for a second's time before she walked towards him, her heeled shoes making a clacking sort of noise on the cobblestone of the outside area "Here you are..." she said calmly as she handed him the paper approving his year at the school "You are now binded to this property, as are the rest of us. Until all of your training has been completed, you are to stay here...as are the rest of us as well. No more families or friends from town...you are to become a refined young man as the teachers teach you to be...and then perhaps you can become higher classed then I am. If you are expecting to actually make it this year, you had better go and get a school uniform...just as the rest of us own. I know that these are rather expensive, so I have decided to take it onto myself to buy you one. Come now, we must hurry or we will be later to class then we already are." she said to him in a formal way before she grabbed his wrist and began to walk with him towards the school's uniform shoppe.

Dogma yanked his wrist away from her and walked off towards the training area. An old family friend owned a dojo and gave Dogma extensive training with the broad sword from the time he was five. "Why don't you go ruin someone's life that cares?" He asked as he took off his shoes. No shoes were allowed, they scratched the floor. He grabbed a bamboo training sword, one that was made to resemble the size and weight of a broad sword. He walked over to the nearest dummy and took a few warm-up strikes. He then backed up about twenty feet. He held the fake sword in front of him and charged, faking left at the last second, then spinning right, stabbing his fake sword into the back of the dummy. He hit the bulls-eye of the target. He yanked it out and sighed. It wasn't as much fun without someone to spar with. He closed his eyes for a moment. He sensed someone watching him. He opened his eyes, avoiding the person that was watching him at all cost. He heard other kids rushing off to class as he took a few more strikes. Class, who needed it. He already had extensive training, and he had been studying the monsters of the world secretly. Only his uncle knew. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, the dummy was a werewolf. He reached for his dagger, then remembered he left it in the classroom. "Damn." He said, cursing himself.

A journey through one's unconscious memories... says:
Elizabeth sighed when he wriggled free of her grasp, was he really going to act so childish towards a regal girl such as herself? No matter, she knew that she would get him in time. She watched him go into the dojo then she stayed at the doorway, eventually deciding that it would probably be wiser to remove her shoes as well and to go into the dojo, though she had no fear of the teachers or the principle, one could never know when a werewolf would cross their paths at this school, it was for this reason that students were reccomended to travel in packs, just as the werewolves did at times. She leaned against the wall as she watched him practicing different techniques, even she had to admit that he was quite impressive, but how smart was he? She shook any bad thoughts of him out of her head for, at this moment, she didn't quite feel in the mood to be evil, she was far too awestruck by how he was stsriking the dummy. When he cursed himself, she looked at him in a confused sort of way, standing up straight again then walking over to him "Well...whatever could be the matter. There is nothing but a dummy in front of you..." she told him in a calmly sort of way, her mother's compassionate side was beginning to come out, she was a confusing person.

Dogma looked at her. "Well of course its a dummy." He said as he shook his head in pity. "I've got a retard for a stalker." He muttered to himself. He walked over to her and put one finger one her forehead. "Stop following me." He said, and used his finger to push on her head. He walked out into the hallway and slipped into his shoes. He walked over to the shower room to clean up.

Slush says:
As Dogma pushed his finger on her head, she fell back, damn he was strong. With a sigh, she stood back up and dusted off her dress, briskly walking after him "Hey! You can't do that to me, I'm your superior!!!" she shouted at him angrily, but he simply continued on. It seemed as if he had no respect for anybody other then himself, but she would break through his shell. She slipped on her shoes again then growled angrily as he went to the showers "Damn! The one place I'm forbidden from going..." she smirked "Or am I!" She walked over tot he boys shower room, knocked on the door, and smirked "YOu have three seconds to come out!"

Brandon says:
Dogma whistled loudly, masking her voice as he turned the water on. He started counting as he took off his shirt. "One, two three!" He smiled. He knew she wouldn't do anything. He took off the small holster that he kept his dagger in and set it on a small bench.

Slush says:
More so out of anger then any form of logic known to man, once Dogma reached three, she snarled then grabbed the doorknob, stomping into the room and looking at him, immediately turning red and turning away. She sighed out then bit her bottom lip 'What am I to do?' she thought silently. A smile appeared on her face and she turned to face him "I have all right to do this...I am one of the highest and most regal young ladies here..." she told him calmly before she stopped. She had to think about why she was in there because she had forgotten, then she smiled as she remembered "I want to help you this year, that is all that I wish...you have no choice but to accept...or else you and your family will be condemned for an eternity..." she told him as if in an angry way, though her intentions were good

Brandon says:
He was shocked when she actually came in, but then he gave another laugh. "Seems like your stalking has gone a bit far, don't you think?" He asked her with a smile. She was strange, but she was also interesting....in a strange way. "Alright. I'll humor you. But how do you plan to help me?" He asked as he slipped his shirt back on and his holster. "And don't give me that condemed bull s**t. Its no good here." He said as he turned off the shower and left the shower room.

Slush says:
She glared at him when he said she was stalking him then she sighed when he said that he would humor her, there was just no getting through this boy's thick skull, was there? She looked up at him when he asked how she was going to help him then she followed him out of the shower room, silently closing the door behind herself. She had to think for a few moments about how she was going to help him throughout the year then she smiled as she came to a resolution to that problem "Well...you seem to have money problems...I've already helped you by making them accept you here...and...I can help you out with buying the school's uniform...and paying for hot lunches...and the likes. Every now and again, I am granted the priviledge of leaving the school's campus...so perhaps you can come with me...they'll allow anything I ask them to." she said happily. She knew that he probably wouldn't accept what she said, but she had hoped very much so that he would.

Brandon says:
Dogma listened, and busted out laughing at the end. Again. "Your a funny little girl. You, help ME get accepted?" He fell to one knee as he found it hard to stand. "Alright, sounds like fun. Just one problem. I'm magically bound to the premises. Remember?"

Slush says:
She smiled when he told her about being magickaly bound "Aah yes...it's amazing what somebody can learn when they pay attention in class. Last year when I attended this school, they taught us a spell to get out of those binding contracts...and yes I did help you get accepted!!! The head master wasn't going to take you in and I told him to! Yeesh, I'm beginning to think that maybe I shouldn't have done that!" she said angrily before she sighed

Brandon says:
"Class? I think you forget that we're already in deep s**t anyway for skipping all of todays classes." He said as he sat in a chair in the hallway. "So then, when is our first trip to town?" He asked. He was interested. First she bound him here, now she was offering to cancel it? It didn't make sense. Oh well. She was starting to interest him. They maybe could be friends one day, but she would have to get past this stuck-up attitude first. It annoyed him.

Slush says:
Her eyes grew wide as he mentioned skipping the classes then she sighed "Oh dear..." she said in a saddened way. When he asked when their first trip into town was, she thought about it for a second then shrugged her shoulders "I actually don't know...I usually don't go into town for quite some time...midway through the year usually." she told him calmly as she began to walk towards the school. She motioned for him to follow her happily.

Brandon says:
Dogma smiled as he climbed out of the chair. "I think if we're going to continue with this stalkerish relationship, we're gonna have to set some ground rules. One each, sound good?" He asked as he followed her with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He thought it a fair idea, and he knew what he was going to say.

Slush says:
She thought for a second then she nodded at his idea, it was a good one "Yes...that seems to be a good idea. Why don't you go first...and...sorry about the showers ordeal, it'll never happen again, I promise." she told him in a calm sort of way. Damn, this girl's emotions sure did change quite a bit, one second she could be happy and in a split milisecond she could become a venemous murderer. One should have supposed tha tthis came from the messed up family she grew up in, but you never knew.

Brandon says:
Dogma was surprised by the apology. "Its no problem. At least I still had my pants on." He said asnd laughed at his own joke. "Alright, my rule, you have to treat me as an equal." He said as he pulled his hands out of his pockets and stretched. The practice in the gym had taken quite a bit out of him. "And your rule would be?" He my clothes on."

Slush says:
When he made a joke, she blushed a little bit then chuckled along with him, it was rather funny. With his rule, her eyes grew wide and she sighed, looking down at the ground, that would be a rather hard task for her to perform. Biting her lip, she looekd up at him calmly and nodded her head "I shall try to treat you as an equal...though you must understand that this will be rather hard for me..." she explained as if she were talking to an equal, for the first time, she would have no choice other then to treat another human being as if he were on her pedestal. She sighed then chuckled at his next joke again, thinking for a second "Actaully...I can't think of one right now. I'll think of one later...then I'll let you know..." she said calmly. With a gasp, she thought of one and smiled "How about this...in exchange for my kindness towards you...you can protect me against other things. I'm not a good fighter...but I am incredibly good with spells and incantations. If ever we get into a battle...you can fight as I chant, deal?" she asked him in a happy way. She thought that this wasn't too much to ask, especially since she needed a partner anyways.

Brandon Says:
He stopped in his tracks for a second, then continued. "I'm sorry, but I can't understand how it could be difficult. I've never been higher than anyone." He said with a serious look on his face. She sounded like she was serious about this though, so he gave her a brake. "So you want me to partner with you for the classes and protect you on the outings? Fine. I can do that, but I'll need my dagger back and I'll need a broad sword." He said with a small grin on his face. He closed one eye to keep the sun from his eyes.

Slush says:
She sighed when he said a rude remark to her, ignoring it just as she would do with her father. Ah her father, if he could only see her now, what would he say...what would he do? As she thought of these questions, she gulped a little bit 'I would receive a lashing for sure...and not only that...he would throw me in the dungeons and call me a pathetic excuse of a regal breed...he would surely torture me for this...' she thought to herself before she looked into his eyes. After he said he'd need a broad sword and his dagger, she sighed then motioned with her hand as if to say alright "Fine fine, I accept that. When we go into town tomorrow, I shall buy you a broad sword and a new dagger...anything you'll need." she said calmly.

Brandon says:
When she looked in his eyes, he could see what was almost fear, and he knew what she was thinking. "Who cares what your family thinks? Whats important is what you think." He said in all seriousness. He had always had a sort of sixth sense with this kind of thing. He smiled as she accepted his requests for a new broad sword and dagger. "So then, the day breaks. I'll see you tommorrow." He said and
started walking towards the men's dorm.

Slush says:
When he told her that what she thought was important, she blushed a little bit and looked down at the ground 'My thought are....important?' she thought in a confused way. When he said that he would see her tomorrow, she nodded then waved to him, quickly taking a brisk walk towards the women's dorms and thinking about the day that had passed and the one that was to come.

Brandon says:
Dogma walked straight to his room. He heard whispers. People had seen him with her. He was officially 'cursed'. Good, he thought. At least they'll leave me alone. He unlocked the door and walked into the room. He took off is simple top and lay down on his bed. As he closed his eyes. He ran through the day in his head, then released it. It was now the past, and he was headed for the future.
Brandon says:
Dogma woke that morning to a knock on his door. He climbed out of the bed and grabbed his shirt. He slipped into it as he made his way to the door. "Who is it?" He called out.

Slush says:
A hopelessly upset looking Elizabeth stood in front of his door holding a white hankerchief in her hand, wringing it as if to call out for desperation. She bit her bottom lip gently as she often did when she was nervous about something then she put some of her hair behind her ears. All of her hair was strewn about in a wreckless manner, something that she never allowed herself to let happen, and her eyes were red and poofy, obviously something was terribly wrong. She sniffled a little bit then continued to stand in front of his door, an upset look on her face "It's...it's me...Elizabeth..." she said in a shaky voice, then it was definately obvious that something had upset her. Her father was coming in for a surprise visit on that day and she had known about it, the principle always warned her about when he was coming.

Brandon says:
He answered the door and looked around the hall. No one. He quickly pulled her in and shut the door. He muttered some quick incantations, a silencing charm, towards the door. He turned to her. She knew she wasn't allowed in the men's dorm, and how had she gotten his room number anyways? Then he noticed how stressed she was. "Hey, whats up?" He asked, voice full of surprise and a dash of pity.

Slush says:
When he pulled her in, her eyes grew wide and she bit her bottom lip harder, far too upset to blush at the moment. As he asked her what was up, she sighed then sat down on his bed, simply making herself at home in his room. She had to think for a minute before she could answer his question, this problem being far too complex to actually explain to somebody outside of her family "Umm...I...I don't really know how to explain it to you, but I shall try my best. My father is coming to visit me...and...well...when he comes to visit me, he sort of...oh...I don't know how to say this...he makes my reputation far worse then it already is and he punishes me and he...well...let's just say that my father is a complex man. Somebody is bound to tell him about how we were talking yesterday and that wouldn't be good for the other person or for myself..." she said in a shivery voice before she wrang the hankerchief so hard that it broke in half. She sighed in an annoyed way "Oh great...my best hankerchief!" she said angrily.

Brandon~~~A Man In The Back says:
Dogma brushed his hands through his hair. He was tired, and he had this problem on his hands. "Alright, I've an idea. I'll follow you, carry your stuff. I'll pretend to be you slave or whatever. I've got some clothes I can spare." He said as he grabbed his knife and his shirt.

A journey through one's unconscious memories... says:
Elizabeth looked at him with wide eyes when he suggested that then she shook her head "Oh no...nononono...that's unnaceptable...I won't have you do that...we have to do something else...umm...you should just avoid me for today or something...or...umm...I don't know, but I won't have you acting as my slave." she said calmly. Now that she knew that she had somebody to depend on, she was a tad bit calmer. She knew that her father would test her somehow while he was there, whether it was going to be a physical test or a mental test, he would test her in some way. Last time, he had given her a test on how strong she was, punishing her afterwords for not defeating him 'I think I know what he's going to do this time, he's going to try and fight me for my mental capacity...that probably means spells...' she thought silently before she bit her lip. She sighed then looked up at Dogma, shaking her head "Well, I'm sorry to have bothered you with this...I'll be going now." she said calmly before she stood up and bowed to him, going to the door.

Brandon~~~A Man In The Back says:
Dogma sighed. "Wait." He said to her as she walked to the door. He put a few tears in his shirt and slipped it on. "Even if we avoid each other, then someone will talk and he'll find out. I don't care what you say, I'm doing this." He said as he took her stuff from her. "I can't help you from afar. I'll be right behind you the whole time."

A journey through one's unconscious memories... says:
She watched as he teared his shirt up, why was he doing all of this for her, why did he ever care? She sighed when he explained why he'd done it then she shook her head "No...my father isn't one to care about anybody that is past his nose...and even if others do talk and he finds out, I'll have to fend for myself anyways. Why don't you just watch and...if I need your help...I'll call out a safe word...something like...rose...or...or...star...something that doesn't normally come up." she told him in a panicky way. It would only be a few hours before her father got there and she didn't know what to do. She sighed then smiled "Or...we could just run away." she said in a mischievious way.

Brandon~~~A Man In The Back says:
"Run away? I don't know about you, but I have no where to run away to." He said as he sheathed his knife. "And when people say they saw you running away with some boy?" He asked as he grabbed a different shirt and changed it. "Especially if they say you ran away with me?"

A journey through one's unconscious memories... says:
Thinking for a minute, she shook her head "No...nobody would see us...we could sneak away before the others wake up...and you could just stay with me. We could start a school house or something...some sort of business...somewhere far far away, and I would never have to see my father again...and you could visit your family if you kept our where abouts secret...and...it would be lovely." she said happily. Ah poor poor Elizabeth, she always was the dreamer.

Brandon~~~A Man In The Back says:
Dogma sat in a chair. Oh god. That sounded so nice to him. And why should it not? No. He shouldn't think that, just the other day he hated her. Now he seemed to be falling for her. He eventually took a deep breathe. "Alright. But there's one thing I'll have to do. I want to be a hunter. So I'll hunt as well." He said as he stood up. "But I'll need a decent sword."

A journey through one's unconscious memories... says:
Elizabeth smiled at his suggestion then she nodded "Alright, it's settled then! i'll buy your sword today when we go out into tows and then we can leave...run away from here...and never be bothered by the others again! nobody will know of the 'curse' set on my family...and I can make some friends...you as well..." she said happily. You could tell by the sound of her voice that she was overjoyed and that she was thinking romantically, though she wasn't too into the romantic part of her fantasy. She took his hand in her own then walked over to the door, opening it and peeking her head out, the coast was clear. She began to walk out of the boys dorms with him and towards the school yard, her eyes looking hopeful "Maybe we should wait until later to do this..." she began to ponder if this was a good idea or not.

Brandon~~~A Man In The Back says:
"If we wait till later, we'll be spotted." He whispered. This was so exciting to him. The thrill of the escape, and the idea of being a hunter sooner than planned, it all made him feel so giddy. Now all they had to do was get away. He put a few charms on his door to keep people out. This way it would seem some depressed child was in there. He made his way back to her and took a deep breath. "Go."

A journey through one's unconscious memories... says:
She ran when he said to go, a panicked look on her face "Are you really so sure about this?" she asked him in a quick voice. She hid behind a pillar then began to run again, the entire time holding his hand. Eventually, she smiled happily as she ran, a twinkle in her eyes "We're almost to the school's gates...now all we have to do is--' the gates began to open with a loud creeking noise, Elizabeth's eyes growing wide "Umm...what's going on?" she asked quickly.

Brandon~~~A Man In The Back says:
Dogma laughed. "Not really, are you?" He asked her. They were so close, when the gates began to open. Dogma quickly grabbed her and pulled her into the bushes right by it. They couldn't aford to get caught. It could be bad for their health. His smile became a serious face.

{I am officially too lazy to make this easy to read o.o}
Slush says:
When Dogma pulled her into the bushes, Elizabeth blushed a little bit being held close to him {one would assume}. She breathed silently, taking small breaths as she waited to see who it was that was entering the school. A black carriadge that had a fancy family crest on the sides of it and two black horses entered the school, Elizabeth's eyes growing wide as she saw it 'That
Slush says:
'That's my father...' she thought quietly as the carriadge entered the school. Immediately after that, the gates closed and the carriadge stopped, her father stepping out of it "Where is my daughter?" he asked one of the teachers there. The teacher smiled "Right this way Mr. Dumont." he said calmly. Her father glared at the man "What did you just call me? How dare you address me as such you vermon
Slush says:
!" he shouted before he striked the man down. The man bowed "Please accept my most humble apologies..." he said in a frightened way before he stood up and began to lead her father towards the dorms.

Brandon says:
Dogma stared in horror for a minute as her father struck down a teacher. He looked around. If they were at the North Entrance then....."Cmon." He said quietly as he grabbed her hand and led her towards the east wall. "There's a hole in the wall over here that we can use." He sped towards the wall at full speed with her in tow. Once they reached it, he attempted to go through, but was blocked by an
Brandon says:
unseen force.
Brandon says:
He was still bound to the school by magic. "Alright, how do we break the spell that binds me here?" He asked her.

Slush says:
When Dogma pulled her with him, her eyes grew wide and she became determined 'We have to get out of here before my father discovers it!' she thought as she easily kept pace with him. When they got to the hole in the wall and he tried to go through it, she chuckled nervously "Hang on a minute...I have to think about it." and think she did. After a few minutes, which felt like forever to her, she
Slush says:
sighed and stood up "GOT IT!" she said happily and in a voice that was a bit too loud before she covered her mouth. She shook her head and closed her eyes, opening them again and holding a stick. She drew a circle around him then proceded to draw a star around him, eventually making symbols on the outside of the circle at the points of the star. She started to silently chant a complicated spell
Slush says:
which would take quite some time to complete, time that they probably didn't have. She spoke as quickly as she could without messing up the words, but it would seem that wasn't quite enough.

Brandon says:
Dogma swooned a bit once the spell started taking place, then he moved off to a bush and retched. These spells always made him sick. "Cmon." He said as he led her through the hole in the wall. "FIND HER!" He heard someone shout behind him. "We've gotta go. NOW."

Slush says:
Elizabeth watched as he began to go throught he hole in the wall, unwisely staying behind for a moments time. When she heard the voice shouting, her eyes grew wide and she nodded at him, quickly crawling through the hole in the wall, but to no avail. Just before she got through the hole, somebody's hand grabbed onto her foot, a bit too tightly as well. She screamed then reached out for dogma,
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pulling herself away from the hand as best as she could, but without any success. Eventually, she was pulled back into the hole, letting go of Dogma and allowing him to run free if he wished it. When she was back in the school's grounds, she was looking up at the man that served her father, he was almost as cruel as her father was. The man shook his head at her then sighed "How could you madam
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Dumont?" he asked in an angered voice before he took her hand, "Oh well...no time to reply. Your father is angrily awaiting for you in the office." he began to harshly pull her towards the office, dragging her as she tried to get free of his grip, he always was stronger then she was. Eventually, she gave up, sighing and walking with him "You can let me go now..." she told him in a defeated voice.
Slush says:
He sighed "No madam, no I may not." he said before he continued along the way.

Brandon says:
Dogma stalked them most of the way to the office. He just couldn't get a clear shot at the guy. Finally, an oppurtunity arose, and he siezed it. Dogma pounced at her captor, smashing a large rock into his head. The man's grip loosened on Elizabeth as he put a hand to his face, now bloody from where the rock hit. "GO!" Dogma shouted as he prepared himself to fight the man. There was no way out now.
Brandon says:
He would have to fight the man. Weaponless.

Slush says:
The man fell to the ground, now bleeding from his head and Elizabeth's eyes were wide, what was going on? When he told her to go, she looked at him for a second then she went to his side, placing her hand on his shoulder and smiling gently at him, shaking her head "No...this is my fight too." she told him confidently. She reached into the bow on her dress and handed him the dagger that he'd put
Slush says:
into the desk the previous day, smiling at him still before she turnred to face her father's loyal servant who was now standing up angrily "HOW DARE YOU!!!" he shouted before he reached for the hilt of his sword. She smirked "Finally, a real challenge here!" she said happily, her life had never been so much fun, for she had always suffered alone. Her father walked up to his servant wearing a dark
Slush says:
mask that had a ravens beak on it from the nose, no expression on the part of his face that you could see, the bottom half. He had on a long cloak and dark clothes of a gentleman, a large hat on his head as well. He shook his head at the servant then stood in front of him, smoothly taking his sword out of its hilt "Shall we move this to the school's court, I would have to make a mess of the
Slush says:
hallways..." he said in a soft tone of voice. Just looking at t his man now, you would never guess that it was her father.

Brandon says:
Dogma nodded when she said it was her fight too. She was right. He held his dagger and smiled like he had just run into a long lost friend. "Thanks." He said, then turned to be surprised by the man in the strange mask. He took a step back. "Is this a man we can trust? Or should we try to make a run for it?" He said under his breath so only she could hear him, never letting his eyes stray from the
Brandon says:

Slush says:
Elizabeth looked at the man in the mask for a second, realising who he was by his voice. When Dogma asked the question, she sighed then nodded her head "We accept your challenge!" she said in an enfuriated way as she looked up at the man. A smirk showed on his pale face before he put out his hand as if to tell her to lead the way. She looked at Dogma then smirked and began to walk out to the
Slush says:
school's court yard, her heart quickening 'Can I beat him with the help of Dogma?' she thought just before they reached it.

Brandon says:
Dogma quickly caught up with her. "Who is this man?" He asked her. He didn't want to walk into this blindly. Though he already was in a sense. "And what makes you so sure we can take him? He looks powerful to me."

Slush says:
Elizabeth silently concentrated on her father for a few moments, thinking of a way to answer Dogma's question "Well, you see...this man is --" "Let us begin out battle." her father interrupted before he smiled and held out his sword. It was decorated in a very delicate manner, as if it were created for a king. Elizabeth smirked before she looked at her father calmly, anger in her eyes "What about
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my fighting assistant, all he has is his dagger." she told him in a stunningly evil sounding voice. Her father smiled in a crookid way "A truelly skilled warrior needs nothing more then a small blade, though truelly great ones handle swords. If he is as good as you're thinking he is, then by all means...he should be able to defeat me without any problem." he said in an amused way. Elizabeth tensed
Slush says:
up a little bit, now knowing that her father expected her failure yet again. She nodded "Dogma, do you agree to these terms?" she asked him calmly. If he said no, then her father would hand him his own sword and fight with his fists, he was just that skilled.

Brandon says:
Dogma put on a wicked grin. "Of course I accept. My name is Dogma Amgod! And I will lead my family from poverty by becoming the greatest hunter this world has ever known!" He said quietly at first, then loudly and filled with anger at the end. He gripped his dagger tightly. "Show me what you got, punk." He said to the masked man. He wasn't afraid of a challenge, and he wouldn't back down from one
Brandon says:
if it came from a man like that.

Slush says:
Her father smirked at his little comment, an amused smile on his face now before he bursted out laughing, putting his hands up in the air and looking to the sky before he suddenly became silent, staring at Dogma for a while "You, leading your family from poverty! HA! I laugh at the thought of a mere peasant thinking that he can become higher in rank merely by becoming a hunter! It takes more then
Slush says:
just killing a few things to raise your ranks! It takes a vindictive mind, a truelly mad person to rise in the ranks!!! You don't know anything about life experience, especially when it comes to these things!!!" he said in an angry yet excited sort of way, smiling the whole time. Elizabeth looked down at the ground then back up at her father angrily "Let this battle begin!!!" she shouted angrily
Slush says:
before she smiled confidently. Her father nodded "Of course m'lady! The stakes for a loss are the same as always...you should know them by now." he said before he put his sword straight out and charged at Dogma.

Brandon says:
Dogma snarled. "Your right, you have to sell your soul to the devil first. I forgot." He said with a devilish grin. As the masked man charged at him, he put a fist in front of him, chanting a few words. Instantly a small barrier appeared in front of Dogma. He slowly uncurled his fist, revealing the most important diagrams etched into his hand. He smiled. Their were thirteen in total. A different
Brandon says:
spell for each one. He said some more incantations, and a wave of fire poured out. Dogma readied his blade, then charged the masked man as the fire licked at him.

Slush says:
Her father smiled in a mischevious way and waited for a second as Dogma shot the fire at him, avoiding it at the last second. he quickly snuck behind Dogma and simply did a quick and easy karate chop on his shoulder, causing his arm to go numb {Forgive me again... o.o} a smile on his face the entire time. It was obvious that he was enjoying this, the sick and twisted b*****d. Elizabeth watched
Slush says:
with wide eyes before she took a breath and concentrated, glaring at her father and beginning to chant a spell. She lifted up some of the earth and threw numerous boulders at her father, but he simply sliced through them as if they were butter as he held onto Dogma's active hand. He twisted it behind Dogma's back then chuckled a little bit "You think you can defeat me boy? I've got much more
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experience then you'll ever have, remember...respect your elders and higher ups!" he whispered in Dogma's ear before he jumped away from him, going back to his original half of the playing field as he thought of it.

Brandon says:
Dogma had a shocked look on his face as he crumpled to the ground. He lay there for a moment, waiting for the right time to strike. "Now its your turn." He said to his Beth. Dogma sprung to his feet as the masked man tried to run past him. He uppercutted him with his palm, knocking his mask off, then muttered a few words. "Acid." He said with a small smile, then acid spouted from his palm onto the
Brandon says:
mans face. He screamed in agony, then hit Dogma across the face, knocking him out cold.

Slush says:
Elizabeth watched with a shocked expression on her face, somebody had FINALLY gotten her father in battle and cut off his mask, nobody had ever been capable of that. When acid hit her father's face and he knocked out Dogma, her eyes grew wider and she ran over to Dogma, her father kicking her to the ground "HOW DARE YOU LET HIM DO THIS TO ME!!!" he shouted before he removed his hand from his face
Slush says:
to reaveal the skin slowly melting away. He could heal it with magic, but it was the fact that he had been hit in battle. he smirked then etched a symbol on Dogma's back with the edge of his sword, an evil look on his face the entire time "This should teach him to mess with me!" he said in an insane manner. The symbol on Dogma's back would cause him to feel the same pain for as long as he decided
Slush says:
he should, which would be an eternity. Elizabeth glared at her father "take it back!" she shouted before he pushed her away "Don't you try and control me!" there was a fire in his eyes.

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