I love switching lives from the real world to gaia -^^- and visa-versa So...im actually going to my first day of college next week...u gatta be kindding me right? ONLY a WEEK left?!? it's amazing really. I never expected time to fly by so soon. I remember my first day of highschool with my bestest buddies lawren, braelyn, keely, jessica M and W. The original 6 i guess i could call us back from middle school entering this new campus, this new world. Who wouldve known so much would change in the next 4 years to come. How many hearts would break? How many days of laughter we would share..together? I find it truely amazing how fast time really flew. *sigh* it's...amazing... I started with 6 and ended up with 8 at the end of my highschool chapter of life. Sure i losts some friends like my best friend jessica M, to new motherhood side of life (A part of life that caught me off guard) but i made some new friends too like britt, milly, mattchu and trentkun. They completed my school friends on 9 that i ended with. I started highschool with a mere crush and ended it with my soul mate. Interesting huh? Im shocked. And now that highschool ened more friend will be leaving me..like my best friend lawren...i cant believe shes...actually...might be... NO...i dont want to think about it. Thinking about it will just awaken that pain in my heart again. I'd rather..think about the days we have together now...what can we do tomorrow together..what can we do tomorrow with All of us together. All of my friends.. Now just like highschool.. i'll start my new college life with 7 friends, braelyn,lawren,keely,milly,britt,mattchu and trentkun, and my soul mate. I wonder...when i graduate college..what will be my friend number then? What have my relationship with the one i am now become? Who will have a baby? Who will get married? Who will be standing by my side? When i receive my 4 year college diploma in my hand?...
Vampiric_roze · Wed Aug 20, 2008 @ 05:02am · 0 Comments |