(( Yes.. he has his own Logo... ))
Feign Freaire
Well, what to say about Feign. He appears to be about 17-18, though his real age is yet to be decided. He is a pure, white elemental fallen angel, such a long name for a race > <. Anyway.. His has two brothers, well two half brother, Cole and Kovu- to be introduced soon. He is Bisexual.. and a rather big flirt. Like all his brother, he has one blue eye and one green eye, but he doesn't enjoy showing them off.
Personality- (( taken From the Profile I made on Faded Elipse Boarding School ))
They say that Angels are perfect in everyway, it's not to that extent but Being an Angel, Feign fits the bill. He's like a fairy tale prince, of sorts. Kind, light hearted, caring, and sweet. With one of those genuin smiles, that takes peoples breath away. He loves being around people, there isn't too many that he doesn't get along with. He's a leader, outgoing and strong. He isn't all to fond of sports, and prefers the arts rather than running around with people after spherical objects. He's popular, among other things. He's a hard worker, and does well in school. Feign does his best to please everyone and do the best that he can. He tends to do things his own way, on his terms.
Sometimes its a front. He fights with his own mine sometimes. As charming as he is and can be, it's really only half true. Its a good act, and he plays it well, it's amazing that he isn't president of drama. Feign is nice to people, on the outside, but that's about as far as they get. He's been hurt, emotionally, though he'll never let that show, so in turn he keeps people emotionally at a distance, afraid that he might get hurt. He may not be genuin, but his heart is pure, and that has to count for something.
Any other questions, about Feign.. can be answered in his profiles, on any of these RPs.. But the three brother's Profile will be at the bottom...
Current RPs he is in-
Faded Eclipse Bording School
At Water's Edge- Willow's Brook.
~Rainbow Love~ (( though his picture is different ))
[[ He loves Luca.. hah. More then Luca loves him... ]]

(( I just love the close up of him <3 ))
The middle brother and Feign's half brother. 333- only half evil. He and Kovu (( Cole's full brother )) are both half fallen angel and half risen demon.
Cole has classic middle child issues, and loths his " Oh so perfect older brother"
He likes to fight, and is a fire cracker...
He's not as big of a flirt as his older brother, and tends to stay off in the distance...
Everything to him is a game, that he has to win, a puzzle that he has to solve... but he's always up for a little bit of trouble.
He's currently about 16- 17.. and bisexual. He loves the whole bi-colored eye thing.
I‘m a rebel, and I‘m not afraid to say so. I grew up on the streets, so it‘s more or less safe to say that I do what I have to no matter the cost. People would say I‘m a little rough around the edges, unlike my perfect Angel of a Brother. I don‘t enjoy being around people, not large groups anyway. I‘m quiet, because I choose not to talk, and if I do talk, well it‘s usually overly sarcastic and ‘mean‘ I guess is a good word for it. I don’t trust people, but I suppose I have good reason for that, everyone in my life has left, without so much of a trace, so it‘s not so hard to fathom that my trusting skills are less then average. I’ve been told I’m cold, and that my empathetic attitude could use some adjusting… but there is a flip side.
I’m mischievous, I like causing trouble, harmless trouble. I like fighting people, play fights, more mind over brute strength. I’m that kid that really just needs a good friend, and then I suppose it’s all down hill from there. As my ’adoptive father’ would say, I’m like this little puppy, that gets really excited over the littlest things. And that if I ever do smile, the angel in my comes out.
I guess that’s a better way to put it, my angel side, and my demon side. I suppress angel a lot of the time, but it slips through, and he always loved that. He said that when I was looking through the lens of a camera then he could see the silhouette of angel wings, I was being pure, or something, he always said weird things..
Current RPs-
₪ O y n x || O r c h i d || H ii g h ₪ [Yaoi]
Little Lamb Kovu. He is in short Heaven's demonic lamb. He's quiet and kind of clingy. He acts younger then he is, which is about 15-16, ish. He's Bi, like his brothers, and tends to like to stick close to people. He has a demon side, it's rough, and he tends to loose himself when it takes over. So He tries to stay as calm and quiet and Angelic as he can..
Current RPs-
Wanted: One Sweet Kiss~ (( his demonic picture, not as cute ))
Biography- For the three-
Cole side-
Well, I don’t remember much about my past, at all. I didn’t have much of one. Mother was never around, just my brothers, and I never knew my father. I only knew that he wasn’t the same man that fathered Feign, only me and the youngest Brother Kovu. I remember it was touch, we lived in an abandon apartment for some time, my ph so perfect brother Feign always tried to be the boss. Just cause he was the oldest, that all changed when he left.
After Feign was picked up off the street it was just Kovu and I. We were close, the demon in us kept us closer than to out pure bred brother, and we had something that he could never understand, darkness. It annoyed him, I’m sure of it, we just found it cool. I didn’t gain the ability to use the dark magic, unlike the youngest, who has almost full control of them, so I was left with physical and mental strength. Everyday was a fight, both physically and mentally. It was a fight to stay alive, to live on our own. I was just 6 when Feign left, and Kovu, was just 4 years old.
Teen age years were hard on me. Kovu ended up going on his own, when he reached the age of 13. I never saw him again, even right now I don’t know where he is, or even where my oh so perfect brother is. It was easier though, to live on my own, and not have to worry about how my actions could effect the others in my little family of Brothers. I started working odd jobs around the city, one of my favorites was sweeping the floor at an art studio. Sounds odd I know, but one of the local artists started to teach me how to draw and take pictures. He became, something like my adoptive father, though it was never official… he was always there when I needed him, and he never really judged me, even though he knew what I was.
Feign side-
I grew up in a not so nice place, that's probably the biggest understatement of the year. We never really had a home, a perminant one anyway. I too care of my two brothers, Kovu and Cole, both of which I have no idea the location of. I was adopted into a family that found me on the street one day, I was alone, and I suppose they took pity on me. They owned a nice little resturant right in the down town area of a small little town. You know those towns where everybody knows everyone and their sister towns.
I waited tables, which in turn helped the business quite alot. It was a nice job, I met alot of people, and it helped boost self esteam I suppose, my confidence level shot aswell. From the time they found me at age 7, until now, ten years later, that was my life.
I took on many things, when I wasn't busy with helping the family resturant. Painting became my favorite, and music along with that. " mother " well my adoptive mother, she had mentioned one day that she loved the violin, listening to it, and she wished that she herself could play, but she never learned. In wanting to make her happy I took on the little task and started to teach myself how to play the stringed instrument. It made her smile and because of which I was happy.
But of course not all fairy tales have a happy ending. I was playing violin, and well, lets just say that up until now, I was always thought of as human. I didn't want them to know, it was such a pain, having an angel as a son. A fallen white angel. I was practicing violin and painting in my room as I usually did, I wasn't paying much attention, but secrets got out, and rumors started so that was the first night of interigation. They made me show them, well my wings at least, and they made me show them my powers, elemental, nothing special, but they realized that I should no longer be there with them, and that I needed to be somewhere else, with children just like myself, so I was shipped off, to find a new life at a new school.

(( Yes.. he has his own Logo... ))
Feign Freaire
Well, what to say about Feign. He appears to be about 17-18, though his real age is yet to be decided. He is a pure, white elemental fallen angel, such a long name for a race > <. Anyway.. His has two brothers, well two half brother, Cole and Kovu- to be introduced soon. He is Bisexual.. and a rather big flirt. Like all his brother, he has one blue eye and one green eye, but he doesn't enjoy showing them off.
Personality- (( taken From the Profile I made on Faded Elipse Boarding School ))
They say that Angels are perfect in everyway, it's not to that extent but Being an Angel, Feign fits the bill. He's like a fairy tale prince, of sorts. Kind, light hearted, caring, and sweet. With one of those genuin smiles, that takes peoples breath away. He loves being around people, there isn't too many that he doesn't get along with. He's a leader, outgoing and strong. He isn't all to fond of sports, and prefers the arts rather than running around with people after spherical objects. He's popular, among other things. He's a hard worker, and does well in school. Feign does his best to please everyone and do the best that he can. He tends to do things his own way, on his terms.
Sometimes its a front. He fights with his own mine sometimes. As charming as he is and can be, it's really only half true. Its a good act, and he plays it well, it's amazing that he isn't president of drama. Feign is nice to people, on the outside, but that's about as far as they get. He's been hurt, emotionally, though he'll never let that show, so in turn he keeps people emotionally at a distance, afraid that he might get hurt. He may not be genuin, but his heart is pure, and that has to count for something.
Any other questions, about Feign.. can be answered in his profiles, on any of these RPs.. But the three brother's Profile will be at the bottom...
Current RPs he is in-
Faded Eclipse Bording School
At Water's Edge- Willow's Brook.
~Rainbow Love~ (( though his picture is different ))
[[ He loves Luca.. hah. More then Luca loves him... ]]

(( I just love the close up of him <3 ))
The middle brother and Feign's half brother. 333- only half evil. He and Kovu (( Cole's full brother )) are both half fallen angel and half risen demon.
Cole has classic middle child issues, and loths his " Oh so perfect older brother"
He likes to fight, and is a fire cracker...
He's not as big of a flirt as his older brother, and tends to stay off in the distance...
Everything to him is a game, that he has to win, a puzzle that he has to solve... but he's always up for a little bit of trouble.
He's currently about 16- 17.. and bisexual. He loves the whole bi-colored eye thing.
I‘m a rebel, and I‘m not afraid to say so. I grew up on the streets, so it‘s more or less safe to say that I do what I have to no matter the cost. People would say I‘m a little rough around the edges, unlike my perfect Angel of a Brother. I don‘t enjoy being around people, not large groups anyway. I‘m quiet, because I choose not to talk, and if I do talk, well it‘s usually overly sarcastic and ‘mean‘ I guess is a good word for it. I don’t trust people, but I suppose I have good reason for that, everyone in my life has left, without so much of a trace, so it‘s not so hard to fathom that my trusting skills are less then average. I’ve been told I’m cold, and that my empathetic attitude could use some adjusting… but there is a flip side.
I’m mischievous, I like causing trouble, harmless trouble. I like fighting people, play fights, more mind over brute strength. I’m that kid that really just needs a good friend, and then I suppose it’s all down hill from there. As my ’adoptive father’ would say, I’m like this little puppy, that gets really excited over the littlest things. And that if I ever do smile, the angel in my comes out.
I guess that’s a better way to put it, my angel side, and my demon side. I suppress angel a lot of the time, but it slips through, and he always loved that. He said that when I was looking through the lens of a camera then he could see the silhouette of angel wings, I was being pure, or something, he always said weird things..
Current RPs-
₪ O y n x || O r c h i d || H ii g h ₪ [Yaoi]
Little Lamb Kovu. He is in short Heaven's demonic lamb. He's quiet and kind of clingy. He acts younger then he is, which is about 15-16, ish. He's Bi, like his brothers, and tends to like to stick close to people. He has a demon side, it's rough, and he tends to loose himself when it takes over. So He tries to stay as calm and quiet and Angelic as he can..
Current RPs-
Wanted: One Sweet Kiss~ (( his demonic picture, not as cute ))
Biography- For the three-
Cole side-
Well, I don’t remember much about my past, at all. I didn’t have much of one. Mother was never around, just my brothers, and I never knew my father. I only knew that he wasn’t the same man that fathered Feign, only me and the youngest Brother Kovu. I remember it was touch, we lived in an abandon apartment for some time, my ph so perfect brother Feign always tried to be the boss. Just cause he was the oldest, that all changed when he left.
After Feign was picked up off the street it was just Kovu and I. We were close, the demon in us kept us closer than to out pure bred brother, and we had something that he could never understand, darkness. It annoyed him, I’m sure of it, we just found it cool. I didn’t gain the ability to use the dark magic, unlike the youngest, who has almost full control of them, so I was left with physical and mental strength. Everyday was a fight, both physically and mentally. It was a fight to stay alive, to live on our own. I was just 6 when Feign left, and Kovu, was just 4 years old.
Teen age years were hard on me. Kovu ended up going on his own, when he reached the age of 13. I never saw him again, even right now I don’t know where he is, or even where my oh so perfect brother is. It was easier though, to live on my own, and not have to worry about how my actions could effect the others in my little family of Brothers. I started working odd jobs around the city, one of my favorites was sweeping the floor at an art studio. Sounds odd I know, but one of the local artists started to teach me how to draw and take pictures. He became, something like my adoptive father, though it was never official… he was always there when I needed him, and he never really judged me, even though he knew what I was.
Feign side-
I grew up in a not so nice place, that's probably the biggest understatement of the year. We never really had a home, a perminant one anyway. I too care of my two brothers, Kovu and Cole, both of which I have no idea the location of. I was adopted into a family that found me on the street one day, I was alone, and I suppose they took pity on me. They owned a nice little resturant right in the down town area of a small little town. You know those towns where everybody knows everyone and their sister towns.
I waited tables, which in turn helped the business quite alot. It was a nice job, I met alot of people, and it helped boost self esteam I suppose, my confidence level shot aswell. From the time they found me at age 7, until now, ten years later, that was my life.
I took on many things, when I wasn't busy with helping the family resturant. Painting became my favorite, and music along with that. " mother " well my adoptive mother, she had mentioned one day that she loved the violin, listening to it, and she wished that she herself could play, but she never learned. In wanting to make her happy I took on the little task and started to teach myself how to play the stringed instrument. It made her smile and because of which I was happy.
But of course not all fairy tales have a happy ending. I was playing violin, and well, lets just say that up until now, I was always thought of as human. I didn't want them to know, it was such a pain, having an angel as a son. A fallen white angel. I was practicing violin and painting in my room as I usually did, I wasn't paying much attention, but secrets got out, and rumors started so that was the first night of interigation. They made me show them, well my wings at least, and they made me show them my powers, elemental, nothing special, but they realized that I should no longer be there with them, and that I needed to be somewhere else, with children just like myself, so I was shipped off, to find a new life at a new school.

The name I was given:
Yuuki Shiro
I am:
Looks to be about 16, but as to his real age, that has yet to be decided.
I was born a:
What I like:
My breed is:
Full Elemental White Fallen Angel
I act:
Outgoing and relaxed. I'm a bit hyper, and tend to talk alot. I'm not as composed as I should be, and tend to act younger then I really am. But then again who wants to act like they are 130 something.. not me.. I'm not afraid of anything, and I like a good challenge every now and again. I'm always searching for some way to get better.
My life's story:
It's probably really cheese to say that, the only reason I'm here is because of this boy that changed my life. I didn't have a perminant home, none of us really did. So it was wandering around from place to place, in a very large crowded city. You'd think that people would want to keep angelic children, isn't that was every parent asks for, ' I wish my child was an Angel..', Hah.. well when they get one, they're less then excited.. at least that's how my mother was.
I found a group of kids soon after, there were three of them. One was just like me, the others were his half brothers, but they don't play into the connection of this story. Feign, was a year older then I was, and he found me, or rather we bumped into each other, one day on the street. And since that day, we were the best of friends, for it's easy to bond with someone that's in the same exact boat as you are..
Feign played everything. I don't think that there was an instrument that he was bad at, but his favorite was the violin. It was his number one source of money, playing on the street, I would always watch in silent amazement, for he played, well, like an angel. But this time wouldn't last forever. A family, on vacaton came up to the boy, as he played, and they took him in, adopted him. So one day, he vanished and I never saw him again.
I told myself that I was going to learn an instrument, so that I could play as well as him, and maybe through music I would be able to find him again. So I started to learn, any instrument that I could get ahold of, which in this case was a large golden harp. It was located in the back room of an art museum. Feign's brother, Cole started to work there, and had mentioned it once, when I had come across him again. So every day, him and I would go there, him to do his job, and me to practice my music. I became, one of the back grond artist, and sometimes I think people liked watching me play more then looking at the art work. I was scouted, and asked alot of questions, when the scout said that I should attend a music school, and that he'd pay the way. So the next morning I was sent here, and that's where I've been ever since.
What I play the most:
Come and listen
I play the:
Harp (( I've played everything, but still this is my favorite and most accomplished. Piano, is next, and Violin, but as sad as it is, I prefer not to play that....))
I like:
Rainy days.
Playing music- The Harp.
Making people smile.
Watching people's faces, when they watch someone play an instrument.
Being outside.
I don't like:
Sitting still.
Being inside.
Out of tune instruments.
Obnoxious giggly girls.
Artificial orange flavor.
Being alone.