Tears of blood you see
They are dropping from me
All the way to the ground
In them my lonliness i found
In the blood is the mirror of you
I can't stop thinking about what i shall do
If i shall stay in life here
Or die and go there
You wonder where the death can be
Look in my tears of blood and you will see
The lonliness i feel
In my heart of steel
In my tears of blood i see you
My heart is asking me what i shall do
If i'm gonna go home to you
Or stay and cut me as i use to do
In the tears of blood i see her face
Is she the goal in my life Race
In the tears of blood i can see the love to you
Breaking as a mirror when you said no
In the tears of blood i see you laughting at me
Telling it wasen't ever ment to be we
Love is like a game
In the heart of flame